Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays

Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays

When an interviewer told Mr. Heller that he had never written anything as good as ''Catch-22,'' the author shot back, ''Who has?''

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22 January 2014 at 03:17 PM

404 Replies


Anybody remember the "Laura Palmer was Bored to Death" T-shirts and bumper stickers? Always made me chuckle 😀

Broken YouTube Link

by REDeYeS00 k

the night of the tyson douglas fight coincided with a huge house party in let us valley california hosted by a couple of local growers

only remembered because i shared the next 24 hours with a woman first met there

started dating and two months later, four days before i turned 21, Twin Peaks debuted and we watched it together on the living room tv belonging to her correctional officer father, whose entire sun porch contained wire racks filled with pirated vhs recordings of video store rentals

her m

I can't tell if you're expressing gratitude or indignation.

في حال كنت قد سئمت من تجربة الكازينو المعتادة على الإنترنت، فإن

توفر لك تغييراً منعشاً. فتنوع الألعاب وسهولة الاستخدام يخلق بيئة يسهل الاستمتاع بها. الأمر لا يتعلق فقط باللعب - بل بتجربة تبدو مخصصة ومصممة حسب تفضيلاتك. بالتأكيد تستحق الاستكشاف.

by chillrob k

I can't tell if you're expressing gratitude or indignation.

why not both? 😃
