The AEW Thread

The AEW Thread

Kinda surprised that more people are not talking about this here. With the announcement that they will have weekly tv on TNT + the solid roster + the funds + how trash WWE has been, it seems like this is a huge deal for the wrestling world. Are you guys just super jaded with wrestling now, or not really into the potential new company?

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16 May 2019 at 05:55 PM

137 Replies


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and here's a video of Sammy knocking Jeff Hardy out...

Sammy, Sammy, Sammy

I wonder if they're going to put Sammy and Mercedes Monet on opposite shows like they did with the Bucks/CM Punk - if I was her, I wouldn't want to be near the guy after what he said

Good idea. Tony should have Sammy on Dynamite and Mercedes on Smackdown.

Glad they're finally pulling the trigger on Page heel turn.

Does that leave Darby as the only guy on the roster more than a year or two who hasn't turned?

by OneOut k

Does that leave Darby as the only guy on the roster more than a year or two who hasn't turned?

Orange Cassidy has basically been a face the whole time, no?

by OneOut k

Does that leave Darby as the only guy on the roster more than a year or two who hasn't turned?

Off top of my head (very well could be wrong)

Butcher & Blade
Kip Sabian
Brody King
Buddy Matthews
Chuck Taylor
Hikaru Shida
Jeff Jarrett
Willow Nightingale
Kris Statlander
Paul Wight (this has to be the most incredible of all of them considering his history)

Are all those people still with the company?

I thought the House had a very brief face run or maybe it was just heel v heel matches, but otherwise, yeah, I guess Darby and Orange's group.

Those are everyone I pulled from the active roster, assume there are some that left that never turned

So I just flew in to Tulsa with the purpose of checking Oklahoma off my list of states visited (49/50 with just Alaska left) and completely forgot Dynamite is here this week.

Bumped into Ric Flair while checking in (Charlotte is with him), took an airport shuttle with Dante Martin, and shared an elevator with Swerve Scott (nice guy).

Jericho has to stop thinking that different stages of his career are different characters he can still play. Lionheart was a young, much more athletic Chris Jericho. It's not like he's Mick Foley playing Cactus Jack or Dude Love. Jericho can't do most of that **** anymore, at least not well. Maybe he should just stop completely. That match on Wednesday was a mess.

And the Sting segment might have been even worse. How long does everyone have to get the **** beat out of them for before their good buddy Sting comes out to save them. When Flair threw a punch, I thought he was falling and looking for someone to grab onto. And that drop from the ceiling didn't make me think "vintage Sting!" It made me cringe and think "Oh ****, Owen Hart".

Anyone watching Revolution? Has been a great show so far. Women's title match about to start.

Yeah, show has been pretty damn high workrate. I’m gonna be sleepy tomorrow, but this **** is great.

I’m thinking Ospreay vs Takeshita will steal the show.

by whatthejish k

I’m thinking Ospreay vs Takeshita will steal the show.

That match was incredible. And without much of a story or buildup, just 2 guys going out there to put on a show.

WWE is going to regret not getting Ospreay. He's the best wrestler alive right now and his current style might not lend itself to a very long career

Darby just killed himself wtf

This is one of the funner retirement matches I can recall seeing

Man, that **** was so good. I’m tired this morning, but feeling great off that buzz.

Can’t wait to rewatch Takeshita vs Ospreay after work.

That Sting match was just surreal. The pre-match stuff was perfectly done I thought. But then it got bizarre with the sons doing moves in the ring followed by 5 minutes of people walking around and setting up furniture. Darby trying to kill himself for no reason. Sting taking a bunch of massive bumps and then "Stinging up" to a level that even the Hulkster never got to. I was highly entertained at least.

Ospreay-Takeshita was great and I'm so amped to see Ospreay putting on classics vs the better workers in the company.

The new look and color scheme is a huge improvement. I always felt the red/blue/white was rather bland.

That was a great episode. Feels like everything is popping off.

Seeing Okada come out and attack Eddie and motion that he wants the third best title in AEW made me feel like Tony would really debut Hogan in 1994 by having him attack Johnny B. Badd and challenge him for the tv title. Ridiculous. Nobody wants to see that match or him with that title.

Ospreay's matches are not for me. Didn't care for his match vs. Takeshita and I thought his match vs Fletcher last night was ungodly bad. Fletcher is a frequent loser who went 15 minutes with the new big star and kicked out of all Ospreay's big moves while no selling everything.

Swerve and Joe killing it as always. Jericho/Hook is a thing. I'm gonna try to be optimistic with it but it's weird.

Nice to have some good story matches booked in advance with Wardlow vs Joe next week and then Edge/Xtian the following week which should be tons of fun

Didn't they do the same with Jay White were he looked super weak in his first 5-6 matches after debuting?

I love Ospreay, but agree with your point. Not every match needs to be going for a 5 star rating. I feel like the only squashes they ever do are for monsters, but I think they absolutely can be effective for other upper carders as well to build them up. Khan loves letting scrubs like Action Andretti and Dante Martin go 50/50 with their big stars and it just makes the stars look weak. Then the lesser guy gets a slight rub, but then is buried and forgotten about like a month later anyway. The only guy they ever really tried to do that with and then keep a sustained push was Wheeler Useless, and he was about the worst choice b/c he's got the personality of a cardboard box.

I'll probably watch for the big matches, especially featuring Ospreay and Okada, but the product is just too incoherent for me to be an every Dynamite/Collision/PPV viewer.

Aew has a compelling roster but okada’s debut moved the needle literally none in attendance and ratings

Dying a slow death. Which is a shame

MJF is going to go to WWE, of that I’m certain
