Talk About Movies: Part 4
Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.
Oscar noms are kinda meh.
I keep reading such disparate reviews of Emelia Perez. Some saying it's great and others saying it's excreable. Anyone here see it?
James Cameron loved it, said he's watched it multiple times. I haven't seen it yet. My brother loved it. My best friend said he enjoyed all of it EXCEPT the music lol Remember when The Artist won all those years ago? Feels like the same discourse.
I have also rewatched it recently and loved it as much as my first viewing. That being said, Warrior might be my favorite - which I have watched for the third time recently. I have been on a boxing/MMA movie viewing spree over the past few months, and outside of your standard Rocky 1, 2 and Rocky Balboa and Creed 1 and 2 of the worlds, Raging Bull was better upon my 2nd viewing (and 25 odd years later), I have a soft spot for the more mediocre South Paw and Cinderella Story.
Have you seen Diggstown?
really love the 90s cheese meta of the thread lately
i love how the guy clearly took a fall and yet he was like "ok a bet is a bet" lolololol
I watched the first half of this movie a while ago and bailed out because it seemed absurd. Those muscial numbers in the video give you an idea what you need to endure to watch this movie. I'm more of a fan of realistic movies. I will try to finish it since it got nominations and all. The actors do try and take it seriously.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'll never make it through this.
I watched the first half of this movie a while ago and bailed out because it seemed absurd. Those muscial numbers in the video give you an idea what you need to endure to watch this movie. I'm more of a fan of realistic movies. I will try to finish it since it got nominations and all. The actors do try and take it seriously.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'll never make it through this.
In a different year, it would be sweeping the Razzies. The Oscars are becoming a parody of themselves.
I cannot believe that clip is real. Wow.
I would rather see the Bills win the next 5 Super Bowls than ever watch 5 minutes of that movie.
Me too!
In a different year, it would be sweeping the Razzies. The Oscars are becoming a parody of themselves.
I just read the Slate article on this one. Hey, middle America, Mexican citizens, and the trans community all hate it, along with people who love musicals, whatÂ’s not to like?
What could be next, a wildly inaccurate biopic about a gay black musician traveling in the 1960s South, and HAHAHA, sorry, the hero is his racist Italian bodyguard from Philly who teaches him how to eat KFC?
I'm now gonna look back at recent Oscar winners and determine the exact year when the Oscars were ruined.
hm, I'll go with 2016, right around there.
I'm now gonna look back at recent Oscar winners and determine the exact year when the Oscars were ruined.
hm, I'll go with 2016, right around there.