Auckland Sky City Poker Room (New Zealand)

Auckland Sky City Poker Room (New Zealand)

Dear Auckland poker lovers,

As a poker enthusiast who is from Auckland I wanted to start a thread specific to the Sky City Auckland Poker Room. My intention is to have a specific thread where poker players in Auckland can express their opinions about what they like or dislike or what they would like to see more or less of in this poker room. I'm hoping that contributors can be constructive with their ideas or opinions and preferably not just out to troll or talk trash. If or when the thread picks up speed it would be appreciated if someone who is a regular in the room could mention the thread to the room management and hopefully they might read it and any changes brought about would be positive for everyone.



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05 September 2012 at 08:09 AM

1 Reply

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

How many games do you typically get going on the $1/2 nights?
