**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)**
Please read carefully.
This thread is for leaving NEGATIVE feedback for transactions originating in any forum within the Marketplace group. Post here only when you feel confident the matter can't be resolved with your transaction partner/stakee/backer.
Info to include in your post
1) 2+2 screen name.
2) Poker site name(s). Please.
3) AOL IM, emails, city, etc. Phone numbers, street addresses, photos/scans of ID and similar info is not permitted. Contact a mod about special circumstances.
4) A reasonably brief summary of the problem. No walls of text please, link to the thread if you like.
Note: A number of posters have made the [good] suggestion of installing ITrader or a similar app/add-on, but due to issues beyond our control that is just not an option at present.
One thing we can improve is how we reporting and organize this. I started trying to make a consolidated list of scammers from the old thread, and it proved pretty difficult due to the way a lot of them are written. Some don't give any usable info other than a 2+2 name (which is often banned anyway), and others have three posts worth of lukewarm statements, such as, "well, it's been two days and I haven't heard back, I'm not saying he's a scammer, but...".
- Name: Maksym Medvid
- Country: Ukraine
- email: [email]maksimmedvid@gmail.com[/email]
- phone: phone 380679224080 Whatsapp
- discord: textures777
- nicks:
- - 888 com : textures777
- - GG : bustanut693
Ukrainian player, joined the team and two days after taking the bank he disappeared, deleting and blocking everyone. Outstanding balance US$ 60.00
- Name: Marcos Santos
- Country: Brazil
- email: [email]cacaiorm@gmail.com[/email]
- phone: phone 5511971839950 Whatsapp
- discord: kakaio.
- nicks:
- - 888 com : KCKD2709
- - Party Poker : lionbenja
Player does not study, does not fill out statistics, in short, did not comply with what is agreed upon as a player and does not follow what is instructed, and upon being informed of the infractions and breach of contract with the team, he blocked everyone in all locations. Outstanding Balance: U$ 1586.23
Name: Zachary Andrew Young
Country: Lives in Phillipines from Canada
Email: [email]canadianliberty1@gmail.com[/email]
telegram: @praypoker
Twoplustwo: franklymydearirais
Walked out of stake in mu
Started backing Zack around two weeks ago on clubs on clubgg. He quickly impressed me and my staking partner on all the levels. week one he played well and ran really hot and made a lot of profit around 6.5k on the stake . Week two we started to offer more trust to zach as he proved to make gener
This guy is a well known scammer, has been doing this type of stuff for a few years. Don't get fooled by variance, he had a good week when variance was on his side ( did the same thing when I stake/backed him, then when he hit a small downswing he blocked me everywhere and left while being in make-up 4k ) , he is a loser in poker & real life.
Name: Oscar Olvera
- Country: Mexico
- email: [email]Lewanbosky@hotmail.com[/email] / [email]oscar.olv13@gmail.com[/email]
- phone: 523111035068 Whatsapp
- discord: oscaradrianlewanbosky
- Outstanding Balance: U$ 1294.10
- nicks:
- - Winamax : PayMytesla13
- - 888.com : LivingDream9
- - ps.com: lewanbosky
Name: Roger Sosa
- Country: Argentina
- email: [email]rogersosa10@gmail.com[/email]
- phone: 543872152995 Whatsapp
- discord: uchiivpe
- Outstanding Balance: U$ 894.05
- nicks:
- - 888.com : Rsosa10
- - ps.com: Rsosa10
Name: Roberto Garnica
- Country: Argentina
- email: [email]robergarnica100@gmail.com[/email]
- phone: 5493815299761 Whatsapp
- discord: robertogarnica.
- Outstanding Balance: U$ 1038.42
- nicks:
- - 888.com : elvis0505
- - ps.com: elvis0505
- - chico: elvis0505
All players above broke their contracts, made a payment plan and did not pay any money, blocking everyone on social media and contacts. Scams
Name Ernestas Katinauskas
Country Lithuania
Residence Pasimatymo akl.-31,Kaunas
Birth Date 1998-05-02
Discord pokertrade
Mail [email]bailyspoker777@gmail.com[/email]
ph nr 37064391459
ps: DontTipHer
We hired him earlier this year, but basically overlooking the fact that we had the info that he had personal issue in his previous stable and the part ways with him bc of his behavior.
In like 2 weeks his communication was very passionate/erratic, pages about how he needs to play higher to get higher rb status. This would not be an issue in itself at all.
But this actually made us double check the info, and based on that we decided that we rather not get into a difficult relationship, and end it soon, despite him having not done anything wrong until this point (though the previous stable and its incident was not mentioned by him).
