Royal Rumble Pool: 2023!

Royal Rumble Pool: 2023!

*Please simply put your 2p2 username in payment comments, and NOTHING ELSE*

I haven't watched 1 second of WWE in the last year, but alas, it's Rumble time.

There will be 4 pools. The main pools will be $10 for both the Mens and Womens RR matches. We will run a $100 High Roller for both rumbles as well.

For simplicity: If entering, you must join both main pools $20

You may join one or both High Roller pools. High Rollers will be capped at 10 or 15 depending on turnout.

Main Pool Prizes:
$150 winner
$50 runner up
$50 longest time survived
$50 most eliminations

High Roller Prizes: (Based on 10 entrants)
$700 winner
$150 longest time survived
$150 most eliminations
Maximum Pain- runner up

(If we get 15 it will be $1000, $200, $200, $100 money back for runner up)

If you are IN, post and I will PM you payment info. (Or if you still have my info from last years pool, PLEASE go ahead and send--It will save me valuable time) Paypal and Venmo only are acceptable.

Rules and method of randomization have been the same for many years now, and can be found looking through prior year pool threads.

Posting this twice for emphasis.

*Please simply put your 2p2 username in payment comments, and NOTHING ELSE*

MOD EDIT: Adding the lists to the OP for easy access.

Here is the official order of our $10 Mens Royal Rumble Pool

2. theshocker7
3. TheOJD
4. AllBlackDan
5. Feldman
6. TheOJD-2
7. kdub72
8. mdot20
9. cokeboy99
10. KingOfFelt
11. Burdzthewurd
12. Geoffras22
13. kordoISback
14. LKJ
15. Steeps
16. redirkulous
17. Gobias Ind
18. Jared
19. C Bids-2
20. C Bids
21. cokeboy99-2
22. NJPW
23. Mrtrebus
24. mdot20-2
25. gs3737
26. rmthawk64
27. sixfour
28. Burdzthewurd-2
29. Manimal
30. NJPW-2


Here is the official order of our $10 Womens Royal Rumble Pool

1. C Bids
2. cokeboy99
3. Mrtrebus
4. Feldman
5. rmthawk64
6. Jared
7. TheOJD-2
8. kdub72
9. mdot20
10. NJPW
11. C Bids-2
12. Manimal
13. cokeboy99-2
14. LKJ
15. Gobias Ind
16. sixfour
18. Steeps
19. theshocker7
20. KingOfFelt
21. NJPW-2
22. AllBlackDan
23. Geoffras22
24. redirkulous
25. Burdzthewurd-2
26. Burdzthewurd
27. mdot20-2
28. gs3737
29. kordoISback
30. TheOJD


Here is the official order for our $100 High Roller Mens Rumble

2. kdub72
3. gs3737
4. gs3737
5. theshocker7
6. KingOfFelt
7. Gobias Ind
8. KingOfFelt
9. redirkulous
10. LKJ
11. Manimal
12. cokeboy99
13. Feldman
14. Manimal
15. kdub72
16. cokeboy99
17. redirkulous
18. LKJ
19. kordoISback
20. TheOJD
21. TheOJD
22. mdot20
23. NJPW
25. Feldman
26. Gobias Ind
27. mdot20
28. theshocker7
29. kordoISback
30. NJPW


Here is the official order for our $100 Womens High Roller Rumble

1. Feldman
2. cokeboy99
3. KingOfFelt
4. kdub72
5. kdub72
6. mdot20-2
8. Gobias Ind
9. kordoISback
10. KingOfFelt
11. rmthawk64
12. redirkulous
13. Feldman
14. Manimal
15. LKJ
16. mdot20
17. theshocker7
18. theshocker7
19. cokeboy99
20. mdot20
21. Manimal
22. gs3737
23. Gobias Ind
24. redirkulous
25. kordoISback
26. mdot20-2
27. LKJ
28. gs3737
29. rmthawk64
30. NJPW

) 1 View 1
17 January 2023 at 06:24 PM

16 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Hey guys:

Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to pass on running this years pool. Aside from being generally more busy, I have an obligation the night of the rumble this year and I can't watch it live.

Just too much work for me to not get to enjoy the sweat with everyone, and if I want to eventually watch it unspoiled that would involve delayed payouts: I just don't feel comfortable running it that way.

I know everyone loves this pool, hopefully someone the group trusts steps up and keeps it alive. I'm willing to help/consult (and participate!) in any way, lmk how I can help.


Oh no!

Thanks for your years of service redirk, was fun! I'll be working with the Rumble on in the background so wont be able to run either.

If someone could step up would be brilliant, its a fun pool!

I keep meaning to join but keep forgetting. Down to run it unless someone else wants to

If you or someone else runs it I'm in

Same, would certainly appreciate it if you do decide to run it.

I would start soon if you're planning to do this. It was started on 1.17 last year and had trouble filling, even with friends of redirkulous joining. Just a thought.

Also in

In for any and all buy-in levels. Can help run it if needed too.

Alright. I’ll run it. Gimme til this afternoon to get everything ready since I’m super busy but will post when ready. In the meantime whoever’s in say they’re in


In and will take a 2nd if it doesn't fill

If someone it runs, I’m in for men’s and women’s if we’re doing both.

If there’s a high roller and low level one, I’d do all four

This is always an awesome pool, so it’d be awesome if it happens.

2024 thread is up. post with your reservations

Awesome, In.

★ Recommended Post

I’m in for sure!
