Midstakes cash reg transitioning to mtts looking for study partner
Hello, I’ve been an online cash reg for 7 years playing up to 1knl.
Currently working with a high end mtt coach to speed up the transition and fix some of the more common leaks I have as a cash reg playing mtts.
My ambition is to play HS mtts by next year.
I’d like to have someone to study with that’s equally motivated/ambitious and plays similar stakes.
My strengths obviously mostly lies in postflop stuff as I’ve played cash for years and have done extensive work with mostly PIO throughout the years.
Areas I need most work done is preflop stuff, PKO nuances and ICM.
If you’re interested send a message here or dm
1 Reply
Hey there,
I’ve been playing poker full-time for about a year, focusing on both cash games (mostly 100NL and occasionally taking shots at 200NL) and mainly MTTs. I play in a geo-locked Canadian pool with an average buy-in of $25 to $30, and I have an average ROI of 30 to 35%.
To be honest, I expect you are far ahead of me in terms of understanding poker and its nuances, but I'm really serious and motivated to improve my game. Please let me know if you’re still interested. My Discord ID is Rainrise.