So his frustration at this point was understandable, but it was in our right according to our contract. From this point however he changed pretty quickly, did not sent back any bankroll despite of 10 times asking for it. He also asked us to sign a Contract cancellation doc that his lawyer created for tax reasons, we did that, no hesitation.
Then we asked to do the chop process with us, and send our part back... that never happened. I attach a few screenshots where we repeatedly asked it.
Can't be sure of the total debt since no chop was made, €1-2K
today he did write me on discord, very foul messages, that might warrant he has deeper issues too.
Name: Zachary Andrew Young
Country: Lives in Phillipines from Canada
Email: [email]canadianliberty1@gmail.com[/email]
telegram: @praypoker
Twoplustwo: franklymydearirais
Walked out of stake in mu
Started backing Zack around two weeks ago on clubs on clubgg. He quickly impressed me and my staking partner on all the levels. week one he played well and ran really hot and made a lot of profit around 6.5k on the stake . Week two we started to offer more trust to zach as he proved to make gener
He was banned by Mike Haven after receiving my PM. I only log in once every few weeks on 2+2 so when I saw this post already knew its the same scammer. Unfortunately these type of people keep doing their dirty work because the go in private trying to get a staking/backing deal , then they can provide false information, fake graphs etc
My name is Zachary Young. I am a 32 year old professional gambler from Canada. I use the screen name 'Meistro' on Pokerstars.
maybe a good idea is to contact pokerstars and let them know about this situation, they could turn away this guy's action.
Name: Robert Mathews
Country: USA
Discord: Daman7676
ACR: Daman7676
GlobalPoker: Daman7676
The player was accepted on the team and received the starting bankrolls for 1400$ but although he was keen to start, several days passed without grinding because he went on a family trip and told us that he was going to start monday next week. Tuesday still without grinding he explaind after we asked him again that he had to use the poker balances for an emergency related with his dog health so he used the 1400$ and said that in 15 days he will pays us a significant part of the investment and by the first days of October he will pays us the rest.
I'll edit this post with updates in case Robert keeps his word of paying.
Name: Alexis Enrique Urban Roldan
GGpoker: buildmydreamz / BanPokerYT
Address: Alija / Peru
Email: [email]aleiurbano6@gmail.com[/email]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexisenrique.u...
We started working with Alexis Enrique Urban Roldan on July 27, 2024..
After a few days Alexis Enrique misused funds by playing games above his allowed limits.
We tried to contact him to resolve the issue but Alexis Enrique has not responded to any of our attempts to contact him and actively disabled other methods we had of reaching him.
Alexis Enrique Urban Roldan owes us $1k
Name: Michael Tomney
Pokerstars: DANDYLION2323
WPN: blacktheriver
888: amneisablood
PartyPoker: blacktheripper
Michael joined Pocarr in January 2024. Since joining he's consistently struggled to keep up with monthly volume and study milestones. After several warnings, in August 2024, we decided to part ways with Michael.
We informed Michael on August 22nd, and he replied 11 days later. He admitted that he no longer has the $359.59 of Pocarr funds in his accounts. He said he'd repay that amount over the next two months while trying to find a new backer.
Michael owes Pocarr $5,381.98.
Name: Veeti Matias Stenberg
Pokerstars: Freez96
GGpoker: Freez96
Pokerstars.es: imFreez
Party: imFreez
Address: Vanta / Finland
Email: [email]veeti9696@gmail.com[/email]
Discord: imfreez.
We started working with Veeti Matias Stenberg on June 25, 2024.
Veeti Matias Stenberg abruptly stopped communicating with us in mid-July. He finally responded to us on July 26 saying he had been on a work trip and moved to a new apartment and everything would get updated shortly.
Since then we haven't heard from him and can only assume he stole the funds.
Veeti Matias Stenberg owes us $400
Name: Oscar Harding
- Country: GB
- email: [email]Oscarcardz666@gmail.com[/email] / [email]oscarcardz@outlook.com[/email]
- phone: 447564689947 Whatsapp
- discord: oscardakat666
- Outstanding Balance: U$ 259.10
- nicks:
- - 888.com : Riskywisky
- - partypoker : Oscardakat666
The player simply disappeared with his bankroll and has not responded to anyone through any means of communication for over a month. Outstanding Balance: 259.10
Lukas Pilipavicius
Country: Lithuania
Winamax: Shove&win
PS: Shove&lost
email: [email]finlux388@gmail.com[/email]
discord: 1237959937267859484, llukenzo112_86646
debt: €2500
We hired him beginning of the summer, 2 weeks into the contract, Winamax suspended his account. It turned out that he clearly colluded with a friend when playing. Wina took away some bankroll from the account, but the account was re-opened.
