I've Got the World on a Spring: Lounge LC Thread
Here 'tis.
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cronyism ˈ/kroʊ.ni.ɪzm/
The first thing that came to mind when I saw the bridge accident was the Coronado Bridge. The San Diego Naval station is behind the Coronado bridge. Meaning all you have to do is blow the bridge to trap the US fleet in the harbor. Except they designed the bridge parts to float so that if it ever did go down they could be brushed aside with a tugboat. That always struck me as a smart and interesting innovation.
Enough about bridges. IT"S OPENING DAY!!!!!!!!!!! I epect to be fully engrossed for at least 2 weeks until my White Sox are mathematically eliminated. Nobody expects much of them but I am always hopeful and optomistic. Have a couple of very long shot tickets on them because if they do somehow win I need to be paid 😀
Seems too early for opening day. Here's the weather forecast for the next ten days near Boston: high temp of 50. Most days mid-forties. Rain about half the days. This is no weather for baseball.
I think it will be fun to watch the Red Sox/ White Sox race to the bottom.
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Seems too early for opening day. Here's the weather forecast for the next ten days near Boston: high temp of 50. Most days mid-forties. Rain about half the days. This is no weather for baseball.
I think it will be fun to watch the Red Sox/ White Sox race to the bottom.
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Both of the early games have already been "rained out". So we have to wait unti late afternnon for any action.
Play Ball!
How come Easter hasn't become more commercialized over the years? How come there isn't now corporate, neon bunnies and mass hysteria everywhere? Why is that?
big christian funneling money towards other orientations
We need some new Gods! All the old ones are incompetent.
I'd nominate Zeno, but wouldn't want him to take a demotion.
Anxiously awaiting MrBaseball's traditional Friday plans for drinking tonight.
Me? I'm trying to lay off the stuff for a week or so after drinking last Friday and Tuesday. I have come to realize I'm not a kid any longer.
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About to head out to drink beer and watch the Thunderbirds fly around.
Ehhh, no plans. But it should be a Good Friday 😀 Will probably have a beer or two with dinner and then who knows. Thankfully I don't have to subject myself to seeing the White Sox get shut out again on a meager 3 hits until tomorrow. At least the pitching looked good. Probably surf around a few of the games I have bets on and maybe sip on some gin based cocktails.
Watching Houston/Duke game. 23-22 at the half. Both teams missing all sorts of shots, but the defense for both is unbelievably good.
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On the other hand, I will be voting for Biden's policies although I haven't seen proof of Biden's crimes, but maybe I've missed it.
I don't follow politics. Is this bit about Biden's crimes a Fox News thing, or is there a list of them somewhere?
I do follow Zeno in all matters, however, and just found a great deal on 12 ga. #2.
I don't follow politics. Is this bit about Biden's crimes a Fox News thing, or is there a list of them somewhere?
Most politians are crooked on both sides. But Biden is undergoing major congressional inquiry with lots of seemingly real and convincing evidence about money laundering and influence peddling as part of his impeachment inquiry.
does monumental emolumentary evidence sound familiar?
Most politians are crooked on both sides. But Biden is undergoing major congressional inquiry with lots of seemingly real and convincing evidence about money laundering and influence peddling as part of his impeachment inquiry.
I found this about it.
I have trouble taking it seriously.
It's not at all serious. It's BS
Alphonse D'Amato, the Republican leader in the Whitewater impeachment hearings against Bill Clinton, was asked by Clinton, "You know this is all bullshit, Al?"
To which he replied, "Yeah, but we need to make it look good."
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Honestly, I would consider the entire Congress a bad joke if they weren't destroying the country.
I forgot that today was Easter and have nothing prepared.
I guess it works, but think of somebody whose heart stops and is resuscitated. Still the same person. So Jesus just had a heart attack that lasted a day and a half, maybe close to two days, depending on when he resuscitated.
Still the same Jesus. Definitely not a zombie. I mean he hung out another 4O days before taking off again for heaven. Now we are all waiting for him to show up again.
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My niece is a nurse who works at a hospital that cares for children and adolescents with severe behavioral issues and autism. Yesterday they had the Easter Bunny come to the hospital.
One kid, seventeen years old and autistic, ran up saying, "I knew you were real."
I think that's heartwarming.
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