2/2 live PLO - flop nf and get raises. Slowplay or no

2/2 live PLO - flop nf and get raises. Slowplay or no

Hero covers all with $1600 except SB. MP has about $1000.

Hero AcQh5c4h in BB

Sb limp, hero $25, 4 calls

Flop ($125) JQ2ccc

Sb x, hero $30, utg+1 and MP call, bb $75, hero?

MP has bought in a bunch of times. Very gambley. Also bluffs. No idea when he has it or doesn't. Pots pre frequently and 3bets more than others. Just kind of clicks buttons. Feels like no rhyme or reason for what he does. SB plays very strange no real reads on him but seems fishy. UTG+1 player seems like an okay player but hasn't been here long so no reads.

Thinking a flat or raise could both be okay but idk. We block top set and against other sets we block one of their outs. With everybody calling they could have worse flushes, 2 pair, sets that are all in bad shape. Could be drawing dead or blocking each others outs. Could also maybe get a sd to call. But we are also OOP to 2 of the players so playing a turn could be awkward if SB bets and we raise.

Raising we protect our hand and get value but there's still 2 more streets we can get value from and doesn't feel like too many hands we need protection from. Also could get everybody to fold which is still +EV but idk if it's the best line.

03 March 2024 at 09:28 AM

13 Replies

I'd put in a small raise. Ideally we are against two opppnents with sets and can milk them while they block each other's outs.

Something like 195.

I expect villains to slow down on blank turns against possible nut flush, so only calling if we think he is pretty bad and likely to keep betting a worse flush/bluffs into multiple players.

i assume you mean SB raised to 75, not BB since you are BB?

what are stack sizes for UTG+1? big difference if they started with like 300 and will be all-in on most turns (or if we raise flop).

from weird fishy types i think this raise is usually a "let's see where i'm at" move with a good but not nutty hand, like a set or a decent flush. we are deep enough with SB that he might call with a set even if we raise full pot. even many bad players who raise for info here are capable of folding all but the 2nd nuts once raised.

let's think about three options here.

option A, flat
option B, raise full pot
option C, raise small to like 175ish

pros of option A are that we have a good chance to keep the other players in the hand for one more street, and can potentially play for stacks on turn if SB continues betting. we don't mind gambling against a board pair on the turn because the pot is still small and we have a blocker. cons of this approach - i think in general on these monotone boards it's actually hard to get a lot of value from two or three opponents when we have the nuts, unless the game is insanely good, and we may be better off trying to get the money in with one fishy player who is a non-believer or is chasing a boat.

pros of option B - gets more money in the pot now, might clean up a little equity, likely gets us heads up with SB or charges the other players the max if they are chasing a boat - some bad players just hate folding any set here for any price because they figure you have the flush and if they hit they're good. cons of this approach are that it lets SB off the hook if he was indeed raising with, like, a nine high flush and just folds. may also shut out other players who are drawing slim or dead. it also can leave us with a slightly awkward SPR if SB flats and we get a clean turn, but those are rich man problems.

pros of option C - vs. option B, this sizing may entice SB and the others to continue much wider and get the most money in while we are definitely ahead. sort of a middle ground strategy that gives two weird / bad players a chance to make more mistakes both now and later. SB may feel obligated to continue because the raise is so small. also might occasionally induce an ambitious shove from K-high flush or a set? i dunno. people do weird **** when you minclick. might look more like someone trying to take control with the blocker to set up a turn bomb without over-committing stacks. cons of this approach: kind of announces our hand without charging full price for others to draw. we will most likely be checked to on clean turns and face the same issue as we do in option B, being able to bet most but not all of our stack and potentially facing some pukey river spots multiway if our plan works. certainly seems like the highest variance approach.

which of these you choose is highly dependent on player tendencies, game flow and your image. not sure how often you play with this pool but you should also think about what you would do in the same spot with the blocker, with a set, etc. probably the biggest factor for me would be how often we think SB continues on the turn after getting flatted in 3 spots. flatting and getting led into on a clean turn is a great scenario. on the other hand, if we think SB is likely to slow down and check most of the time, we probably want to get more money in now. i would personally lean towards option C against an unknown / fishy field.

