GTOWizard's opening ranges differ from my own -- how useful then are the solutions provided?
For example, in 9-max games I'm never opening worse than KTs UTG, GTOWizard opens down to something like K5s with some frequency. I will also raise 88-99 at a somewhat higher frequency than in the range GTOWizard suggests. Other positions have other differences, this is just an example.
Can I solve postflop situations and still expecte the results to be applicable to my own game? What about the different kind of ranges villain's will be playing?
I supose I can explore this myself of course, comparing the results of using different ranges, but thought I'd ask about it
2 Replies
You can plug in your own ranges and solve that instead.
The postflop strategy is driven by the differences in each player's range composition given the board, so the resulting outputs may change. On some boards it may change a lot, on some boards it might be quite similar.
GTOw ranges are the gold standard nowadays so having at least some grasp of what pure gto play is will always be a useful place to start investigating a hand.
Sometimes I compare my Pio solves to GTOw and they're usually in the same ballpark. Close enough to be useful for sure. While any big differences are essemtially little puzzles to work out that help us understand how profoundly IRL variation affects our final stategy.