Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA)
The below is a compilation of communication to the 2+2 Plus Thread “Sugar House Poker Room Hype” by the Sugar House representative and Poker Room Manager, Raye Ramsey.
We're open to spread any game/limit the public wants to play. Our rake will be the same as the other houses in PA 10% to $5, and time for the higher limit games.
We will have daily tournaments and are happy to hear what types/limits/times you'd like to see.
I submitted for every game/limit even if we may not spread them. So my question to veterans is what game limit do you play? Let me know - I'll make sure we have or will submit to spread it.
I changed 1-3 to have 100 min - 500max. We can always submit for approval from the state for different games/limits if we happen to not already have them. I submitted for every possible combination I could think of and have seen already.
Tournaments - I'm going to keep track of the requests. We'll open the room and then see where the logical days/time would be best for tournaments. With 24 tables -it'll be a balancing act with the live action.
Alcohol - the discussions we've had so far are for alcohol to be free to poker player.
The poker room will remain in operation for approximately 13 months—until SugarHouse’s permanent expansion is complete.
SugarHouse felt it was important to open this room now instead of waiting until the expansion is completed.
The facility will be open 24/7 to meet Philadelphia’s high demand for poker.
SugarHouse has the highest win-per-table of all Pennsylvania casinos.
Guests looking to play at SugarHouse can download the free mobile app, Bravo Poker Live (www.bravopokerlive.com), which allows them to reserve their seat in advance, wherever they are.
SugarHouse is offering an added benefit to the app by sending text message updates regarding the status of players’ reservations, including when they can expect it to be available.
Exterior Highlights
The poker room is built on the south side of the property facing the Ben Franklin Bridge.
A smoking patio will be available outside the poker room, as the inside will be entirely smoke free.
Interior Highlights
The room was designed with input from local poker players—down to details as minor as the types of chairs being ordered—to ensure guests have a superior experience.
The temporary structure is 7,350 square feet, with a carpeted gaming floor of about 5,410 square feet.
All 24 poker tables are the first on the east coast to offer built-in charging stations for smart phones. The tables will be moved into SugarHouse’s permanent poker room when it opens in 2015.
The poker room will house a snack bar with 24/7 grab-and-go food options, as well as convenience items. In addition, food service will be available at the tables.
Bar service will be provided in the poker room during permitted hours.
Community & Economic Impact
The poker room itself is a $2.9 million investment, and has a revenue potential of $11 million over the 13-month period, resulting in an estimated $1.8 million in taxes to the City and Commonwealth.
The opening of this new facility creates 100 new full and part-time jobs, including gaming, security, surveillance, cage and food and beverage positions. These additional team members will transition to the newly expanded, permanent casino next year.
Of those new positions, 80 will be poker dealer jobs. A mix of experienced and newly trained dealers will fill these spots.
SugarHouse will offer a free poker school to train current employees and applicants from within the Penn Treaty Special Services District to serve as potential poker room dealers.
The SugarHouse Poker Room will open this Saturday November 1, 2014 at 12pm - noon. The first players to fill the open seats will receive an exclusive gift bag! It's finally here!
Heat is on. Everything is ready. Information on Bravo. We're working out the details about the feasibility of call-ins for the opening. We're thinking there might be a line. We will definitely take call-ins after the initial opening.
Third Man Walking Rule will be 15 minutes instead of 10.
Guests will be able to earn complimentaries based on their poker play. The amount of comps will depend on the game being dealt. Comps that are earned will be added to your Rush Reward Card.
You will not be required to have a Rush Reward card to play poker, but you will need to sign up for a card if you want to earn complimentaries. Rush Reward cards can be obtained with valid identification at Rush Rewards or in the Poker Room.
And you must be 21 or older.
YES, we do recognize other casino cards. Please see a host on duty. If you already have a card it might make it easier/faster for you to sign up for a game opening day
The SH shuttle drops off/picks up passengers right next to valet. Security, lighting everything is in place.
There are two entrances right next to each other on the corner of the poker room, closest to the casino. One faces parking and the other faces the casino entrance.
There is a cage in the poker room with three windows. We will have Safe Deposit Boxes and our parking is free.
The easiest, quickest way to park is to use our free valet. You can pull up to the poker room, a valet attendant will greet you, give you a ticket and you walk right in to the poker room. When you are ready to leave you text valet, and they text you back when your car is right out front. No standing outside.
I would think we would have similar limit games as the other houses. I'm not opposed to spreading any limit game that the players want to play. Hearing what type of limits you'd like to see is important.
We will have tournaments. It's a matter of when.
We want to open the room, see when we have the opportunity (read: tables). We definitely would like feedback from you. So if you have certain times/days/buy-in amounts/type (bounty, deep stack, turbo, etc.) we want to hear your preferences.
I was tournament coordinator for a few years at Borgata, so tournaments are my wheelhouse. Thank you for your questions. Raye
Start of FAQ’s (Courtesy of joboggi)
(Please feel free to email me at [email]rramsey@sugarhousecasino.com[/email] or PM me.)
WEB SITE: www.sugarhousecasino.com
Sugarhouse Shuttle? Yes
Parking? Yes. FREE.
Valet Parking? YES. FREE and foot-steps to the poker room.
GAMES? What do you want to play? (Within limits here guys.)
Mixed Games and other games/limits on Request? Absolutely
RAKE? Similar to other rooms in the area
No flop, no drop? Correct
Reduced rake when 6 players or less? Yes
BAD BEAT JACKPOT? Not to start.
Players to a table? 10- 9 on request of the table. 8 for Stud (but you knew that!)
Betting line? Yes
Safety Deposit Boxes? Yes.
COMPS? Similar to other local poker rooms
FOOD Available at the table? Yes
Use of devices? Phones - Yes
Nothing is finalized as of yet regarding the rake/time schedule.
We are not opening with a BBJ, however everything is in place to submit for it after we open.
We submitted both ways 2/5 - $100/$500 and 2/5 - $200/$1000. So in a way it comes down to the players who come here and what they want to play.
2/5 will be rake. Max Buy-in $1000
As more information is available, the Moderator of this thread will update as usual. Thanks to PALLADINN for putting this together.
1 Reply
Rivers is running a Holiday Deepstack Series for MLK weekend.
Event 1 - January 17 | 6:15PM
Double Board Bomb Pot
$150 NLH
Event 2 - January 18 | 10:15AM
Green Chip Bounty
$100 NLH
Event 3 - January 18 | 5:15PM
Mini Monster Stack
$200 NLH
Event 4 - January 19 | 1:15PM
Black Chip Bounty
$250 NLH
Event 5 - January 20 | 11:15AM
Monster Stack
$160 NLH
They don't have structures or any other specifics but I am pretty sure I am going to give Event 2 a shot.