After this we asked back for the bankroll, he said he is doing that and will do a chop process too, but never did either, finally stopped answering.
Unfortunately we found out a bit later that he was already in debt to a pool as well.
Name: Zachary Andrew Young
Country: Lives in Phillipines from Canada
Email: [email]canadianliberty1@gmail.com[/email]
telegram: @praypoker
Twoplustwo: franklymydearirais
Walked out of stake in mu
Started backing Zack around two weeks ago on clubs on clubgg. He quickly impressed me and my staking partner on all the levels. week one he played well and ran really hot and made a lot of profit around 6.5k on the stake . Week two we started to offer more trust to zach as he proved to make gener
Kinda crazy someone would throw it away over a bad sesh. Youre a club owner or an agent in these games tho, seek out club admins and see if he dumped to himself or if IP's match with this suspected new account.
Name: Leonardo Rodriguez
- Country: Argentina
- email: [email]ianleoale@hotmail.com[/email] / [email]destro2251@outlook.es[/email] / [email]ianleoale@gmail.com[/email] /
- phone: 543442527146 Whatsapp
- discord: _leonardorodriguez
- Outstanding Balance: U$ 287.16
- nicks:
- - 888.com : ocaso22
- - Winamax: hastaelfin
Argentinean Player. Sent part of the bankroll, but then stopped responding and blocked all means of communication. Outstanding Balance: $287.16
Name: Mario Contreras
- Country: Argentina
- email: [email]contrerasmarioroberto@gmail.com[/email] [email]dr.mariocontreras@yahoo.com.ar[/email]
- phone: 543624285684 Whatsapp
- discord: mariorobertocontreras
- Outstanding Balance: U$ 415.72
- nicks:
- - GG: Asmanga
- - WPN: Asmanga
- - 888.com: asmanga
- - Winamax: asmanga
Argentinean Player. Sent part of the bankroll, but then stopped responding and blocked all means of communication. Outstanding Balance: $415.72
Name: Andrés Matías di Pietro López
Pokerstars: AllinAndresQ
GGpoker: allinAndresQQ / JJquePomelo
WPN: JJquePomelo
Address: Montevideo / Uruguay
Email: [email]dipietroandres2222@gmail.com[/email] / [email]dipietroandres3333@gmail.com[/email]
Discord: andresdipietro
We started working with Andrés Matías di Pietro López on September 19, 2023.
Since the start Andres Matías had problems staying within his allowed limits and misplayed many games worth thousands of dollars.
After many warnings, which Andres ignored, he ended up misplaying $800 in tournaments within a 1 month span. We informed him that we'd be imposing a very moderate penalty of ~$150 since he was ignoring the warnings, and that the penalties would escalate if he continued to not follow his limits.
Andrés Matías di Pietro López instead said that he no longer wanted to work with us if we'd impose this penalty, and refused to buy out his makeup.
Since this last message Andrés Matías di Pietro López has continued playing without resolving the makeup situation.
We strongly recommend that you do not work with Andrés Matías di Pietro López
Andrés Matías di Pietro López owes us $2.9k
Name: Abdulrahman Alhakem (AKA Dooly)
Pokerstars (CA-ON): AAbdooly
WSOP/GG (CA-ON): dooiy
888 (CA-ON): abdooly
WPN: abdooly
TigerGaming: dooiy
Dooly joined Pocarr in April 2024. After the first month, we discovered that top-ups sent were not all deposited to poker sites, and that over $3k was missing. Additional he'd played several off-stake games that we didn't agree on and sold action for on-stake games.
He said the reason was that he was sloppy with financials, this was his first time being backed, and claimed it wasn't malicious.
He assured us that his father would easily cover any debt. So we paused the agreement until repayment of the stolen funds + bankroll funds + offstake games.
Dooly initially repaid part of the debt, but payments stopped recently. He informed us that he is broke and his father cannot repay.
Dooly owes Pocarr $5,425.
Name: Daniel Infante
TwoPlusTwo: BobbyPeru
State: Pennsylvania
Pokerstars - VLTRA888
MGM - ultra888
Borgata - ULTRA88
WSOP - ultra888
Daniel joined Imawhale in August 2023. The stake went well overall, until in early September he vanished running off with $14k in stake funds. He has not responded to any of our attempts to reach him via multiple channels.
