2/5; KK x/raised turn
2/5; eff stacks 1000; main villain just sat down and is unknown, but has loose, splashy fishy vibes. V in BB is loose passive
3 limpers, hero in SB w/ KsKc makes it 35, BB calls, CO calls.
Flop (115): J96r
Hero bets 75, both V's call.
Turn (340): 5ss
I don't really like this spot, as I feel like a bet is likely to just fold out worse, but checking is no good either.
Hero bets 175, BB folds, CO raises to 625.
Hero...? Thoughts?
9 Replies
I would check turn, this card is awful for your range and you’ll have 1 pair a lot.
Did you check raise or bet and get raised? I think we need to bet fold turn once we bet.
Pre is too small - 3 limps = 1 single $15 raise - so just make it a normal 3b amount to $55-$60 as there is already 4bb in the pot so a 12bb raise is in order.
As played flop is pretty big but fine. Multi-way is pretty tough for sizing but $50-$75 range is probably fine.
Once both V call and you get a bad turn card you should just check. Not sure why you think checking is bad - you want some strong 1 pair hands in your checking range as it gives the green light to any Jx to bet.
Once raised on this turn there is no correct answer but vs most players in live poker it's just a fold. You beat random bluffs and draws but I don't see a lot of people bluffing in multi-way pots - looks like a set or straight to me.
I'd go bigger pf and check the turn. As played seems like a pretty clear fold.
Raise bigger pre, especially OOP. Probably making it $45, but at least $40. Yes, it looks like a sizing tell, but rec-fish limpers aren't likely to notice and adjust properly.
Start with a check on flop, when multi-way and OOP. Someone has connected here, and is going to bet to see where they're at.
Put in a big check-raise, or make a delayed c-bet on turn if the flop checks through. This line protects our range and lets us show up on later streets with some stronger hands.
If we're range betting, we need to go smaller, less than 1/3 pot. Once we bet big and get two callers, hell yes, we need to slow down and check turn.
AP, we have to fold. V has every obvious 2P combo and 87. He's not doing this with worse value, and probably not a bluff, at least not often enough to make a hero call.
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Check either flop or turn. I think the big flop bet as played is probably OK, but when you get two calls and a turn card appears which can definitely improve some of your opponents' holdings, it's time to check. As played I would now fold
40 or 45 pre, a little less otf and check the turn. As played just fold now.