New Youtube poker channel! Bankroll challenges! $0- $10k completed so far

New Youtube poker channel! Bankroll challenges! $0- $10k completed so far

Hey everyone, I started this Youtube channel about 10 months ago. My channel

Majority of the videos are cash sessions and bankroll challenges with some mtt mixed in.

10 months ago i put $100 on stars and $100 on ggpoker/wsop to start the bankroll challenge.

Starting at NL 10 and micro mtts, I recorded the progress and ran that up to $10k and NL 50.

I'm now on to my second bankroll challenge of getting to 100k! currently NL 100 reg.

I'm still working on improving the quality of videos and channel but would love the support of the community!

My Channel

Thanks for you time!!

05 November 2023 at 01:41 PM

3 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Bankroll challenge update!! and moving to NL 200!

Adding some top 5/top 10 hand videos. All a work in progress!

Most recent Bankroll update :
