Staking Question!!
hello thanks in advance for your thoughts,,,,,,,,,,,, Hello, so i have a bankroll i play and went in on this bankroll with guy right,,,,, me 60%,,,,,,,,,,,, so i win a satty to play a tourney! instead of playing this tourney i sell the seat for the bankroll 6/4! here's the negotiations i get the cash he gets the seat,,,,,,,, pretty simple,,,,,,,,,,,,, the seat is transfered and i get the cash,,,,,,,,,,,, so the deal is done! i am chatting with this guy, were talking about the tourney and whatever else, guy says u know what im going to be nice im going to give u a sweat 5% ,,,,,,,,,, i say i would take that thank you! extra thanks! long story short the guy does well and i have some $ coming my way, now here is the question! do i get all of the 5% sweat or do i put this cash in the roll 6/4!
i mean im kinda thinkin all me,,,,,,,,,,,, if im doing yard work for a client and am being paid by a boss, and i do a good job on the clients yard and the client decides to tip me , then i keep the tip right, this is one example,,,,,,,,,,,, what do yall think is fair and the right thing to do
1 Reply
"u know what im going to be nice im going to give u a sweat 5%"
As stated he offered to Give YOU the mention of the ongoing deal. Keep it simple as there's really only 2 optiona...Its Yours or its for the package.