Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, CA

I am going to LA for a few days in January, and I was was wondering what is the best place to play there.
I am interested in a Limit holdem games, anywhere from 4-8 to 10-20. I will be living in Sherman Oaks.
Any advice is appreciated.

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21 December 2011 at 04:22 PM

15 Replies

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I live in L.A. Don't like the casinos here. Wondering if there are any home games going on.

Best room in LA area for watching March Madness. Be out for the long weekend during MM

Do any of the casinos in LA have tournaments worth playing? I haven't heard much about people's experience with those.

by Jamuka340 k

Do any of the casinos in LA have tournaments worth playing? I haven't heard much about people's experience with those.


Any one have answers to call in’s?

I see articles say The Bike is one of the largest rooms in the word. However when I look on Bravo or Poker Atlas there only seems to be 60 tables. Just curious.

by ammodog k

I see articles say The Bike is one of the largest rooms in the word. However when I look on Bravo or Poker Atlas there only seems to be 60 tables. Just curious.

I would have guessed more than that, but I think that would still make it one of the biggest in the world. What rooms do you know of that have more? Maybe it just doesn't seem impressive because the largest in the world is only a few miles away.

I just checked the Bike website, it claims they have 185 tables. But I think that includes the tables with things other than actual poker.

by chillrob k

I would have guessed more than that, but I think that would still make it one of the biggest in the world. What rooms do you know of that have more? Maybe it just doesn't seem impressive because the largest in the world is only a few miles away.

I just checked the Bike website, it claims they have 185 tables. But I think that includes the tables with things other than actual poker.

It also likely counts the tournament room, separate from the main floor and the higher limit Plaza area

by chillrob k

I would have guessed more than that, but I think that would still make it one of the biggest in the world. What rooms do you know of that have more? Maybe it just doesn't seem impressive because the largest in the world is only a few miles away.

I just checked the Bike website, it claims they have 185 tables. But I think that includes the tables with things other than actual poker.

Yeah, seen the 185 as well. See around 20ish running on Bravo which seemed low to me

by ammodog k

Yeah, seen the 185 as well. See around 20ish running on Bravo which seemed low to me

All of the cash game poker tables have been moved to the backroom by the Chinese Restaurant. The nicer main floor areas have all been converted to California (Asian) Games with the corporations backing the house action.

Even in the backroom area, there are like 3 or 4 California games too. There are about 44 or 45 (I counted them recently but forgot the exact number) cash game poker tables in the backroom. Plus 3 more tables in the private Legends of Poker (LOP) high limit area .

So, less than 50 cash game tables total are physically in the casino. They also have a large tournament room on the other side of the casino in the other backside.

Hey guys, planning on staying in LA for a few days, would be interested in hearing what options for live PLO there are in the area? Thanks!

Did the LHE games (20/40, 40/80, 60/120, etc) move back to the Bike from Commerce again? A few years ago they did to bike, but then moved back to Commerce.

Just looked up games today (12/17/24) and it looks like they are back at the Bike again?

Don’t live in ca but like to visit and track the bravo. From what I can tell, they have mainly moved to Bike and my guess is because Bike is paying five dollars in comps for those games per hour. And they have good food options compared to commerce.

Games have moved to the Bike b/c Commerce started to take a $1 drop even if there's no flop. Plus, they dropped the jackpot seed to $40K from $100K. Whereas, the Bike maintained status quo. For the higher fixed limit games, those things matter a lot to the player pool. So with all the other gripes, these items were the sticks that broke the camel's back. The games moved over virtually immediately after those changes were implemented.

by idareyou k

Did the LHE games (20/40, 40/80, 60/120, etc) move back to the Bike from Commerce again? A few years ago they did to bike, but then moved back to Commerce.

Just looked up games today (12/17/24) and it looks like they are back at the Bike again?

A couple of months ago Commerce switched to a progressive jackpot for all games and they raised the requirement from Aces Full of Tens or better Beaten to Quads or better Beaten. Most of the high LHE players got pissed off and took their business to the Bike, which still has a reasonable Aces Full of Tens or better Beaten jackpot.
