Do you believe racism exists and is a problem in the US medical system?
A+ OP. Would read again.
There has been a troubling increase in anti-white racist language. I dont know if it has actually manifested in a lower level of care though.
I do have family members in the medical profession, including working in black and Hispanic inner cities. And they all argue all the health professionals (many of whom are black and Hispanic themselves) care as much for their patients as any other health professional.
It does strike me that progressives generally talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to inner city health care; in that they praise the overwhelmingly black and Hispanic health professionals who work in these environments while simultaneously decrying the system as racist (without ever articulating how it is racist).
And the generally lower outcomes overall in inner city populations can pretty much completely be explained by higher levels of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
There has been a troubling increase in anti-white racist language. I dont know if it has actually manifested in a lower level of care though.
I do have family members in the medical profession, including working in black and Hispanic inner cities. And they all argue all the health professionals (many of whom are black and Hispanic themselves) care as much for their patients as any other health professional.
It does strike me that progressives generally talk out of both sides of their mouths
have you looked at the statistics of racism within the healthcare system?
black women die during childbirth at a rate 400% higher than white women- and this is across the board over many years- would this qualify as evidence of racism to you?
have you looked at the statistics of racism within the healthcare system?
black women die during childbirth at a rate 400% higher than white women- and this is across the board over many years- would this qualify as evidence of racism to you?
I have no clue if that is true, but even assuming it was that isn't a statistic of racism. That is a statistic of disparate outcomes, which could be due to a large variety of factors.
In an intellectually honest world you would run studies that control for various factors to try to tease out influence of various factors. But there is nothing intellectually honest about leftist activism in medicine, so here we are.
Unfortunately it is the patients themselves that suffer the most from this intellectual dishonesty. As health care professionals and researchers dont even bother to try to understand what is actually going on by running proper studies, there is pretty much no chance they are going to be able to devise systems to improve outcomes.
Health professionals that cater to black populations with poor relative outcomes are much higher proportionally black themselves. Is your thesis black health care professionals are racist against black patients?
Have you given any thought at all to mechanistically how health care is racist?
Do you think that a white person in the medical system would prefer to be treated like a white person or like a black person?
Health professionals that cater to black populations with poor relative outcomes are much higher proportionally black themselves. Is your thesis black health care professionals are racist against black patients?
Have you given any thought at all to mechanistically how health care is racist?
Do you acknowledge that health care was racist before the civil rights act of 1960s?
I don’t think there’s enough black doctors to say that black people are only served by black doctors and that’s across the country
An awful story just broke about a baby decapited in childbirth.
Might have no correlation, but it was a black family.
have you looked at the statistics of racism within the healthcare system?
black women die during childbirth at a rate 400% higher than white women- and this is across the board over many years- would this qualify as evidence of racism to you?
Take a wild random guess, which ethnicity women in fertile age are more obese than any other?

Why did you cut off the last line?
You gotta compare obesity rates and maternal death rates of Other races as well if you want to compare.
Do you know what a common denominator is?
Pw, you're going down the wahoe route of becoming what ever the feeds are sending you for the week.
Take a wild random guess, which ethnicity women in fertile age are more obese than any other?
“Results: Compared with women with normal BMI, underweight women (<18.5 kg/m2) had an adjusted OR of death of 0.75 (95% CI, 0.42-1.33), overweight women (25-29.9 kg/m2) 1.65 (95% CI, 1.24-2.19), women with class 1 obesity (30-34.9 kg/m2) 2.22 (95% CI, 1.55-3.19) and those with class 2-3 obesity (≥35 kg/m2) 3.40 (95% CI, 2.17-5.33). Analysis by cause showed significant excess risk of maternal death due to cardiovascular diseases, venous thromboembolism, hypertensive complications and stroke in women with obesity. Suboptimal care was as frequent among women with (35/62, 57%) as without obesity (136/244, 56%), but this inadequate management was directly related to obesity among 14/35 (40%) obese women with suboptimal care. Several opportunities for improvement were identified.
Conclusions: The risk of maternal death increases with BMI; it multiplied by 1.6 in overweight women and more than tripled in pregnant women with severe obesity. Training clinicians in the specificities of care for pregnant women with obesity could improve their outcomes.”
Are you saying vast majority of black women during childbirth are obese and that’s why the rate triples?
Are you saying this rate is the same for white women as well?
“ Suboptimal care was as frequent among women with (35/62, 57%) as without obesity (136/244, 56%), but this inadequate management was directly related to obesity among 14/35 (40%) obese women with suboptimal care. Several opportunities for improvement were identified.”
Doctors were giving suboptimal care to obese people? Sounds racist and classist to me
Why did you cut off the last line?
You gotta compare obesity rates and maternal death rates of Other races as well if you want to compare.
Do you know what a common denominator is?
The rest is about physicians not being super trained about dealing with obese mothers optimally , which has nothing to do with racism, and given the study was for France,
it didn't feel like something useful for the conversation about purported racism in american healthcare.
Black women are more obese than any other race in the USA, especially more morbidly obese (BMI >39), just check the numbers about that they are everywhere.
Obesity strongly correlates with maternal mortality, it's probably the single most important factor. Black women giving birth die more often because they are more often obese.
“ Suboptimal care was as frequent among women with (35/62, 57%) as without obesity (136/244, 56%), but this inadequate management was directly related to obesity among 14/35 (40%) obese women with suboptimal care. Several opportunities for improvement were identified.”
Doctors were giving suboptimal care to obese people? Sounds racist and classist to me
Classist maybe but as usual nothing to do with race.
If you want to claim poor mothers die more of childbirth that's almost certainly true everywhere in the world, but again that's not racism.
Classist maybe but as usual nothing to do with race.
If you want to claim poor mothers die more of childbirth that's almost certainly true everywhere in the world, but again that's not racism.
so if the data shows that a certain race of people is receiving subpar care, and everything else is equal, you still say no racism?
when did racism in medicine end and why? Because it was alive and well until the mid 1900s, but you said its gone so when did it leave?
unless youre saying there was never racism in healthcare?
please be specific
Take a wild random guess, which ethnicity women in fertile age are more obese than any other?
Classist maybe but as usual nothing to do with race.
If you want to claim poor mothers die more of childbirth that's almost certainly true everywhere in the world, but again that's not racism.
then why did you bring up race when referring to this statistic?
Because obesity correlates with maternal mortality and the above data prove that (but it's known and not controversial in literature in general).
And black women are more obese than other ethnicity women in the USA. Especially more morbidly obese.
You cited the higher maternal mortality of black women as something that is caused by racism in healthcare.
I answered to that showing to you a fact, that black women have more often than any other race a characteristic that causes maternal mortality.
Are you joking? Correlation isn’t causation cmon now
Obesity causes maternal mortality.
Obesity causes cardiovascular problems, it isn't only correlated with them.
Cardiovascular problems are the first cause of maternal mortality.
Do you even know anything about maternal mortality?
I think bottom line is if you have the cash you are fine and get some of the best Healthcare in the world. If your middle class or poor not so much
Here in Canada we have universal healthcare and if your rich you get the best healthcare possible as you go to the USA if your Middle class or poor it sucks