Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI)

Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI)

Poker is coming by this August.

By Sam Wroblewski

Twin River Casino is adding poker to their selection of table games.

According to a news release, 16 poker tables will be built inside the casino’s new poker room and eight traditional games, such as Blackjack, will round out the other additions. Twin River Chairman John Taylor said the gambling expansion will create 120 more jobs.

“An important part of our business philosophy has been to listen to what our customers want, and the addition of a poker room is one of most often heard requests,” said Taylor in a statement. “We’re thrilled to increase the number of table games we currently offer, which also means we will expand our workforce once again.”
The addition is meant to fill out the non-smoking floor of the casino, in order to replicate the gaming experience on Twin River’s first floor.

“We’re consistently looking for new opportunities to deliver an exciting gaming and entertainment product in a customer friendly environment.”

274 slot machines will be removed to accommodate the new tables.

The new games are slated to be operational by August.

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09 June 2015 at 07:44 PM

79 Replies



havent been in a while...any movement on the new room?

Someone told me that the problem is Maverick originally wanted to bring in their own dealers, but Bally's is a union shop. So that's not going to fly. So how are they supposed to hire and train all these tournament dealers? That's the rumor I was told anyway...

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They are expanding the room at a snails pace. Knocked down a few walls and moved some stuff around about a month ago. Radio silence since then.

Latest rumor is the new room will be open within 2 months.....I'm pessimistic but who knows. New Bravo tables, 9 handed. Same spot in the casino though.

by Viper007 k

Latest rumor is the new room will be open within 2 months.....I'm pessimistic but who knows. New Bravo tables, 9 handed. Same spot in the casino though.

Any rumors on how many tables in the redone room?

by BringBackMo k

Any rumors on how many tables in the redone room?

I was hearing like doubling the size of the room they have now but even now they cant even fill half the room so they're gonna have to offer some crazy promos or tournament series with crazy guarantees very often to get players there in big numbers. I'm sure just being on bravo alone will help with traffic being more informative. I really want twin to succeed here it would be great for the local scene considering the pitfalls of other local rooms there's a golden opportunity here but we'll see.. take it down twin, take it down

is it me? or are the games drying up. seems 8 on every table are tight solid regs. not many spots. at least 2/5+

no way of knowing what games are running can't help

by bmoney k

is it me? or are the games drying up. seems 8 on every table are tight solid regs. not many spots. at least 2/5+

there is always an ebb and flow at the 2/5+ level. 5/10 starts drying up somewhere the 2/5 gets worse. havent played Twin in a bit but in New England you gotta be able to move around when one room gets a little stale.

overall, twin just doesn't do anything to attract players despite have some great floors and dealers. i was told by a floor (A poor one) they were aware you could "edge sort" based on the cards design and it wasn't a problem because "its a 1 in 8 chance they get it right". players were even talking about the possibility in game. couple that with 10 handed tables, no bravo type system, no mtts or high hands. why go there outside of it being really close to your home. good games can be found in boston or NH easy. mohegan is also a much friendlier player experience.

they know what to do to make it work but at this point i'd be suprised if there is any follow through. i hope there is as I enjoy the crowd, area, and staff.

by MuchoGood k

there is always an ebb and flow at the 2/5+ level. 5/10 starts drying up somewhere the 2/5 gets worse. havent played Twin in a bit but in New England you gotta be able to move around when one room gets a little stale.

overall, twin just doesn't do anything to attract players despite have some great floors and dealers. i was told by a floor (A poor one) they were aware you could "edge sort" based on the cards design and it wasn't a problem because "its a 1 in 8 chance they get it right". players w

well put!

Wait, what's this edge sorting thing all about?

by The Mind Reader k

Wait, what's this edge sorting thing all about?

This. Is it currently possible with Twin's decks?

by oscark k

This. Is it currently possible with Twin's decks?

From what I understand yes it is possible. Look at the decks. Not nice white edges around them like all the other rooms. Its possible to get an idea based on the flawed design. I was at a table where players were openly joking about it and even guessing. The sharp people know.

