Rating of players for Staking

Rating of players for Staking

The investing in to a poker player for stake in a particular tournament is becoming bigger and bigger.

There is a need of Poker Player Rating for investing purpose is needed to guide investors expectations.

IMHO these are some of the guiding criteria.

1, Players Honesty :
*There are many instances where players sells more than 100%.
* Sometimes refuses to pay ( I can remember atleast 2 players from Florida had bad reputation.

2, Reporting:
There are some tournaments where there is no live coverage and it’s impossible to get updates. ( In those instances some good players reports their progress on tweeter (X) or any other way. Many players completely ignores.

3, Multiple Flights & Multiple Bullets:
There are many tournaments with multiple starting days and multiple rebuys.
Many good players let their investors know if they were knocked out and they are on 2 nd or 3rd bullets etc.

There may be other information to make staking more trustable experience.

If you have any suggestions please share.


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09 February 2024 at 01:50 PM

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