Last Longer $100 2025 WSOP Mystery Million Event 1

Last Longer $100 2025 WSOP Mystery Million Event 1

Planning to put togather a Last Longer contest for 2025 WSOP event # 1 “Mystery Million “.

If enough interest will start

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27 February 2025 at 05:16 PM

6 Replies

Here are some guidelines I used last 3 times when I ran a successful and fun full pool .

If you have to add anything to improve everyone’s experience, please feel free to post suggestions.

Here are rules guidelines for Pool:
We can modify if there is a need .

Last Longer WSOP 2025 Event #1 $1000 Mystery Million $100 Pool.

Rules to Join :

1, Must enter for self only. (You cant enter on behalf of some other player).

2,Winner takes all .

3,In order to win ,Player must reach* and cash on day 2 or better.
If no pool particepant reaches day 2, every one will be refunded.

4, Winner will be decided by last man standing from Last Longer Pool Particepants, according to WSOP 2025' Event #1 Mystery Million's official result.

5,You Decide how many flights you will play
A,*Single specific flights Entry $100
B, **Any Multiple Flight Entry $130
For Example If I will be entering only Flight A on May 27th . In order for me to qualify I must have my name listed under "official End of the day Flight A chip count"
** If you listed and paid as multiple flight player, doesnt matter under which flight you made day 2 .

6, Pool entry fee must be paid in advance through Pay Pal or Zelle. Must Remit funds by May 26th or Earlier as Flight 1A is on May 27th. Please check for any fees being chaged. Please make sure to remit Net $100.

7, No profesional please. Pool organizer can refuse any entree if he thinks player is Profetional or hard to deal with . Pool is open for recreational player.

8, Winner will be responsible for any tax liability for winning.

9, in an emmergency player can back out of the pool even after paying but before 5 PM on May 26th. In such case his/her contribution will be refunded.

10, I will publish list of particepance (2+2 handlename)by 7PM on May 26th 2025. Name of every one making day 2 will be publish with 2+2 handle alongwith their Real name so every participant can follow .
riverph7 is online

If you are joining the pool with single specific flight, if need to rebuy in same flight it will considered same flight entry as each flight will allow 1 rebuy .

A post from “Beef714” in WSOP $1,000 Mystery Millions thread:

“ I'll be there the May 28th - June 13th so I will probably play. LL buy-in ($100)? 1st bullet only or does each re-entry need a new LL entry?”

Here is your answer :

You Decide how many flights you will play

A,*Single specific flights Entry $100

B, **Any Multiple Flight Entry $130
(covering all 5 flights)

River, what dates are you going to be in Vegas this summer?

★ Recommended Post
by VincentVega k

River, what dates are you going to be in Vegas this summer

1st trip:Will be reaching on 30th May and probably staying till June 11th.

Playing Flight 1E of Mystery Million on 31st May.

2nd trip June16th to June 27th.
