Rate my thinking/play, please

Rate my thinking/play, please

2/3/5 NL, with 10 straddle mostly on.

UTG+1 limps $10. He is largely irrelevant in terms of stack size and ability.

Folds to me in HJ and look down at A7ss. I have the largest stack at the table (3k) and I have been without a doubt the most active and aggressive at the table (tons of raises, 3bets). I knew how I was viewed. Against these players 90% of the time I would raise here, but decided to merely call.

The button seemed to be a tight aggressive player with $2.5k. He raised to $60.

UTG+1 calls. I also make (what I considered) a standard call.

Flop is Q72 with 2 spades, giving me a pair and the nut flush draw. UTG1 checks. I check. The button bet $80. UTG+1 calls. UTG+1 was the type of player who would raise here if he had a strong hand. I take a moment to decide between calling (conservative play, easily getting the odds) vs raising. I decided that this is the type of hand that warranted playing like a flopped set of 7's or 2's, with my pre-flop action consistent with having had such a hand. I raise to $400 (3x the bet, plus 1x the UTG1 call, plus 1x for being out of position). Just giving my thinking here. The button takes time to think, then calls. UTG1 folds.

Turn is a Kd. I am first to act. I considered checking. But I felt a bet could represent my having KQ, in addition to 77 and 22. At this point the presumption was the button could have a hand like AK, AQ, AA, KK, QQ, maybe JJ, a flush draw like 10,Jss, and maybe a few rare junk hands as bluffs. I figured a check would cause me to lose the betting advantage and it was common among some at this table to over bet all in whenever they had a strong hand and the situation became too complicated. I was concerned he could choose a bet sizing that would price me out of the hand. Check-folding to an over bet didn't sit right with me. So I bet $720, which I felt conveyed strength and a willingness to play for stacks, and which I felt would get a fold out of some of the hands that were currently beating me, and freeze most of the rest of his hands. That was my thinking. But I had been playing for 14 hours straight and was nearing the end of my session.

The button tanked for a bit and then ... went all in. At this point there was about $3900 in the pot and it was an additional $1300 to call. Priced in was the only conclusion I could reach, so I called. I never learned what the button actually had, but it was suggested it was a set of kings (he was apparently a well known super nit).

Was my aggressive line here reasonable, or was it merely spewing by a maniac? What if you knew the button was tight aggressive vs a nit?

07 April 2024 at 06:26 AM

6 Replies

First given you wrote you called why do you not see buttons hand? Given you say based on stack size UTG 1 is largely irrelevant do you make a play based on what you believe UTG 1 has rather than what button has? Given you felt table views you as being too aggressive based on your previous action do you feel you can push a TAG off a raising and betting hand? Given you state you believe table views your bets as weak this is a spew. BTW your end call is not priced in unless you believe an A for 2p wins. You have 8 outs vs a set(Ks is not an out) and 14 outs assuming an A or 7 are winners. So in the best case barely priced in and worst case badly priced out.

I don't like the preflop limp, because it allows your opponents to range you better.

HU, the check raise with the combo draw is fine on the flop. Not sure about multiway, but given reads on V1, it's fine I guess.

The K turn isn't good for you, but it's good for villain's range. You are representing two set combos for value, but the KQxx board is one in which villain has two set combos as well. We are playing 250BB deep, so i would be extra apprehensive, if I had a set of deuces or sevens. Like, if you had either of those hands, you would be crapping your pants vs that shove.

So you can slow down and you can call most villain bet sizes, unless he massively overbets.

As played, I think it's a fold, because you don't have the odds to call. unless villain is capable of mixing some solid bluffs there. which i doubt for the vast majority of players.

Once the button calls your CR I would be very very concerned because you hold the nut fd. That leaves stuff like QQ-AA, AQ.

When he jams the turn on a K you are toast. A lot of the time your 7 and A are going to be worthless.

The K is not a good card for you. I would definitely check the turn looking to fold if he bets huge.

Thanks all.

1) UTG1 was overall a weak, passive player with rather predictable play and lots of tells. If he had flopped a monster it would have been obvious. His play on the flop made it clear he was weak. Calling the flop, instead of raising, to keep him in the hand was an option I considered but I did not think he was going to add more money to the pot once we got to the turn.

2) I felt my check raise on the flop could get the button off a number of hands, particularly AK or pair below top pair. I had shown many strong hands during the session, so people folded to me a lot even though I was aggressive and very active.

3) Against a set, and only a set, I do not think I was priced in, but I did not limit his range to only those options. If AK or AQ or AA is included in his range it starts to be more close, I think, because it gave me 2 more outs with my 7. I agree it loses me the A, and at the time I forgot about that, so I made that mistake. With 10 outs, though, I guess I needed 4:1 instead of 3:1

4) I do not know what he had because the river was a spade, giving me the flush. I did not force him to show. He actually decided to get up and leave.

Take home? I guess my play was spewy and I got lucky. I could not allow myself to consider a fold on the turn, causing me to bet out when a check (and if needed a check fold to an over bet) would have been more prudent. This is a leak I need to work on.

by Polarbear1955 k

First given you wrote you called why do you not see buttons hand?

I like logic problems, and this was one, although not tough. I think he OP just didn't want to focus on the results of the hand, just the decisions leading to his all-in.

I don't love your line given your aggro table image.

On the flop, yes, you could have some sets. But really, how many, when you're aggro, and just flat-called pre? You won't have QQ here, and if I'm your opponent, I'm thinking you also raise 77 pre, so your sets are really just 22, and maybe some sliver of 77.

You could have Q7s, maybe, if you flat call pre with that hand. I'd think Q7 might want to donk-lead flop sometimes, to avoid giving flush draws a free card.

You're going to have a lot more flush draws and weaker TP hands here. But again, if you're aggro, I'd expect you'd be raising your better suited aces pre, and check-calling with a lot of your worse AXs combos that just flat called pre - unless you have A7ss, which gives you additional outs to make aces up in addition to your flush draw.

I think I'd prefer just check-calling this flop. We can rep KQ by donk-leading the turn, or just continue to check-call, repping some weak QX, hoping to spike an ace, another 7, or a spade on the river.

I think your x/r size is too big, given your reads. If UTG1 would x/r with a strong hand, he's not going to over-call after the BTN, no matter what size we take. If the BTN is a TAG, he'll also be over-folding with all his 2nd-best draws and weak value.

When you go 5x, it pretty much ensures the BTN only continues with a very strong range, consisting of over-pairs and....nope, it's just over-pairs. I would think QQ would want to just get it in on the flop. So he's basically got AA and KK here, though I think AA/KK no spade is going to 3B. I also think AQ is going to 3B here. So this is looking a lot like KsKx, just looking to pot control a bit, in case you actually do have Q7 or 77.

The Kd is just a terrible card, as it possibly (probably?) makes him top set, and unless he thinks we're playing KQ or K7 this way, isn't going to scare AA or AQ. I would just check here, and hope he checks back.

At this point, after we bet a little over 2/3 pot on the turn, his jam really ONLY looks like KsKx, when we're getting 3:1 on a call, assuming he's capable of knowing the pot odds we'll be getting.

Since you never found out, I'm guessing you made your flush on the river?
