Kalthorr owes me $5k.
Hoped I never had to post this but not really left with any choice, bit of a long post but I've tried to add as much context as I can to the situation.
Started speaking to Kalthorr about 3 years ago on twitch and discord and talked about poker, sports and other topics quite regularly, always knew he was a sick degen but he's always put volume in and printed money through poker so its never been a huge problem and he was never a shady character that stole money from people to my knowledge. I lent him $1k in 2020 back when he grinded 100ff on party which was pretty stupid at the time but he paid it back with no problems.
Fast forward to late 2021 I've needed to borrow some money after putting most my bankroll into crypto and a couple months of breaking even, I asked if I could borrow $3k and have it paid back in about 3 months and he sent it over the same weekend, 3 months ended up being about 6 months but I paid him back eventually, he says he lent out around $15k at around the same time and I was the only person to pay him back, not sure how true this is but that's what he told me.
Fast forward again to September 2022 and he says he needs to borrow $3-5k which seemed odd considering it wasn't long ago he binked $50k in the GG masters and his bankroll challenge seemed to be flying, but I know he's a degen that burns through money so I'm not really surprised. He goes on to say he's crushing at the tables and people are throwing 4 figures at him for coaching but he's had a lot of money going out so needs a little bit extra to play poker with, I tell him I'm not in a position to lend money out as I'm down from crypto and don't really want to cash any of it out until I'm in profit. He messages me again after his stream after he dropped $5k in a day seeming quite desperate and said he'll be playing 50k+ hands a week and should be paid back in 2-3 weeks so I decided to do him a favour and lend him $5k hoping it would be paid back in 2-3 weeks like he said. Based of the fact I've spoke to him for about 3 years and know he's swapped action with people and never heard anyone say he owes them money and he paid me back $1k a couple year ago I felt like I could trust him considering its only 25bi's at 200nl and I know he can put in a tonne of volume when he needs to, so it wouldn't make much sense for him to throw his reputation out the window when he could easily make it back through grinding, coaching and whatever he can make from streaming.
A week goes by and I haven't seen him in the 200rnc pool but give him the benefit of the doubt as I know he goes off radar from time to time and comes back and puts in a tonne of volume, drop him a message and give it a few days and he doesn't reply, 10 days since I lent him $5k and I'm starting to get pissed that he hasn't replied or put in any volume so I send him another message hoping he'd actually make an effort. 2 days later I see someone posting in Kalthorr's discord server that he's also owed $2k and Kalthorr has been ghosting him aswell and ignoring him in chat at 200rnc and avoiding him at the tables, after messaging him and finding out more it becomes pretty obvious he hasn't got much intention of paying any of us back. Gave it another couple weeks to see if he'd respond to any of my messages or anything in his discord server or the previous post made about him but still nothing. I don't know if he plans to eventually pay the money that he owes but the more time that goes by the less likely it seems, he's had more than enough time to atleast respond to any messages.
I have screenshots of our conversations on discord for further proof if needed.