Greatest Poker Degenerates Of All Time

Greatest Poker Degenerates Of All Time

Who do you think the Greatest Poker Degenerates of all time are? The guys who made millions playing poker and went on to blow all or most of it on crazy gambling binges, insane lifestyle choices and basically an overall degenerate way of life. Here are my choices:

-Stu Unger
-Mike Matusow
-Tom Dwan
-Shawn Sheikhan
-Eric Lindgren
-Gus Hansen

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30 March 2024 at 09:19 PM

73 Replies


by Zamadhi k

Sammy "Raisy Daisy" Farha

Witnessed him lose biggest pot I’ve ever seen live $250k @ commerce circa 2006 so yeah he wins imo

by Zamadhi k

Sammy "Raisy Daisy" Farha

Did Farha lose most of the money he won? I heard he won $100M in his career!

I think some people don't get that the prolific gamblers you're seeing aren't chasing the biggest number or wealth. They're bored. They want a challenge. They're buying uncertainty in safe quantities.

The biggest Degenerate Gambler of all time in the history of las Vegas is Zhenli Ye Gon. He would bet 100k hands 6 hands at a time playing black Jack at the Venetian in the 90s up to about 2007 when he was arrested by interpool for Supplying the Cartels with Senthetic drugs he imported from Asia to South and Central America under the disguise of his pharmacutical Company. He makes Terrance Watanbe look like a low stakes player. he is the guy responsible for that viral picture that surfaced the internet when one of his houses was raided where the entire room was stacked with money from floor to ceiling

he still holds the record to this day for being the biggest better and biggest loser in the history of Las Vegas. He currently sits in Prison being transported from country to country to face charges. You wont hear much about it because all his money was ill gotten gains.

by editundo k

urubu22 was pretty bad. Used to dust off several hundred k via flips and then beg for $100 from the guy that busted him, with the intention of running it up at micros. When told no he would complain on 2p2 about how rude it was.

You created an history that never happened lol

by urubu222 k

You created an history that never happened lol

There was a thread or some posts about it in BBV where you asked Ben86 for $100 after a big loss. I recall you posted about it, but maybe it was just a screenshot of the chat. Do you not remember this? I didn't make it up. You even told him you were going to grind 25NL and asked multiple times.

by editundo k

There was a thread or some posts about it in BBV where you asked Ben86 for $100 after a big loss. I recall you posted about it, but maybe it was just a screenshot of the chat. Do you not remember this? I didn't make it up. You even told him you were going to grind 25NL and asked multiple times.

it's just this screenshot you were thinking of

by Hundrye k

it's just this screenshot you were thinking of

Yeah that's it

No, I don’t remember … but ofc i wasn’t serious lol

Btw I’m not friends w Ben but have lots of sympathy for him. Never ever he was rude with me, actually the opposite.

He gave me tips on how deal with swings and in my very limited talks w him he was always super cool.

by urubu222 k

No, I don’t remember … but ofc i wasn’t serious lol

Weren't serious about grinding 50NL or weren't serious about wanting a loan/donation? You sound pretty serious there given the amount of times you asked. I am surprised you don't remember that, I remembered it and I had nothing to do with it. You must have had some crazy action to forget about something like that. Hope you don't mind that I brought it up.

by urubu222 k

No, I don’t remember … but ofc i wasn’t serious lol

Btw I’m not friends w Ben but have lots of sympathy for him. Never ever he was rude with me, actually the opposite.

He gave me tips on how deal with swings and in my very limited talks w him he was always super cool.

What the most you ever won in a single day? And what the most you ever lost in a single day?

If someone loses 30k to me in flips and tells me they're gonna grind to run it up I'm sending them 1k no questions asked. Ppl dunno how to gamble, dude asking questions about when he's getting 100 back is sad.

by editundo k

Weren't serious about grinding 50NL or weren't serious about wanting a loan/donation? You sound pretty serious there given the amount of times you asked. I am surprised you don't remember that, I remembered it and I had nothing to do with it. You must have had some crazy action to forget about something like that. Hope you don't mind that I brought it up.

Like I said, I do mind because the way you brought it up isn’t what happened.


What the most you ever won in a single day? And what the most you ever lost in a single day?

I don’t remember… but money is relative. Win 100k when you have 500 isn’t that special.
Win 50 when you start day with 10k is very special.

That’s why I think 1million dólar tournaments or 2/4k games are stupid. Sell action or millionaires who can afford.

The highest stakes are those that you can’t afford if lose.

by urubu222 k

I don’t remember… but money is relative. Win 100k when you have 500 isn’t that special.
Win 50 when you start day with 10k is very special.

That’s why I think 1million dólar tournaments or 2/4k games are stupid. Sell action or millionaires who can afford.

The highest stakes are those that you can’t afford if lose.


by urubu222 k

I don’t remember… but money is relative. Win 100k when you have 500 isn’t that special.
Win 50 when you start day with 10k is very special.

That’s why I think 1million dólar tournaments or 2/4k games are stupid. Sell action or millionaires who can afford.

The highest stakes are those that you can’t afford if lose.

The million dollar game in a nutshell. watching degens fight over $1k if they only have 10k is way more interesting than watching games where everyone sold pieces.


phil ivey

Jimmy Chagra! He may have lost more playing poker than anyone until Andy Beal came along. Jimmy was good for a million a week in the 1980's Vegas.

by Rizzeedizzee k

Geez - no Guy Laliberte? He padded many a high stakes player's wallet, and yet he kept coming back for more because he had an unlimited bankroll.

No. If poker losses weren't beyond his means and poker didn't take over his life and cause him to neglect his other responsibilities (and I haven't seen anything to suggest that), then it wasn't degenerate. If it's not irresponsible or destructive and it doesn't risk financial ruin, it's just a hobby.

For those using examples like Andy Beal and Guy Laliberte, I would not put them on this list as the amounts they lost were probably less than 2% the money to their name. Them losing $25 million dollars gambling would be like a player who has $2,000,000 losing $50,000.

by ExpatRights k

phil ivey

Did Ivey blow most of his money? I thought he was still rich.

by urubu222 k

Like I said, I do mind because the way you brought it up isn’t what happened.

Sure thing, as that screenshot clearly shows you weren't serious. 😵

As a side note:

Why do people say 'Like I said', when either a) We know already as you just said it lol or b) you never actually 'said' it, which is the case here as I don't see you stating anywhere else itt that you do mind him posting about it. Who cares anyway, just own it.

Like i sad
No hundo
Just a fiddy
Me mad
U undo
Or u shiddy

by urubu222 k

Like I said, I do mind because the way you brought it up isn’t what happened.

I can see how it's annoying for false details mentioned which make you look bad. For some reason I thought that's what happened (that you complained on 2p2). I think all these top gamblers/degens get some exaggerated stories about them, due to the myth/legend of your personalities, and it's hard to remember exactly what happened when recalling something from a long time ago. It's good to see you have nothing bad to say about Ben. Classy move imo. Although pretending like it was a joke is a bit weird. If so you have a very strange sense of humor. Nonetheless I don't mean to make fun of you, obviously you were a very good PLO player and a legend of the game. Your graphs were very sick.
