TV: what have you been watching?
I think The Walking Dead may be the best drama thats currently airing/in production.
There, I said it.
Just finished the latest True Detective. What a mess. Was it the water? The town? Dead people? Crazy science gone wrong? They just tossed the kitchen sink into this one. I'm not sure what Jodie Foster was thinking taking this role. I'm guessing she got paid really well. Hope so. Would not recommend.
Documentary on the 1998 WSOP, narrated by John Hurt.
3 Body Problem was wild...with a truly horrifying event in episode 5
Lately, I have become obsessed with reaction videos. Zoomers reacting to the Beatles, Opera singers reacting to Janis Joplin, Black people reacting to Bill Burr or the Bee Gees... sometimes You-Tube is like a rabbit hole, you can fall in and never reach the end of it..
calling it a tube is not coincidence
Aye, I was hooked on professional singers/voice coaches reactions for a while, especially to the singer Dimash.
Recently it's been Americans learning or watching the best of sports - football, cricket, rugby, snooker.
Also find any food reaction ones kinda interesting. 'Tribes People React' is very sweet.
i can't stand that genre unless it's children trying to make a call with a rotary phone because then the reaction is real or when it's someone who's legitimately at the top of their field and thus has insights I would value, like seeing dave grohl talk about the drumline of a hit song carries a lot more weight and meaning to me to a professional youtube who used to play in a cover band at bars on Friday evenings
most of it is faked and exaggerated in my opinion
things like "professional voice coaches" reacting to songs every person on earth has heard at least 100 times and pretending to be unfamiliar with it
now people are requesting I react to this band called the beatles which I've never heard of before
i'd appreciate it more if they just called it what it really was, analysis, but for whatever reason "reaction" is the zeitgeist so they dress up the analysis as a reaction
Believe it or not, there are millions of millennials and zoomers that have never actually heard much or any of the music produced by the great bands of the 60's and 70's, including The Beatles. Just like there were many among my contemporaries (those born 1960 - 1970) who had not even a faint idea who Louis Armstrong was and knew (and know to this day) very little about Big Band music, Jazz, or folk music.
i can't stand that genre unless it's children trying to make a call with a rotary phone because then the reaction is real or when it's someone who's legitimately at the top of their field and thus has insights I would value, like seeing dave grohl talk about the drumline of a hit song carries a lot more weight and meaning to me to a professional youtube who used to play in a cover band at bars on Friday evenings
most of it is faked and exaggerated in my opinion
things like "professional voice coac
I agree completely and have complained/posted about this before. I like analysis, and I like channels like Every Frame a Painting or Kogonada's film analysis before he made his own movies.
But somebody reacting to "Stairway to Heaven" like they have been living under a rock for thirty years. Just go ahead and analyze it.
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I did not expect this guy to sound like he did.
New Taskmaster (episodes are usually released on Fridays)
I knew I should've given up on 3 Body Problem after the first episode...what a waste of time that was. Apparently this show cost $20m per episode, and I have to wonder where that money went. It certainly wasn't on competent actors lol. Even a lot of the cgi felt cheap. I have to think the showrunners pocketed a huge chunk of it, otherwise I just don't get it.
Lately, I have become obsessed with reaction videos. Zoomers reacting to the Beatles, Opera singers reacting to Janis Joplin, Black people reacting to Bill Burr or the Bee Gees... sometimes You-Tube is like a rabbit hole, you can fall in and never reach the end of it..
agreed, I LOVE this dude:
Broken YouTube Linkadjusted for inflation the '83 main event with 108 runners would have a $31k buy in with almost $1.7 to the winner
2nd Task had me rolling. Shaping up to be a great series
It would be cool if they could get some more American comedians on there.
OG Twitch Hot Tub streamer
Wazup with this!