Rec-Bumhunter trying to go pro
Greetings to everyone and thank you in advance for your time.
I used to play poker as a rec,mostly tourneys in private clubs whenever I had time .3 years (!) later I fell in love with the game and cash games specifically. I used to work many hours per day so my volume was pretty low.I was making some money playing 100-200nl avg on private clubs and apps.I thought that there is some potential and joined a regulated site to play.I got crushed really fast.The reason was not that I was so bad as a player(still fish though),but I couldnt control my tilt. I stopped playing and I started reading about the game .I memorised wizzards preflop strategies with small custom simplifications in frequencies,learned some general MDA lines and studied some theory grids in various spots. It has been almost 1 year since I decided to take the game seriously. I reduced my working time to be able to play more poker and keep a balanced (!) life. If I am able to make constant winnings by the end of the summer I will probably go full time.
So I chose GG poker to be the place where I will give my shot.I went straight to 50-100nl rnc and got SWALLOWED by the nitfest and better regs. I used to play in pools full of aggro fish and aggro regs,so my calling button was always hot,a really but habit for this pool. I reviewed my hands and understood that I have to adjust a lot my preflop ranges and general playstyle to a even more aggresive style -overfold friendly.
I dropped stakes and started over from nl 25 rnc. My plan is to play up to 50k hands in each limit and move up if I win.
My study routine for now will be mainly ip srp btn bb.Then hj vs bb .
After 21k hands I was able to beat25NL.I know that the sample is really small but I was feeling really comfortable there and decided to move up to NL50 rnc.
So,atm ://////Stakes :NL50,/////Studying: ip srp early pos. ////Tilt issues :still tilting af
I hope for some advices-guidance from more experienced players.
I will post here my process .
my NL25 stats for 21k hands
Some hands played recently.
I think the hand is fine. Villain tanked called the river which was funny. I do not understand why did he check flop. I plan to attack his flop cbetting range a lot on this type of boards.
I think is fine. Turn overbet by V looks like a punt.
Very interesting hand ,I would like to hear your opinion.
Hi, good luck with the grind:
From the hands you have posted I can see why you're struggling.
Hand 1: This is just a fold pre; then you don't have any of the problems. But if you call pre, then this is a check on the river. You block his auto folds. And once the flush misses, AX can have a crying call, even without having 2 pair.
Hand 2: Calling turn overbet with Ac is fine. But SB v BB you can't really expect him to fold a flush once you shove river. And by him overbetting the turn, he is clearly saying that he has a flush.
Hand 3: I wouldn't have donked the turn. The K kind of hits your range, but then again, you would check-fold some KX on the flop. Also, you're putting more money in with now 3rd pair. I would check and hope that he also thinks that the K is good for your range and therefore checks back turn.
Rest of the hand is fine.
Would you like me to include your hands in one of my YouTube videos? It can be done anonymously.
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Hi, good luck with the grind:
From the hands you have posted I can see why you're struggling.
Hand 1: This is just a fold pre; then you don't have any of the problems. But if you call pre, then this is a check on the river. You block his auto folds. And once the flush misses, AX can have a crying call, even without having 2 pair.
Hand 2: Calling turn overbet with Ac is fine. But SB v BB you can't really expect him to fold a flush once you shove river. And by him overbetting the turn, he is clearly
thanks a lot for the feedback.You may use those hands if you want to.
J2s is a call vs 2x open strategy which is the most used strategy on rnc.Being on autopilot multytabling I missed he went for 2.5x.
yes I knew he has a flush,but i try to keep bluffs in my range in every spot, especially vs players that I play often against..when he overbets the turn i would only call with all my flushes,and I would jam with the most of them on this river sizing.This specific hand though should probably fold since it blocks some thin value he could bet like that and fold on river raise like KJ
Cool, thanks! Would you have 3 or 4 more hands? Then I could make an episode just with your hands. No worries if not, though. Thanks.
some more hands played yesterday
NL50 so far.I am not satisfied with my game yet.I think I am passive in 3 pots oop.Made some really bad calls and some unnecessary big bluffs in inelastic spots.
ing Image...]
really interesting hand,any thoughts?probably should bet turn.
graph so far..I faced some insane multiple setups in 3pots.Tilt demoted my game and I kept playing in my B,C game.
