AA pre vs OMC line check

AA pre vs OMC line check

Local casino 2/5 $500 effective

H - best player at the table by far

V - literal old man coffee. Probably late 70s. Drinking black coffee. Never raises pre unless he has a premium. VPIP minimal.

V opens to $20 UTG. Folds to H in BB who has AsAc and 3-bets to $60. V immediately jams all in. H folds.

May seem nitty to most but this player has the other 2 aces here 100% of the time. I thought about it and leaned call but realized I’m calling just to chop.

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01 April 2024 at 02:03 PM

15 Replies

I fold pre in a heart beat the first time.

I'm not 3betting an OMC UTG raiser, but that's just me.

Great fold no notes

by fatmanonguitar k

Local casino 2/5 $500 effective

H - best player at the table by far

V - literal old man coffee. Probably late 70s. Drinking black coffee. Never raises pre unless he has a premium. VPIP minimal.

V opens to $20 UTG. Folds to H in BB who has AsAc and 3-bets to $60. V immediately jams all in. H folds.

May seem nitty to most but this player has the other 2 aces here 100% of the time. I thought about it and leaned call but realized I’m calling just to chop.

Wait until tomorrow when there's a date on when this was posted rather than the "Today" that appears presently. Reassess accordingly.

Why can't V have KK?

If we're 100% convinced he has AA, why not flat call, see a flop, and go from there?

Maybe the flop will have two spades or clubs, and we can free roll him with our flush draw. Maybe we can push him off his hand if the board favors our flatting range.

Otherwise, what's the point of raising, if we're just going to fold AA to a jam?

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by docvail k

Why can't V have KK?

If we're 100% convinced he has AA, why not flat call, see a flop, and go from there?

Maybe the flop will have two spades or clubs, and we can free roll him with our flush draw. Maybe we can push him off his hand if the board favors our flatting range.

Otherwise, what's the point of raising, if we're just going to fold AA to a jam?

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Good points. I faced this exact same spot a year ago today. I guess I played it foolishly.

fold face up next time, that'll show him

Nice April Fools joke.

LOL good thread bro.

Nice fold. Well played on every street.

Mostly a call pre but mixing folds is fine

Seems standard. Sometimes he will show up with KK and suck out. So best to play it safe. You'd only be 80% to win anyways in that instance.

3b/f is dumb. Just fold the first time. Save $20. You’re welcome.

And definitely fold face up, as is always the right move.

by fatmanonguitar k

Good points. I faced this exact same spot a year ago today. I guess I played it foolishly.

Well played, Fat Man. You got me this year.

Next year, I'm not falling for this.

[shake my damned head...]

by docvail k

Well played, Fat Man. You got me this year.

Next year, I'm not falling for this.

[shake my damned head...]

your first post wasn’t a troll?

Good fold if the rake was higher than 12 %
