Grand Victoria Casino (Elgin, IL)
Was just wondering if anyone played there and is the staff good,what is the rake,how long the wait usually is,comps??? Will be going to play there in the near future since there is no other way to get my poker fix and it is rght down the street. Ready to put that online BR to work in a BnM!!
5 Replies
Since no one posts here...
Was at the boat over the weekend & apparently at some point they added Wi-Fi. Maybe this was done in advance of this round of the WSOP because the cell coverage (even in the 1st floor room) sucks bad.
Nice to hear that .. wish the Series was this week instead of next! Maybe drive over for the $400 kick-off tomorrow. GL
Do we know if they are running the 1st Saturday of the month tourney as well as the ME satellite on 6/1?
What sense is it to play seniors from 10am til 3am. 17 hour. There are many entrant that are in there 60s and 70s.