omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?
Went to get a shower in my new place last night, after a full day of moving in and cleaning.
Boiler wasn’t working, despite the fact it was working earlier in the day.
Absolutely gutting.
Hopefully getting it fixed today.
Are you saying you took a cold shower bro?
sa, what lower end leather strap mechanical watches you like?
I consider nomos middle tier along with omega and tag heuer, but at a price point that's significantly lower than those. The price is on the high end of the low end watches, but the quality much stronger than anything in their price range (for a new unworn watch). I wore a nomos for several years and I loved it
do they have tritium?
mmmm redhead.
Why the wheels?! It appears meaningless; like life itself. I like the beach.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left.
makes sense, I'm planning on starting with cold showers this summer as well!