Yes it was sb not bb. Sorry for the typo. Ill wait for more replies before revealing the results

To me a small raise is the weakest option. Holding Ac you either represent the nut flush (which you have) or you trap. Say you do it around 50/50 which sounds reasonable, blocking top set would make me go for the immediate raise, because it makes it more likely someone is holding a 2nd nut flush.

Think pot because we OOP.

I like to just raise on the bigger size to rep the Ac. I think a small raise looks too strong and I don't like a flat and letting in the others.

I go like 250 now 450 on turn and all in for 900ish on river

Maybe change slightly if turn is ace 4 or 5

Why such a small lead? Pattern from previous play? Did that induce the x/r or just business as usual? The x/r seems small as well, perhaps trying to get HU with MP if you were just stabbing.

Your hand is pretty face up if you raise OTF .. flush or top set, but mostly flush IMO. I'm assuming that the likelihood of a MP raise is really low.

This is one of those spots where you have to decide if you're going to get any more value on a blank Turn.

Are there any bluffs in your play? If not then you need to flat and cross fingers for a blank and hope you continue to get value from at least one Player going to the River.

So Player Pool and 'moment' dynamic to this .. I play it both ways and really like having position on SB.

If you are going to get called by 'all' sets' and also have some 'Ace blocker' bluffs in your ranges, then I'd probably lean to a re-raise .. probably 240, not pot.

The one big negative is what to do if the Board pairs the Turn and SB is smart enough to bomb into you? GL

I would limp pre, this hand is going to be hard to play oop. Flop you can do anything you want and you should do it all at some frequency.

fastplay, charge sets, two pairs and unbelievers. sets may gii with u, someone may even read for nut flush blocker and ship it with smaller flush

by answer20 k

Why such a small lead? Pattern from previous play? Did that induce the x/r or just business as usual? The x/r seems small as well, perhaps trying to get HU with MP if you were just stabbing.

Your hand is pretty face up if you raise OTF .. flush or top set, but mostly flush IMO. I'm assuming that the likelihood of a MP raise is really low.

This is one of those spots where you have to decide if you're going to get any more value on a blank Turn.

Are there any bluffs in your play? If not then you

I tend to go small on monotone boards. 1/4-1/3 pot. I think the size I used is too small multiway and I should size up since I'm more likely to get a call.

I do have bluffs in my play but I don't know any of these players and if they know I have bluffs or not.

What I was thinking at the time was I'd never raise any sets here or worse flushes. So it's either a bluff or nut flush when I do raise. Flatting keeps my hand disguised and can get possibly all players to call plus I'm IP of SB. It also looks very strong if I bet, get 2 calls + a raise, then 3bet.. which is good for my bluffs and I know I need to balance naked Ac and the nuts so I feel I should be raising a good portion of the time. Plus it's going to be harder to GII unless we build the pot. But with the other players seeming very fishy they could still come along with bad flushes if I flat. I almost feel like in this situation plus having a pair from the board I'd prefer to flat. I think they likely fold flushes even if I make a raise to 240 and not pot it. Although they are fishy I'm sure they are smart enough to know if they call they will be facing a much bigger bet on the turn.

Like you said, the big negative is if the board pairs.

Nothing wrong with denying equity to sets, and luckily the payoff flush is out there so someone may stack off with Kx and curse their bad luck. We're OOP and this is the price we pay, we lose value with the nuts sometimes.

I just realized you are still 4-handed. I lean more to 3b now as I want to make MP pay a steep price for whatever they have, being the deepest and having position on Hero.

You're going to have to know your Player Pool. What does it mean for Hero to b/c here? If your hand is still face up whether you flat or raise, then you need to charge other to continue .. a lot! I don't want to give any two pair combos a cheap, good EV price while they are in position.

I don't have an issue with flatting for pot control either .. but hoping for a clean Turn with 3 other Players in the hand is not ideal most of the time. HOWEVER there are only 9 cards to pair the Board and they have to have at least 2 of those 9 in their hand, so now we're down to 7 or less if they are sharing. We would love to have them sharing here .. so based on that why would we 'make' them fold when they're drawing to so few outs? Because the price is just too good right now? That's for Hero to decide .. and which is why Hero need to lead more if they can expect this kind of reaction from this table dynamic.

I'm a firm believer that PLO Players hate folding Flops but are much more willing to fold Turns after they miss .. and have to pay a much steeper price to continue (even though it's the same or better Pot Odds). GL