Amazing red line, it's not easy to be aggressive in a lot of spots where it's going to be the highest EV option. I think that's something lower stakes regs tend to struggle with the most. Not that you necessarily need to have a red line that looks like that to do well, but I think it's a natural consequence of really looking for those +EV bluff spots everywhere you can. If you're in a pool full of fish that might not be the best option, but if you're against a lot of reg types it's important
I do get the sense that you might be a bit overly concerned with trying to "play GTO" vs players in spots where they're clearly very unbalanced - I think that AJ hand is the best example. imo you're right that the turn overbet is a punt by v, but at these stakes I think it's very unlikely anyone will do this with anything worse than a flush unless they're an actual whale. Anything worse is much more likely to use
I also think the A9 hand might be a bit of a punt, at higher stakes against competent regs it's probably an easy value jam, but overbet probe turn is prob gonna be pretty nutted for any player that isn't like an actual solid reg (of which there are generally very few at 50nl). Some nittier reg types might do like 7d6d, but will often give up otr if they miss. There's not really any worse two pair to get value from. Another spot where I think anything worse than AT (if even in range) is gonna bet less than pot for a vast majority of players. Lower stakes players (and even most regs) generally don't understand what overbet ranges are supposed to look like, or when you're even supposed to do them in the first place. So they usually just end up being super nutted at this level
Overall though I think your quality of play seems great, if you can plug a couple leaks you might even have a positive winrate on GG before rakeback lol. Best of luck OP
I have created the video out of your hands (anonymously). Thank you very much for allowing me to use them! The video will be published in a few weeks. If you subscribe to my channel, you'll see when it comes out. Here's the subscription link:
I agree with whitemares, who analysed your play/situation very well. I think that your great red line comes at the expense of calling and bluffing spots that are not great, but overall, it doesn't seem to hurt you too much.
I think you can become a very solid winning player at these stakes.
Amazing red line, it's not easy to be aggressive in a lot of spots where it's going to be the highest EV option. I think that's something lower stakes regs tend to struggle with the most. Not that you necessarily need to have a red line that looks like that to do well, but I think it's a natural consequence of really looking for those +EV bluff spots everywhere you can. If you're in a pool full of fish that might not be the best option, but if you're against a lot of reg types it's important
I do
thanks a lot man for your time!It really helps when someone gives me some credits!The trueth is I have to fold more.I am not so big station,but there are many spots where I should never bluffcatch to exploit players.It is funny how nitty people are on GG.There are some agro whales hidden under the normalized stats of zooms,but thats all.Even fish wont bluff.Rivers are massively underbluffed in almost every line.It makes the game boring and rly monotone.
every day I am getting more and more impressed by the nits of the pool.Its unbelievable .
process so far: BTN vs BB srp ,Iv studied some boards in various turns and rivers: 2 high cards >=T 1 low no straight available rainbow and monotone like KT5rb ,KQ5 tt,AQ4 rb AQ4tt ,KQ4tt ,QT5tt rb etch.
for now I will play flops with 1 size or check.I want to focus more on whole strategies from flop to river than on mixing bet sizing otf.I will mix sizes on the river .
currently working on Amid mid ,Alow low
tilt issues:Getting better at it,still tilting though..The most money that I loose comes from pure setups ,pre or post .I have played a bunch of hands vs fish cold calling 3bets and 4bets with trash hands which get some equity otf and get there by the river.Its really annoying.
yesterdays ses and some hands:
I need to increase my volume ,but there are some life issues which stop me.So 30k hands so far. I made some punty calls once again in my last session.I think my w/r (at least the short-term one)will skyrocket if I find those folds.
todays ses
interesting hands
todays session.My internet was lagging hard,I lost hands by autofolding that I shouldnt.Really sad results and my performance was pretty bad I think.
big wins-losses
nice to show all the hands that are so tough ! and those crazy bluffs! that QQ calldown was sweet
nice to show all the hands that are so tough ! and those crazy bluffs! that QQ calldown was sweet
Hi,thanks for the reply!QQ hand was VS a very good aggro player who would go thin with AQ and would have all the available bluffs in range. So QQ with a club was a hand with fine blockers to call.I would probably fold KK and JJ.I wouldnt call vs a classic reg.
todays ses
I almost gave up in the middle because of some really hard setups-badbeats.I felt my tilt reaching the red zone.I took some breaths and then dived in the pool once again.
I will post some hands later. The pool of GG rnc is very soft tbh. The most of the players are nits,so you may play like a psycho against them ,when they show weakness,and fold perfectly against them when they start firing.
a perfect hand vs a player that I respect.
todays ses,I think I played really bad in many spots .I wont even upload the hands because I am sure every single one of them is a punt. I should have won +280bb at least which I burned . I guess everyone plays bad sometimes.The thing is that when I do something and I realize the very next second that my action is pure punt I feel really nervous.When I find a leak in my review its cool ,I didnt know something-I am going to learn it. However ,performing in C game freaking sucks man.
Reaching 50k hands in a massive downswing.Its sad and discouraging the fact that I am not able to over come my tilt impact on my game.I just cant .I was running with a winrate of 8.5bb/100 up to 45k hands(not flexing w/r ,I know that the sample is small).Then I ruined everything.Almost all of those 5k hands were played while being super tilted + running bad .I can spot when I am tilted but I dont want to stop playing because I believe that I have to learn how to overcome it and keep grinding. Any help-advice would be deeply appreciated.Atm I am dropping my volume and I am going to focus on study for a bit.