Looking for company - MTT Low & Mid Stakes

Looking for company - MTT Low & Mid Stakes

Hey folks,

we - both in the mid 30s with kids - just started to study a few weeks ago.
We are looking for company.
We both have tight scheduelles.

Our approach:

- Having a group of 4-6 and beeing able to have a regular option for exchange. (No fix dates, more on demand)

- Getting used to work with solvers, PT, Flopzilla, or similar tools -> developing a common reviewing routine

- Getting the fundamentals right ...and...

- learning to think the game (range contruction, sizes, frequencies) with a focus on flop strategy

- Diving deep into PKO strategy

When you are interssted in becoming a player in Low and Midstakes ( 11-55$)
and you are at least breaking even in micros, feel free to add me via discord:

Cheers Max

07 March 2024 at 02:36 PM