Any poker players in Japan/Tokyo?

Any poker players in Japan/Tokyo?

Heard really cool things about Japan. Coming to check it out and will be staying in Tokyo today-17th OCT.

If you are in Tokyo let me know - let's do something fun 😉

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11 October 2012 at 05:16 AM

21 Replies

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Are there any poker clubs in Tokyo that reward prizes on the night you play that anyone knows of? Or are all just points that have to be earned and redeemed later date? I wonder why cash games don't exist with the Pachinko loophole considering the growing popularity of poker in JP.

Poker atlas lists a bunch of poker clubs for Japan, but there's no reviews and I have no idea what really goes on there. I'm under the impression you don't or can't really win money in those games?

by Carnivore k

Poker atlas lists a bunch of poker clubs for Japan, but there's no reviews and I have no idea what really goes on there. I'm under the impression you don't or can't really win money in those games?

Most seem to have a point system, and you can then redeem points for non-cash prizes (including foreign tourney tickets) at a later date, which isn't very useful if you don't live there, but most sites are only Japanese with bad translations so not sure.

by alexgalin k

Expensive beyong sickening.

Any ****ty ( simple chicken leg + rice) 10$+

Short 10 min metro ride 4$+

Clubs to enter 50$+

All day metro pass 15$

Coffee 7$

i thought this was a joke, then i saw the date.

by alexgalin k

1st impressions from Japan.

Girls are super super hot. I have been around almost all asian countries. Japanese girls cannot be compared.

Very stylish, some of them looks like european - super model quality.

Biggest problem 95% of them know 5 words in english or less....

hard disagree on this, japan probably ugliest asian country on average - i think you probably ran into a bunch of outliers and confused it with the norm

the old chinese word for them is literally "dwarf"

Now there’s a hot take

been everywhere in asia including japan - ignore the models/actresses/pop stars and focus on the every day people and those images shared above are spot on in depicting your typical japanese women

and yes, i too thought they were the best looking in asia as well, that is until i went there

ignore these hottie and other outliers you'll find concentrated in the nice parts of big cities like when you walk through ginza on the weekend and focus on the median outcome

Lol spamming a bunch of random photos. Anyway I’m not gonna argue with you about something that is subjective. Your opinion is certainly in the minority though. That’s cute you’ve been everywhere in Asia though.

literally the only people, expats included that thought otherwise were weebs who haven't traveled much other than japan and were just basing it off porn/media they consumed and or limited to experiencing japan which checked their asian fetish box

i know you've traveled extensively in asia as well so i respect your own opinion as genuine and well sourced and as you said it is subjective so i do not doubt the authenticity of your opinion

what surprises me though is you think your opinion is in the majority - i've never met a single expat who would have agreed with you

but also, those photos are the results of google searching "japanese women crowd" to get authentic crowd shot examples rather than photos of models which is what you get otherwise

and yes, those photos absolutely ring true to experience and were not cherry picked at all but the first couple results that were indeed photos of crowds of women where you could clearly see faces

by rickroll k

been everywhere in asia including japan - ignore the models/actresses/pop stars and focus on the every day people and those images shared above are spot on in depicting your typical japanese women

and yes, i too thought they were the best looking in asia as well, that is until i went there

Which country do you think has most attractive women?

by Burkeman k

Which country do you think has most attractive women?

again, i strongly think a lot of those obsessed with japan are basing it off some weird fetish stemming from all the porn or pornlike anime they've consumed over their lifespan or simply having just gone to japan and scratching their yellow fever itch there and not even seeing the rest of the menu

i mean hentai is a major porn category these days and there's quite a few people who admit to having jacked off to the sfw anime because of characters like this

and there's a major "e-girl" segment of women who just cosplay that stuff above for lonely incels - they then associate these with japan/japanese women etc and the majority of americans who go to asia for "culture" choose japan for these reasons

thailand has sex trade and beaches, japan just has weebs going for anime

off the top of my head this would be my power rankings

Vietnam (median would probably drop down a little but when it works it really works)
Northern Chinese
Korean (hard though because more than half of korean women have had some form of minor plastic surgery)
Southern Chinese
Mongolian (but just the top 1% is insanely hot)
Indonesian/Malaysian (but hard to say because often covered up due to religion)

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I tend to agree about Japan, I think one reason is very little mixing due to historical reasons but also because it's an island(s). I'm surprised Filipino is so high, though for similar reasons.

by Burkeman k

I tend to agree about Japan, I think one reason is very little mixing due to historical reasons but also because it's an island(s). I'm surprised Filipino is so high, though for similar reasons.

well there's a reason so many fillipinos have spanish last names 😀

it was also occupied by the usa for a while as well

and yeah, that's my suspicion for vietnam and literally had a tour guide in hanoi tell me he thought the southern vietnames were much better looking because they mixed more with the french and us/un occupying soldiers and staff