I personally brought this up to the floor who I will quote : "its not an issue, its a 1 and 8 chance". So not a big deal to them. Multiple floor kind of acknowledge this as well but said we let them (gaming commish or higher ups at Ballys) know and they don't care.

So yes, the game is not safe and could be exploited based on the design flaw in the cards. Most cards have the white edge so the design is consistent. Not at Twin. This wouldn't happen anywhere else because there would be a gaming commission that protects the game and obviously we know how RI works.

Now have I actually thought someone was doing this at the table, maybe not but bottom line they clearly are aware of this design flaw, are clearly aware they can't fully protect the integrity of the game and they do not care. I don't know how this is even legal but the Gaming people don't care.

they wouldn't be letting this slide at Blackjack.

Please explain how somebody is using edge sorting in a poker game. Thanks.

Agree with Greg. You have made a claim that you can gain advantage using edge sorting but you have not said how you could do it.

Would also like to understand the 1 in 8 comment.

BTW the Ivey Edge Sorting scandal pretty much proves that a) a white edge border doesn’t preclude these kind of design flaws and b) the idea that a gaming commission would step in based on this design flaw isn’t supported.

by Fore k

Agree with Greg. You have made a claim that you can gain advantage using edge sorting but you have not said how you could do it.

Would also like to understand the 1 in 8 comment.

BTW the Ivey Edge Sorting scandal pretty much proves that a) a white edge border doesn’t preclude these kind of design flaws and b) the idea that a gaming commission would step in based on this design flaw isn’t supported.

to be more clear, i was at a table and people were guessing the cards based on the corners on the designs on the decks. i asked the floor about this and they agreed with me and told me they have told someone above about it and they didn't care. then they said it was only a "1 in 8 chance" they guess the card. that was the jist i got from the players at the table. it was a boring day and we were shooting the **** really. i took that as based on the design of the cards you could guess roughly which certain cards might be if you were studied in the design. i might be wrong about my undertanding of edgesorting but i didn't think this was a good thing if the floor was aware and players were talking about it.

in game i never saw a spot where I suspected someone of using this and obviously protect your cards. but the idea that the floor and room knows this could be an issue but don't care is the bigger picture.

does that make it more clear Fore ?

by Fore k

Agree with Greg. You have made a claim that you can gain advantage using edge sorting but you have not said how you could do it.

Would also like to understand the 1 in 8 comment.

BTW the Ivey Edge Sorting scandal pretty much proves that a) a white edge border doesn’t preclude these kind of design flaws and b) the idea that a gaming commission would step in based on this design flaw isn’t supported.

First, I would like to thank MuchoGood for bringing this to everyone's attention, In short this has been a problem and well known at Twin River (AKA Bally's) for a long time. I personally know players who will not play at Twin because of this. I know this because, I am one of them. Hopefully SOMEONE will see this and changes will be made as its the job of the Casino to protect the integrity of the game. That's why they are allowed to take the Rake / Time. If the Casino wont fix it, this IS 100% a Gaming Commission Issue.
Now on to Fore, Why on earth do you think someone should tell YOU how cards can be identified by a flaw. WHO ARE YOU ?? Do you think everyone is lying ? The bottom line is, it's happening, and these people are trying to protect the game at Twin. Why would you try and discredit them. Not Cool

The 1 in 8 thing hasn't been explained. Are you saying that 8 cards in a 52 card deck have different corners than the other 44? Why would that be?

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Edge sorting is based upon cards that have been miscut, to where there is now a right and left side. That is, the card backs are not 100% identical in appearance when they are rotated 180 degrees. It does not mean that all the cards look different from each other, and you can look at a card and figure out if it is the 2s or the Kc. It just means that if all the cards have the "right" side on the right, and you rotate one of them so it has its "right" side on the left, you can now tell the one card that is rotated. If instead I rotate a different card, but don't tell you which one, you could point out the rotated card, but not know what it is.

