This thread is to inform people of the game selection in our area. Will tell what I know and hope for help.
Fallsview: All NLHE: many 2-5 tables $100-500 buy-in, one or more 5-10 game 200-1000 buy-in, 10-20 weekends only . One 5-5 PLO has been going most of every weekend also. YAY!
Casino Niagara: lots of 1-2 NLHE, rumor has it it's the place to be. Never been there myself.
Port Perry: 20-40 Omaha High some days, 10-20 hold 'em every day, dunno what else.
Brantford: 10-20, 20-40 with a kill. Haven't been there in awhile. When people talk about the place the words "action" and "kill" keep coming up.
Rama: 1-2 NLHE and ???
Private games....something somewhere😀
Wait times can be long, especially on weekend.
I am a Fallsview girl obv! (when I'm not on Pokerstars😀 )
Would love to hear other's opinions on the choices in the area.
So how has series been going so far? Have alternate lists/waits to get in the tournament or rebuy been super long? If you aren't pre regged for an event is there any point to even going?
I have a conference at Woodbine in mid-June so plan to spend my evenings at the Casino at Great Canadian Toronto (what a name). As mentioned, rake seems insane. I will probably play, anyway, just for the experience -- and because I'm addicted.
Any tips? I'd love to play PLO, but looks as if the 20/40 1/2 kill limit is it for Omaha. Is it a good/active/fun game? For NLHE, are the 2/5 players generally good regs or bad fish?
Any good food, etc., that I shouldn't miss?
I have a conference at Woodbine in mid-June so plan to spend my evenings at the Casino at Great Canadian Toronto (what a name). As mentioned, rake seems insane. I will probably play, anyway, just for the experience -- and because I'm addicted.
Any tips? I'd love to play PLO, but looks as if the 20/40 1/2 kill limit is it for Omaha. Is it a good/active/fun game? For NLHE, are the 2/5 players generally good regs or bad fish?
Any good food, etc., that I shouldn't miss?
The Omaha is 20/40 limit high only. Pretty juicy game. You will sometimes see pots capped 8 ways preflop with many people coming with complete garbage hands. Most people in the game have a VPIP of 90%.
The other games have plenty of average/bad with a few good players sprinkled in.
The Omaha is 20/40 limit high only. Pretty juicy game. You will sometimes see pots capped 8 ways preflop with many people coming with complete garbage hands. Most people in the game have a VPIP of 90%.
The other games have plenty of average/bad with a few good players sprinkled in.
Is it not hi-lo? Just asking as I've never played it
Also, what do people typically buy in for? I see it's listed as 400+ on pokeratlas
Is it not hi-lo? Just asking as I've never played it
Also, what do people typically buy in for? I see it's listed as 400+ on pokeratlas
There is no hi-lo in Ontario casinos. (Maybe underground? Could be but I've never heard of it.)
I haven't played at Woodbine, but when that game runs at the Ex each August I've seen players sit down with anywhere from $800 to 3K. The former usually rebuy pretty quickly.
When the action gets going the kill is on about 3/4 of the time, so it's better to think of it as a 30/60 game.
Does the ex have no limit now? Even with ridiculous woodbine level rake it would probably be an insanely profitable game.
Does the ex have no limit now? Even with ridiculous woodbine level rake it would probably be an insanely profitable game.
I've haven't played in the last couple of years but they had 1-2 NL the last time I was there. I sat in for an hour or so while waiting for the 20-40 1/2 kill Omaha. I would have seen more action if I'd been watching the weather channel. But when a seat in the Omaha game opened up it was the usual sheer craziness.
I'm surprised the NL action was that horrible. Maybe you were just unlucky and at a table full of grinders/OMCs. When I picture poker at the ex I'm picturing a much more casual crowd who just want to "try out" poker instead of your typical reg fish at Niagara that have years of experience playing poker but are still bad.
Does the ex have no limit now? Even with ridiculous woodbine level rake it would probably be an insanely profitable game.
It's spread limit with 1/2 blinds and the EX now has the lowest legal rake in the GTA....
Toronto poker also lost a regular in the GTA rooms when Dutchie passed away a few days ago. I remember seeing him in Rama games a few times in the early 2000's but I stopped going to live games beyond playing or going with a buddy a day here and there since this time period.
How are the 10-20 games? I see them popping up almost everyday.
I ended up playing last Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Friday afternoon. Less than two hours each session, but it was a blast. I had only $200 Canadian dollars on me (from a trip a few years ago), so I played the 1/3. Players were pretty bad in general 😉 I was surprised at all the tables going whenever I walked through -- even on Tuesday afternoon (didn't play).
The brush, players, and dealers were all very nice. Too bad the casino doesn't take better care of the players. I think you have to pay for soda/coffee, and there are no food comps -- or they are really low. Someone said a coffee was $5? I paid ~$10 for a glass of wine.
Ended up winning $445 total, so a good trip.