NCAA Football 2023 Season Megathread

NCAA Football 2023 Season Megathread

Figured I would get this thing started since a mod still hasn’t changed the title of the 2022 thread. Let’s just start o

08 August 2023 at 12:17 AM

1066 Replies



Please win on a safety



jesus christ

does michigan practice special teams?

they win this game comfortably with replacement level ST

Good gawd.

looooool tried to lose it right there

Why are you calling a fair catch at the 5???

holding safety for the loss, one time dealer

by NotReddBoiler k

This has been the best bad game I've ever watched

Story checks out

Fair catching the the 5. Ffs.

He tried to lose it 22-20 on a safety punt bobble.

Why the **** do these kids field the ball in that spot

First muff the sun was up right?

Kirk shut your ****ing ********** for a second ‘I’m gonna spin this as a positive’

It always amazes me when a PR isn't aware of where they are on the field. No reason to catch to ball.

Ummmm what

Wtf is going on with the clock

Why in the ???

Wtf?? Timeout???

God both of these teams are ****ing morons

Ball was going to be at the 7. That's a gray area but a lot of programs have that as auto-catch.

wtf just happened

Saban waited until Michigan could run only one play. Maybe get a fumbled snap or something dumb and get a turnover or safety.

Bama came at the king but they missed. Yall know this is Michigan's game now.