When you play poker, the cards are being rotated constantly. When Ivey was playing baccarat, the cards never get rotated at all. Even when being shuffled, he requested an automatic shuffle machine, which does not rotate the cards. Then, the first time he played through a shoe, he would ask the dealer to rotate the 8s and 9s (ostensibly for good luck). Now, the next time playing that shoe, they could look at the next card to be dealt, and know if it was an 8 or 9, or NOT an 8 or 9. Based upon whether the first card for the next hand was an 8/9 or not, they would change their bet between player and banker, because it was a huge advantage if you knew one of the cards was an 8/9.

If the pattern on the back of the deck has errors that allow you to distinguish the 2s from the Kc regardless of its orientation, that is NOT edge sorting. That is a deck of marked cards. They are two very different things.

by DVOU812 k

First, I would like to thank MuchoGood for bringing this to everyone's attention, In short this has been a problem and well known at Twin River (AKA Bally's) for a long time. I personally know players who will not play at Twin because of this. I know this because, I am one of them. Hopefully SOMEONE will see this and changes will be made as its the job of the Casino to protect the integrity of the game. That's why they are allowed to take the Rake / Time. If the Casino wont fix it, this

Someone has made a claim of edge sorting being an advantage in a poker game. GR discusses what edge sorting is and how it works (or worked for Ivey). As he clearly covers, edge sorting as he accurately describes does not provide any edge in poker because it is not controllable.

So what I asked is how could edge sorting generate EV at poker because edge sorting can't. Now, again as GR addressed, if the cards are inconsistent in a manner that allows identifying particular cards (or even suits), those would be marked cards. We all know that a marked deck certainly be used to generate EV. But that was not originally claimed.

It still also doesn't address this magic 1/8 issue. The only 1/8 I can quickly come up with is if you could half the time identify suits accurately.

I am not asking for someone to say...'if you see this X imperfection you know that is an Ace of spades'

I also agree that the house and the gaming commission both should be protecting the integrity of the game. But that presumes the imperfections threaten the integrity. A shifted cut causing a wide and a narrow border is what is involved in edge sorting. But it is the sorting that threatens the game or gives the advantage. Since you can't sort the deck by border width in poker (unless you are dealing the game yourself and can edge sort the entire deck after each hand and somehow maintain the sort. There are much easier ways for a good mechanic to set a deck than that which do not depend on card imperfections.

If neither the house nor the gaming commission see a threat to game integrity, they don't need to step in. Apparently they don't see this threat and you have not shown a threat. 'People won't play there because of this' is not prove. I know people who won't play on the 13th of a month. Does that mean gaming commission should shut down the poker room on the 13th?

Even in the Ivey case, the card imperfections were not the threat. Is was the house agreeing to sort the cards as Ivey asked that was the threat. It was long known that those cards had a narrow/wide border flaw. Yet AC gaming never had stepped in based on that flaw.

i misspoke iwht the edgesorting comment. I misunderstood the concept and get it now.

the marked card thing would be exactly what i was talking about.

the 1 in 8 comment was a quote directly to the floor when i mentioned the markings at the time and it seemed off the floor would acknoledge that. either way. back to not posting on the internet and i apologize for the shitstorm i created.

No one is using edge sorting. The circles on the cards are barely visible if you look at your neighbor. I'm there about 20hrs a week at the 5/10. Come and edge sort me plz.

If you can Identify a 1/16th of an inch corner circle at distance in one of the darkest poker rooms in the country and be lucky enough that it's the top card that I hold and find a spot to utilize that information then you deserve some money from me. I'm happy to yield that "edge" to fill more seats.

by Check Check Lay k

No one is using edge sorting. The circles on the cards are barely visible if you look at your neighbor. I'm there about 20hrs a week at the 5/10. Come and edge sort me plz.

If you can Identify a 1/16th of an inch corner circle at distance in one of the darkest poker rooms in the country and be lucky enough that it's the top card that I hold and find a spot to utilize that information then you deserve some money from me. I'm happy to yield that "edge" to fill more seats.

They still run the 5-10 there? Why the heck is there still no way to see what games are running here its 2025

by bert_stare k

They still run the 5-10 there? Why the heck is there still no way to see what games are running here its 2025

We have a telegram group for the 5/10 list. The game runs pretty much everyday with 2 games usually after 6pm on fri / sat
