searching for a study group/buddys (german)

searching for a study group/buddys (german)

hey guys, im 29 years old and german
playing poker for around 10 years now, trying to bring my bankroll up.
currently playing micro stakes. from spins to mtts, so for that im searching a study group or buddys (german would be nice)
to discuss hands and just talk about poker and life. would be awesome if you hit me up on discord for private engage
discord: crunx779

07 February 2024 at 03:15 PM

2 Replies

Hey buddy, I am interested. Not a German but I am speaking fluently english and also 29y old 😆

I am ex 100nl zoom player moving to MTTs. Currently playing 5-10 abi. I am studying with ICMizer, RYE Masterclass and RIO MTT From the Ground up + some mindset stuff.
Trying to play 6 days a week around 50-70 mtts a week.

I am also looking for study partner. Mostly for HH review but we can also go together through some study materials and share some notes and insights.

This is a link to my blog if you wanna see little something about me :

Friend request on Discord sent)
Hit me up in PM if you are interested)

Servus Crunx.

Auf welcher Seite und welche Stakes spielst denn? Und woher kommst du?

Ich spiele momentan NL50 und suche auch jemanden für study, weil es mir selber einfach schwerfällt.

Liebe Grüße
