Microstakes Study Group 2nl-25nl
What You Can Find in the Discord:
*Live Study Sessions: Join our interactive study sessions where we review hand histories, discuss strategies, and analyze gameplay together.
*Winning Player Insights: Learn from experienced players who share their insights, tips, and techniques to help you elevate your poker skills.
*Resource Sharing: Access a wealth of curated resources including articles, videos, and tools to deepen your understanding of poker theory and practice.
*Friendly Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, ask questions, and engage in constructive discussions in a supportive environment.
Why Join Our Discord:
*Free Access: Our Discord group is free to join, providing valuable resources and networking opportunities without any cost.
*Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest strategies, trends, and developments in the poker world through our regular discussions and events.
*Networking Opportunities: Build connections with players of varying skill levels, share experiences, and collaborate to enhance your overall gaming experience.
Drop your Discord here or PM is fine. GL at the tables!
Can I be added? Discord is:
Can I be added ?
Discord - camelcrush1
I play 5nl zoom. looking for a group where we can keep each other accountable to study.
Hello i just started to play poker, but i am willing to work hard to improve asap.
Discord - 236eg2eg2e26
Can you add me
Discord - muffiniwnl
Can I be added ?
Discord - camelcrush1
I play 5nl zoom. looking for a group where we can keep each other accountable to study.
Hello i just started to play poker, but i am willing to work hard to improve asap.
Discord - 236eg2eg2e26
Discord - GregTheAlien
discord: trashcanfly
Would love to join !
Would love to join: deekaybeee
I would like to join also! dc: _dragonslayer_6
Would like a invite as well! discord: topferharald
Can i get an invite pls. a.george
I'd like to join if possible please? Discord song4sunset
i'm intrested
discord username: spyder04491
I'd love to join if there is space. trevor0561
What You Can Find in the Discord:
*Live Study Sessions: Join our interactive study sessions where we review hand histories, discuss strategies, and analyze gameplay together.
*Winning Player Insights: Learn from experienced players who share their insights, tips, and techniques to help you elevate your poker skills.
*Resource Sharing: Access a wealth of curated resources including articles, videos, and tools to deepen your understanding of poker theory and practice.
*Friendly Communit
Can I join ? Discord Sstefan
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Hi, i would like to join. I've been grinding for a while.