Why does everyone in Seattle suck at driving

Why does everyone in Seattle suck at driving

The concept of a overtaking lane or general idea of staying to the right if you're driving slower is lost on these people

if you have 3 lanes, it's literally equal chance any of them will be the fastest or slowest

you see people passing cars to their left on the 5, 90, & 405 all the time and it's just bonkers

in the rest of the country, if someone is overtaken by someone on their right, they usually speed up or switch to the middle lane out of shame - here they just ignorantly keep going the exact speed limit on the left lane without a care in the world

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12 February 2025 at 09:58 PM

4 Replies

Often traffic is **** enough all three lanes are basically the same because ain't nobody actually getting anywhere any faster. This leads to self involved people not noticing when this isn't the case and camping while they do phone calls or shave or clip their nails while doing 60 on 90 in the left lane.

A number of places where you exit on the left contribute to this.

The bigger question is why do so many people think it's ok to merge onto an interstate at 45.

I visited Seattle for a week and actually found the drivers to be more courteous and safer in general than any other major city (San Diego, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, St. Louis, Houston) in which I've driven. YMMV

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Feels like nobody cares about keeping traffic moving.
