Looking for a group

Looking for a group

I play online NLHE MTTs as a sidehustle as I am currently in university for another year before getting my four year long bachelor degree. I'm turning 22 this month. I started playing in 2020 and have played about 4-5k MTTs at this point. I'm looking to make an attempt to play poker full-time as my primar income after graduation.

I have an abi of about $15-20 and have an avg roi off about 25-30%. So I'm a fairly decent player. I've noticed that I often come across scenarios where balling ideas and thoughts with other like-minded would be valuable for both strategy and other poker related things. Having another set of eyes and perspective on things.

Send me a friend request on discord if interested in having a chat: bajkee02


06 May 2024 at 07:35 AM