- Name: Manuel Sequeira
- Country: Argentine
- email: [email]niksunday@hotmail.com[/email] / [email]niksunday2@gmail.com[/email]
- phone: phone 5492323617925 Whatsapp
- discord: rampage223
- nicks:
- - 888 com : niksunday
- - Ps.com : ElGordoCat
Argentine Player. Player does not follow objectives and does not respect rules, total outstanding balance $ 641.70
- Name: Daiane Alves Passos
- Country: Brazil
- email: [email]daianepassos01@outlook.com[/email] / [email]daianealvpassos01@gmail.com[/email]
- phone: 5531993593242 Whatsapp
- discord: dai0124
- nicks:
- - 888 com : dai2104
- - Ps.com : dai2104
Brazilian Player. She took the money and didn't play for a single day, didn't answer anyone else and disappeared with the money.
Name: Timothy Lopez Hechanova
Pokerstars: timohechanova
GGPoker: chokehech
WPN: chokehech
Timothy joined Pocarr in May 2024. He agreed to paid $250 collateral upon joining due to low historic and recent MTT volume.
Upon joining Timothy struggled with study and volume. In September, he told us the grind is not for him and asked to part ways. I let him know if he's quitting poker, we won't ask him to repay Makeup, only to return Pocarr funds held in his accounts. I also informed him that we wouldn't return the collateral.
Timothy has not returned the $137.85 he holds.
We waived our early termination penalty and only asked for him to send us back our funds. He has refused.
Timothy owes Pocarr $137.85
Name: Robert Mathews
Country: USA
Discord: Daman7676
ACR: Daman7676
GlobalPoker: Daman7676
The player was accepted on the team and received the starting bankrolls for 1400$ but although he was keen to start, several days passed without grinding because he went on a family trip and told us that he was going to start monday next week. Tuesday still without grinding he explaind after we asked him again that he had to use the poker balances for an emergency related with his dog health so he used the 140
As we suspected since the beginning, Robert Mathews is a total fraude, and he was never wiling to pay a cent back. After two delays, we never heard of him again. Just joined the team to scam the initial bankrolls. Never played a day, received the bankrolls, told us he had a weekend of with wife's family, returned on monday saying his dog had a problem and took the bankrolls to pay for the vet care. One of the most stupid excuses I've ever heard. Here on this forum he goes by the name of @kingmathews
Name: Timothy Lopez Hechanova
Pokerstars: timohechanova
GGPoker: chokehech
WPN: chokehech
Timothy joined Pocarr in May 2024. He agreed to paid $250 collateral upon joining due to low historic and recent MTT volume.
Upon joining Timothy struggled with study and volume. In September, he told us the grind is not for him and asked to part ways. I let him know if he's quitting poker, we won't ask him to repay Makeup, only to return Pocarr funds held in his accounts. I also informed him that we wouldn't re
What was the collateral for?
So from what you post it seems like you back the player but ask them for a collateral because you aren't sure he is a wining player?
So under what conditions would the collateral be used?
You also mention a early termination penalty, whats that? Can you please go into details?
"I let him know if he's quitting poker, we won't ask him to repay Makeup, only to return Pocarr funds held in his accounts. I also informed him that we wouldn't return the collateral."
You wont ask him to cover makeup if he quits? Its industry standard to put make up on hiatus if a horse quits poker. You just have right of first refusal for his action in case he decides to take up poker at a later point in time.
For what reason would you not return the collateral? is that the early termination penalty you talked about?
What exactly does this collateral cover? there has to be some limitations as to what it can be used for.
Was the collateral returend to the horse or not?
What was the collateral for?
So from what you post it seems like you back the player but ask them for a collateral because you aren't sure he is a wining player?
So under what conditions would the collateral be used?
You also mention a early termination penalty, whats that? Can you please go into details?
"I let him know if he's quitting poker, we won't ask him to repay Makeup, only to return Pocarr funds held in his accounts. I also informed him that we wouldn't return the collateral."
You wont ask
We ask for collateral when the risk is too high to make a standard offer. In this example, the players' results were good, but their volume was low compared to our standards.
We offered to re-evaluate an offer without collateral after 1k MTTs played or proceed with collateral. Timothy chose to proceed with collateral, knowing that if he can't keep up with volume, we are within our right to part ways and keep collateral. In this case, he chose to part ways, and all we asked for was for him to return cash on hand.
The early termination penalty is the minimum buyout to end the agreement early ($2,500). We have a high retention rate and rarely have to negotiate buyouts.