2025 Elimination Chamber

2025 Elimination Chamber

I thought there would be an Elimination Chamber thread here already, but since there isn't - now there is.

I don't really follow wrestling a lot these days but I watched the Rumble and Alexa Bliss is here for this one so it has my interest.

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02 March 2025 at 12:11 AM

44 Replies


They're making this a triple threat

Aren't they?

That wasn’t very PG



Oh no! Not the Microphone!

Ok I'm into this.

by Rawlz517 k

We gonna end a PLE with a promo, eh?

Best end to a PPV since WM and it’s not close

Heel Cena!

by StoppedRainingMen k

Best end to a PPV since WM and it's not close

I stand very much corrected.

That was a pretty good ending, but Travis Scott has to be in the running for most pointless celebrity appearance. Was him holding Codys hand supposed to add something?

by MinusEV k

That was a pretty good ending, but Travis Scott has to be in the running for most pointless celebrity appearance. Was him holding Codys hand supposed to add something?

He recorded the current RAW theme, so we'll be seeing a lot more of him

Cena ppost-show press conference; 13/10

I hope he changes the get up to all black.

That was only 15 years too late and allowing the Rock to embarrass him two years in a row makes Cody look like an idiot.

I would get excited by this if Cena was going to get a multi year run with it, but since he only has a few months left and will probably flip back face for his retirement, the consequences of this turn are…meh.

Fully expect the punk Rollins blood feud match to main event night 1, as it should

by OneOut k

That was only 15 years too late and allowing the Rock to embarrass him two years in a row makes Cody look like an idiot.

I would get excited by this if Cena was going to get a multi year run with it, but since he only has a few months left and will probably flip back face for his retirement, the consequences of this turn are…meh.

I get this, but disagree entirely

Yes, he should have turned during the Nexus run but waiting til his retirement tour when he’s finally basically universally beloved to pull the trigger is fucking awesome and there’s so many ways they can go with this

I fully expect Cena to go over and having his retirement tour become the bad guy final boss has the title and presumably his retirement match be dropping it is pretty cool. I suspect it’ll be back to Cody ultimately but you have an opportunity to build someone else to be the guy and be massively over

Plus heel cena in the ‘go fuck yourself’ era is something I am 1000% here for

But it's not going to be an era. It's more likely going to be until Summerslam, so that Cena can go out a hero by the end of the year. He won't have his last match as a heel. Hope I'm wrong.

If they run this through the end of the year and stay consistent, it could be decent. But I see this as the same thing with Edge when he came back and turned on Daniel Bryan and went right back to babyface after mania. Same shit with the Rock, who was the Final Boss for a month and then became buddies with Cody the Raw after Mania, but now he's the bad guy again.

I just think the long term result of this is more to the detriment of Cody than anything else. Why expect any long term consistency with this?

Pretty sure you're right. They just wanted a heel in the Cody/Cena match at Mania.

Also, why the hell did the Rock go with that exaggerated cut throat signal instead of the eyebrow like he gave Owen Hart?

I don't remember women's WWE ever being anywhere near this good. I stopped in 2002 but Netflix brought back some interest. I remember Trish Stratus was the first real woman's wrestler who had the looks/mic skills/in ring wrestling big 3. Now Rhea/Liv/Tiffy look like superstars out there.

I'm rooting for the most talented people based off those criteria. I don't know if I am doing it wrong.

Also **** the wwe for employing that scamming piece of **** Logan Paul. Had to watch this one but I've been skipping all of his segments to make a point.

The women have been great for the last 12 years or so starting at NXT and then when Sasha/Charlotte/Becky/Bailey graduated to the main roster. Rhea has taken it to another level. Liv has come into her own just over the last year or so.

The problem with LP is that he's actually really good at this and making people hate you is a positive in this business.

by NJPW k

Pretty sure you're right. They just wanted a heel in the Cody/Cena match at Mania.

I don’t think it’s at all that basic. There are plenty of ways they could have put a heel in that match if they wanted to

Hotshotting the biggest heel turn since Hollywood hogan for a single match, even if it is the main event of WM, does not seem like the kinda short sighted nonsense h would pull

I’m guessing (and I base this off nothing) cenawinslol, heel run for a few months before the rock turns on him with let’s say, rollins turning heel setting up the retirement match being cena and Cody v rock and Seth setting up Cody v Seth for the belt at WM with cena helping him go over

by OneOut k

The problem with LP is that he's actually really good at this and making people hate you is a positive in this business.

I dunno why he's still with the wwe. Dude literally stole money from his followers. Said he'd pay em back but is spending his money on fighting a YouTuber named coffeezilla who exposed Logan's blatant scamming.

That crosses a line for me!
