Palm Beach Kennel Club (West Palm Beach, FL)

Palm Beach Kennel Club (West Palm Beach, FL)

I'd like to introduce Noah Carbone (2+2 user pokernoahc), the Cardroom Director of Palm Beach Kennel Club, to the community. Please feel free to ask him questions regarding his room in this thread.

I'll get things started by asking the following:

(1) What games and limits do you run currently?

(2) How are you preparing for the legislation changes coming in July?

(3) What new games and limits do you expect to see under the new legislation? Do you have any lists of interest for new games forming yet?


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08 May 2010 at 04:39 PM

4 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

The last post is almost a year old. Is there a new thread that replaced this one for PBKC?

by Mr. Big Stack k

The last post is almost a year old. Is there a new thread that replaced this one for PBKC?

same same. if they changed the buy in's to higher or table stakes and spread a normal 5/10 the room would jump off but they don't care. good action, but there is better action close by especially considering the buy in's allow for real poker and not 50bb kiddy games.

Don't know if there is a new Thread - if so you can post the link.

Haven't check this for a while but wanted to know if the Rake increased again.

Anyway - not many updates - most of the high stakes regulars at the kennel club are joining or playing private games.

PBKC still has Brians game with Jimmy in attendance occasionally, but it is not always in the Pit any more. PBKC still has the regular Omaha Hi-Low game with the same regulars that runs almost daily, but they don’t let in new players very often.

Rose has / had her game, then there is the game that runs on Australian Ave near Okeechobee, the office building and the new Worth Ave game is still going, (along with others private games)

Big game players have just moved on. Lets face it – the A/C doesn’t always work at the Kennel Club, the chips are in very poor condition, the mens bathroom sink had not worked for 4 weeks until it was repaired. (not the thing you want to experience as a high stakes regular.)

The floor is aware of all of this which means management is aware.

Some of the private games are at locations with Free Valet, Free and working WiFi, in secure spaces, we have some dealers from the Kennel club – ( only the good ones). The space we/they have is cleaner, the people are cleaner (don’t flame me for saying that, PBKC had a player named , well lets say it rhythms with Alan, that is unwashed, urinates outside of the PBKC near the entrance, and management even saw this on video, and they still allow him in and to take a seat the table, they just gave him a warning for using the outdoor property as a bathroom).

Private Home game players bring their own drinks, all the hosts allow Uber Eats delivery, etc. Some will say that the PBKC allows Uber Eats deliveries to the pit players, but it is sad, that the PBKC has multiple kitchens and players still need to order out for food and to purchase beverages that the PBKC does not have.

This is a Long story – I know, but the private games are taking over and its where the fun and higher stakes players are located.

I guess we could thank the kennel club, which is where most of us meet each other, and it is because of the Kennel club, that we have left.

Is there a way to see live games at PBKC?
