Quantum Entanglement (A Love Story)

Quantum Entanglement (A Love Story)

) 6 Views 6
08 October 2023 at 02:00 AM

1063 Replies


villain agreeing to check it down in a tiny pot is a good result there and not something worth fretting over imo

Yeah. I'm over it.

Playing five hours this afternoon, napping, then another ten tonight.

hell yeah, get it

I'm getting paid $600 to crush the game.

Most of the other promo grinders are losers in the game. I think. So it creates a greater deficit from the fish, making the games even better, contrary to what you may expect.

You raise the blade
You make the change
You rearrange me 'til I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head
But it's not me.

I can't play well during periods of extreme tiredness. It feels like a weakness as some people can, but I shouldn't beat myself up over it. My C-game becomes my A-game and things fall apart quickly. I have little to no feel for the table and lack discipline.

I will no longer attempt to play when exhausted. And I am probably not going to smoke during sessions anymore as it makes me tired.

The best rock band in history is Pink Floyd.

1. Jimmy Page
2. Jonny Greenwood
3. Slash
4. Eddie Van Halen
5. Hendrix


On a nice heater too.

I fear that I am ordinary just like everyone
To lie here and die among the sorrows
Adrift among the days
For everything I ever said
And everything I've ever done is gone and dead
As all things must surely have to end
And great loves will one day have to part
I know that I am meant for this world

My life has been extraordinary
Blessed and cursed and won
Time heals but I'm forever broken
By and by the way
Have you ever heard the words
I'm singing in these songs?
It's for the girl I've loved all along
Can a taste of love be so wrong
As all things must surely have to end
And great loves will one day have to part
I know that I am meant for this world

And in my mind as I was floating
Far above the clouds
Some children laughed I'd fall for certain
For thinking that I'd last forever
But I knew exactly where I was
And I knew the meaning of it all
And I knew the distance to the sun
And I knew the echo that is love
And I knew the secrets in your spires
And I knew the emptiness of youth
And I knew the solitude of heart
And I knew the murmurs of the soul
And the world is drawn into your hands
And the world is etched upon your heart
And the world so hard to understand
Is the world you can't live without
And I knew the silence of the world

- Billy Corgan

Billy's words, especially when I'm stoned, intimately remind me of J.S. Bach's music. The way his lyrics wash over me, so profoundly to the point, & sound and true, is otherworldly beautiful.

Okay, enough whimsy for a while. I'm back to battle.

I realized yesterday that I am effectively retired. As long as I have my wits about me, and a good casino near, I'll never worry about money again.

It took millions of hands, and countless hours over a 20-year span to reach poker's summit. But this isn't the first Everest I've scaled, it's actually the second.

I am totally insulated from mass media, and the outside world in general. I doubt being in a casino 15 hours/day is great for my general wellbeing. But f*ck it, ya know?

I've lived an alternative lifestyle for most of my life. Typically not for the better. At least I'm making money, I guess.

The 75-hour dreams are over. I'm doing 55 now. This will give me ample time to read and play guitar.

you ever play with lirva?

No idea what he looks like.

The blog has north of 10,000 clicks. Which is totally absurd. Thank you Mason & Max for providing such a vibrant platform.

I feel great today. I had slept approximately 30 hours of the previous 48! The truth is as much as I want to be the hardest worker in poker, I don't have the genetics for it. Physical burnout is real for me. Quite often working very hard leads to a mild depressive episode...which did not occur, though I slept like a depressed person.

I have a cubilux. It is almost cube shaped, and it connects my guitar to my computer. With the help of a friend, I was able to plugin to a program, play & record, and play back again. I was hoping that it would also serve as an amp for jamming, but there's a quarter-second delay between strumming and sound. So it's just for recording, which is pretty cool nonetheless.

I've also become a robot. My main decisions are binary: feel good, play poker; 001... feel less good, go home; 010 ... at home, RNG activities; 011.

My imagination feels limited. I was once a crazy art-driven person utililzing imagination all day long. I would want those days back but they were oft accompanied by immense discomfort. Lil' Robot, I am much happier, even if the day's events cascade downward like dominos falling into one another.

I think the chaos one experiences at the poker table is keeping me sane. Every time I look up from my phone, a big pot unfolds while someone experiences a miniature tragedy. I chuckle, remind myself that I will soon get to play my dominant range in the same scenario, printing EV, before burrowing myself into my phone again. I should start listening to podcasts more regularly, does anyone have good recommendations?

Online poker has died. Rest in peace, Omega's Child. We hardly knew thee; for a few short years there were worldwide cardrooms and infinite joy. I don't think we will ever experience that again. Not unless David Sklansky invents a new game, better than No Limit Hold'em, that can't easily be cheated. Or a game when if cheated it becomes extremely obvious....but hell, the courts don't care about gambling cheats and those full of deceit. The reality has always been a bleak future. Later is now, and now has been buried alive. Like, it's not even about Galfond sitting down, axe to the grindstone, and coming up with an unfailable system and plan to make the game safe and good again. We sadly do not have the legislative effort required to succeed in America.

You know what would really torpedo this blog?

If I blog every meal I eat.

Starting now. Gaped unprecedented, beyond beeyoft: fact or fiction, this blog is getting food updates.

Had Beef Lo Mein for brunch. Two fortunes:

"Your genuine talents will lead you to success"


"Fame and fortune lie ahead"
