1/2/3 Oaks Card Club CA - Flop Decision

1/2/3 Oaks Card Club CA - Flop Decision


8 handed
UTG Straddle to 6
UTG+1 Bets 20
Hero (UTG+2) raises to 70 with Black Kings (~250 stack)
UTG+3 (V) cold calls and covers hero by a little bit
Folds back round, heads up to the flop

- Villain 30ish male, been at table 30mins, nothing out of the ordinary or out of line
- Hero, MAWG, has been at table 45mins, playing TAG, this is my first 3 bet.

Flop is 6h 7d 9h (162ish after rake, may be off 1 or 2 dollars)

Check, Bet Small (60), or Shove (180)?

01 April 2024 at 08:18 PM

9 Replies

you have a little over pot, just shove and let him think about it with TT-QQ. unless you have a supernit image i doubt those hands are folding. i certainly couldnt fold TT or QQ and i probably would talk myself into calling with JJ thinking you could easily have AK.

EZ flop shove

Just jam, it's only about a psb. Cold calling 3bets are med to big PP's a lot.

We jammin, hope you like jammin too

Push, but you could bet small on the drier flop. You are almost always ahead here.


by NittyOldMan1 k

you have a little over pot, just shove and let him think about it with TT-QQ. unless you have a supernit image i doubt those hands are folding. i certainly couldnt fold TT or QQ and i probably would talk myself into calling with JJ thinking you could easily have AK.

This was my thinking too. I'm going to break the forum rules and post results, because 6 out of 6 of you said what I did. I shoved, and I'm not sure there needs more debate. Villain hummed tanked for a minute and then called. Turn As, River blank. Hero shows KK, Villain mucks (I suspect TT, JJ, or QQ).

It was my first time playing for a year, and I think I was just second guessing myself, especially since I see a move to betting small on wet flops, and checking more OOP. Just need to keep to my regular low stakes game.

Bet 1/3 pot on flop, 1/2 pot on turn, jam river. Call if he jams at any point, or jam if he raises less than all in.

Why jam flop, and let V get away from worse PP's and AK?

There's nothing to worry about on this board when V calls our 3B next to act. Our K's don't need much protection. If V has AA, we're already beat. Might as well milk his worse PP's and AK for full value over three streets.

Shove, collect your winnings, pick up, and play in the 2-3-5 game. The Oaks 1-2-3 is a fricking rake trap.
