Mattress and Bedding Thread

Mattress and Bedding Thread

After sleeping on a horrible mattress for the past month, and realizing how crazy it is that I spend about 1/3 of my life on my mattress, I've realized I should probably invest in a nice one. I've spent the last 15 minutes googling around and I haven't found any site that seems to give a completely impartial review and/or explaination of what i should be looking for.

So, EDF, let's have at it. I'm looking for anything I need to know about mattresses, bedding -- mattress, sheets, frame, whatever. I'm sure there are some knowledgeable people out there. By the way, does it seem ridiculous that people balk at spending 2500 on a matress, but will spend 35k on a ****ty bmw with no sweat?

If this thread has been done before, I'm sorry.


14 July 2008 at 07:19 AM