Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays
When an interviewer told Mr. Heller that he had never written anything as good as ''Catch-22,'' the author shot back, ''Who has?''
Donald Sutherland, 88
Maybe my most favorite actor ever. I still do that weird whistle he does in Kelly's Heroes. I saw it it when I was 10 and it began a life-long love of all roles by Sutherland. Just a brilliant actor.
Donald Sutherland, 88
Maybe my most favorite actor ever. I still do that weird whistle he does in Kelly's Heroes. I saw it it when I was 10 and it began a life-long love of all roles by Sutherland. Just a brilliant actor.
He was a incredible scene stealer. I never watched a movie he was in and wished that he had a smaller role.
I still do his weird whistle from Kelly's Heroes to this day.
did he do a whistle in Kelly's Heroes? Or just the dog barks? Am I conflating it with MASH?
RIP Donald Sutherland. He was always great. My first memory of him was from The Dirty Dozen. When he impersonated the general it was hilarious.
I thought I remembered whistle in Kelly's Heroes, but may have also conflated. Remember the dog barks for sure.
Plus, he just drives 'em. Doesn't know what makes them go.
On a side note, Kelly's Heroes was on when I got home a couple weeks ago, and in the final scenes, so I watched through. Noticed for the first time, in the many times I'd watched, that Harry Dean Stanton is credited as just Dean Stanton.
I think Kelly's Heroes was dog barks.
Watching Kelly's Heroes right now!
every line of this scene was quoted to memory with my stoner friends
Kinky Friedman, quite the character, at 79.
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Ride 'em Jewboy!
Martin Mull, comic genius, actor....80
Damn. What an amazingly funny guy.
This is the first thing I ever heard him do...
Sad about Martin Mull. Always enjoyed his humor.
Heard last night that former major-leaguer Orlando Cepeda died.
not just Martin Mull, but the Baby Bull Orlando Cepeda
he was 86ed yesterday less than two weeks after Say Hey
not sure if willingly but 24 and 30 both assist on the greatest giant triple play