Shaun Johnston, Big Slicks PP app SCAMMER

Shaun Johnston, Big Slicks PP app SCAMMER

Hi all
This is a post written 12 months too late
I’m not usually the guy to go public with a problem but I’ve been completely backed into a corner.
I first dealt with Shaun Johnston on the PP poker app about 14-15 months ago.
The initial period was incident free and any payouts were paid to me without stress.
However this changed when I won £3.2k on the app (the amount verified by him in the messages)
This is we’re the problems started, firstly I was told to wait a week to get his banks sorted.
Second it was I had to wait on people to pay him.
Finally it was that he was broke.
This has been a constant loop for the past year and I have constantly been lied to, ignored or insulted every time I would bring up the idea of going public.
I would like to publicly warn anyone from dealing with Shaun Johnston, as he is not to be trusted and is a serial liar.
He has gone to extreme lengths to try and tarnish my name, claimed I had been paid, claim I had lost the money on the tables only to go completely back on himself and try and set a payment plan with the caveat that I remove any public post about him. He has offered payment plans on numerous occasions with none of them being honoured for a single payment.
I have learnt since that Shaun owes a fair few other people money and I am hoping this post can reach some of those people and hopefully can be some help.
Shaun has now blocked my number and refuses to speak to me.
This post is cross posted to Facebook where I have included screenshots of our conversation. These can be found on Fatdog poker and on the bubble.
I have quite a long history in the poker world and have many people who would vouch I am a decent, honest trustworthy part of the community.
Appreciate anyone who wishes to speak out.

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06 July 2023 at 03:48 PM

1 Reply

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Tom, was this resolved in the end? Congrats on being the first to be public on this. Not easy when I have seen first hand how he reacts to any sort of aggression or threat to be public.

I hope you were able to find a resolution.

I've personally been owed £20k+ for over three years. My phone records dont go back further but i was involved in the original Big Slick games (my username was pkr_kickofff). For me it wasnt worth the stress of making a huge scene and didnt know about these forums, but i wish id seen your posts sooner, so i could add my experience and help stop others from being scammed too.

Hoping your exposure and that of Charlies will help put an end to him benefitting from anything to do with the BPS & the UK Poker Room. He should have no future in the industry!

