omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?
lol ♥ the 1st comment
i don't think these dimensions are physically possible
Made 121ish dashing for 4ish hours tonight lol
Sup, fam? What's new?
how long it take to receive those monies? do they withhold taxes?
Um every Tuesday at around 3 or 4 am it comes direct deposit.
No taxes withheld
Made 369.64$ this week, activily in the process of order procurement and delivery for 13 hours 37 minutes
One 30.00$ fill-up of gas for the week, and untold damage to car from driving 300 miles approximately
Pay this mang his manies
He who would be first must be your slave.
She who would become the Horst Wessel of the MAGA movement errr
Would be nice if those shorts took off like yoga pants!
looks kinda risky