[WPN] Americas Cardroom, BCP, TruePoker Ex-Official Discussion Thread
We’re very excited to open this thread in order to assist you, our valued Americas Cardroom players, with any questions or concerns you may have.
We at ACR strive to improve our product everyday so feel free to use this thread for all comments and suggestions of ways we can make your online poker playing experience as enjoyable as possible.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The ACR Staff
I used to be able to use holdem manager 2 on BCP. Does HM3 work on BCP and if not what about HM2.
I've had some computer issues and trying to see what works without having access to HM.
If I'm in the wrong thread I apologize and feel free to re-direct to correct place.
Thanks everyone!
Yes, per their website:
HM3: https://support.holdemmanager.com/suppor...
Yes, per their website:
HM3: https://support.holdemmanager.com/suppor...
Nice of you thanks, appreciate it!
Does anyone know why for Blitz only 25 and 200 run?
You can start tables at the other stakes so it seems weird there's like some unwritten agreement that these are the only 2 stakes people will play.
When are the bot farm payouts happening on ACR?
Haven't played for a month, signed in, f**king ACR down as usual for hours and hours for an update.
The app just show no games, no message to say its down, no message on their web site, thought it was me. Finally found an outage notification on twitter,. Seriously, when are these people going to get with zero down time updates like the rest of the world and improve their customer messaging. If I wasn't so restricted in options due to living in in Australia, I would have left ACR long ago.
Bitcoin transaction fees have sky rocketed?
Are you all still using BTC to deposit/withdrawal?
Haven't played for a month, signed in, f**king ACR down as usual for hours and hours for an update.
The app just show no games, no message to say its down, no message on their web site, thought it was me. Finally found an outage notification on twitter,. Seriously, when are these people going to get with zero down time updates like the rest of the world and improve their customer messaging. If I wasn't so restricted in options due to living in in Australia, I would have left ACR long ago.
I only knew about the downtime this morning by seeing their Late Night MTT schedule saying "downtime"
Bitcoin transaction fees have sky rocketed?
Are you all still using BTC to deposit/withdrawal?
BTC is taking significantly longer to withdraw right now. It took me 30 hours to receive and another guy said 46 hours for him. ACR is clearly waiting for the transfer fees to settle back down. It should get back to normal by the end of the week.
I was playing a cash game last night on ACR. Flopped the nuts, call a pot sized bet. Turn comes and I'm about to reevaluate and a message pops up saying that "This hand is a misdeal - funds have been returned" (or something to that effect) and the hand starts over. WT actual F? I've never seen this before on any site ever. I'm having trouble understanding how a misdeal is possible online.
I was playing a cash game last night on ACR. Flopped the nuts, call a pot sized bet. Turn comes and I'm about to reevaluate and a message pops up saying that "This hand is a misdeal - funds have been returned" (or something to that effect) and the hand starts over. WT actual F? I've never seen this before on any site ever. I'm having trouble understanding how a misdeal is possible online.
A quick Google search turned up a previous misdeal from a year ago on Reddit. I didn't go in to the search results further.

I was playing a cash game last night on ACR. Flopped the nuts, call a pot sized bet. Turn comes and I'm about to reevaluate and a message pops up saying that "This hand is a misdeal - funds have been returned" (or something to that effect) and the hand starts over. WT actual F? I've never seen this before on any site ever. I'm having trouble understanding how a misdeal is possible online.
I had numerous misdeals last night for whatever reason.
Am I doing something wrong? I don't see the credit card option to deposit anymore, but I can't find mention of that deposit option being removed
Just curious what's everybody's theory why ACR started showing Country's now.
I wish ACR would add HU Blitz Total KOs like PokerStars has. I've mentioned it to them a few different times over the years, but obviously I've had no luck.
IMO ACR will never add them because they can't have 4 hours of Late Reg like everything else this fantastic site has to offer. 🙄
I think they removed countries to try to protect U.S. players from getting bumhunted. But the U.S. players predictably did not like not knowing if they're sitting with 5 eastern European end bosses.
So why are they down this time? I swear acr goes down more than a pornstar
Why they dont start the Blitz with two players? I would be ok to play headsup waiting for a third player to join..
now it just says waiting for client version whey i try to open the ACR APP