Since Greektown's room is no longer a dreary smokehouse with degens lurking in every red-bricked corner, I thought I'd attempt a Detroit Poker thread. We now have (3) decent rooms to choose from; so this could be a central place to post and to keep up with what each room has going on (games, tourneys, comps, changes, player treatment, wierd occurances, etc.).
Phone numbers of poker rooms in the Detroit Metro:
Heidelberg: 734-834-2237
Roundtree: 734-434-1234
Northville: 248-912-5108
MGM: 313-465-1070 (Poker room direct)
MCC: 313-237-6735 (Poker room direct)
Toledo: 419-661-5185 (Poker room direct)
Thanks... does it play fairly ABC? (Arias game comes to mind) or does it get out of hand often? Appreciate it.
Based on the game setup, and simple fact that its PLO, yes there is of course plenty of variance involved. With the right people involved, very big pots and stacks will develop. This is not uncommon. You will find actual good players, and number of which are pros. There are also plenty of whales and fish. I will say though, that IMHO, the game is gotten tougher over the past year or so. Two factors I can point to account for this: Pros from all over the region have descended on the MGM game, as presumably other nearby PLO scenes have dried up some. The other factor is that known pros who have historically played bigger games (including 5/10, which now runs much less frequently), have been forced seemingly to play this $1/3 game. All this being said, of course if you are properly skilled/rolled, there is $$ to be made in this game.