In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 6 Views 6
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

2871 Replies


the new platform from the Republican Party of Texas

a constitutional amendment to require that candidates for statewide office carry a
majority of Texas’ 254 counties to win an election, a model similar to the U.S. electoral college

For the Texas GOP, the party’s decades-long winning streak might someday come to an end,
and so now is the time to make it effectively impossible for a Democrat to win a statewide election.

Harris County has a population of 4.7 million, while Loving County has a total population of 64.
Harris County has a sizable black population, while Loving is (as far as I can tell)
entirely white. But one vote in Loving would mean more than 70,000 votes in Harris.

Republicans looking at democracy as something that needs
to be rigged, rather than a system that needs to be preserved.

by 5 south k

Talk to the 15th century Iberian Jews. They may have a different take.

I was using present tense. I don't think the jews are in danger from the current Pope.

by Dunyain k

Throughout the span of human history that kind of behavior is the norm more than the exception. Even Islamism isn't an extremely inhumane ideology by pre modern historical standards. The project of Western liberalism really is the shining diamond in a giant pile of coal. And I think it is a big mistake to be dismissive of this.

Genetic analysis indicates humans alive today have way more female ancestors than male. The common explanation for this is polygamy. However, the difference is so star

Islam was in practice a lot better than catholicism (in terms of what we value now, "liberal" values and so on) for a significant span of time.

Fact is we got rationalist enlightment, catholicsm weakened by centuries of struggles by rationalists in catholicism native countries, but per se unchecked catholicism is fairly terrible, worse than unchecked islam and far worse than unchecked south korean, chinese, and japanese trad-philosophical-religious patterns. With unchcked i mean left as the dominant cultural force with no counter pressure.

As for females vs males, it's not much about the massacres because every generation approx 40% of men who reach puberty reproduce vs 80% of females historically even without being genocided by external factors. Females start sooner historically, a lot of young men die before reproducing, and a succesful man who is a widow at 50 can get a new younger wife and reproduce more (or again) while a female can't.

Then yes you have the occasional genocide of men and the polygamous. keep in mind just a small number of polygamous men matter a lot if it's those with insane amount of resources (gengis khan siring 1k children and so on)

by chillrob k

I was using present tense. I don't think the jews are in danger from the current Pope.

not directly but the current pope is a political ally of many pro-hamas groups and leaders (like Lula)

nvidia is worth more than the entire german stockmarket

by Luciom k

nvidia is worth more than the entire german stockmarket

And Nancy Pelosi cashed in huge on it

by lozen k

And Nancy Pelosi cashed in huge on it

You could have done the same, did you?

It really doesn't have the same impact in English, so now you guys at least know the extent of the disgust for homosexuals the pope expressed in the meeting.

Wow Pope could get #cancelled for that.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Wow Pope could get #cancelled for that.

Hamas isn't canceled by the left though and I think they don't like homosexuals

Prime Minister Meloni met Naples region (Campania) governor De Luca (of the opposition center left PD party) live, recorded on video, and gave him her hand saying , "I am that Meloni bitch, how are you" (sono la stronza Meloni, come sta?), as he called her such in February when talking about her with journalists.

He answered his health was good

by lozen k

And Nancy Pelosi cashed in huge on it

I’m sure no republicans ever did huh ?

Not the onion: the Pope said he was sorry for his remarks about homosexuals , because in the church there is room for anyone, even them.

by Luciom k

Islam was in practice a lot better than catholicism (in terms of what we value now, "liberal" values and so on) for a significant span of time.

Fact is we got rationalist enlightment, catholicsm weakened by centuries of struggles by rationalists in catholicism native countries, but per se unchecked catholicism is fairly terrible, worse than unchecked islam and far worse than unchecked south korean, chinese, and japanese trad-philosophical-religious patterns. With unchcked i mean left as the domin

How familiar are you with trad Japanese culture? I just recently watched Shogun, and the depiction was pretty brutal by 21st century liberal standards. Obviously depends on what we are actually measuring, when we say something is better or worse.

by Dunyain k

How familiar are you with trad Japanese culture? I just recently watched Shogun, and the depiction was pretty brutal by 21st century liberal standards. Obviously depends on what we are actually measuring, when we say something is better or worse.

Very because it had a ton of similarities with Italian honor culture.

But I wasn't comparing the whole of culture.

I was assessing the actual impact on society of religious beliefs and their enforcement by clerics, not all culture.

The impact on how people live under the enforcement of false memeplexes.

In a way for Europe it is fairly obvious catholicism was dramatically worse than previous roman-greek religiosity would you agree as well?

Not sure if this was a federal or state initiative, anyway both are democrat led (state is NYS) so this time, well done democrats and thanks from Italy

by Luciom k

Very because it had a ton of similarities with Italian honor culture.

But I wasn't comparing the whole of culture.

I was assessing the actual impact on society of religious beliefs and their enforcement by clerics, not all culture.

The impact on how people live under the enforcement of false memeplexes.

In a way for Europe it is fairly obvious catholicism was dramatically worse than previous roman-greek religiosity would you agree as well?

My depth of knowledge of Japanese trad culture doesn't extend far beyond watching Shogun, so cant really comment. But I think it is fair to say Catholicism as practiced in the Middle Ages wasn't great for Europe, and there is some some similarities to how Islam functions in modern times.

Another Trump attorney has her law license suspended

Jenna Ellis, a former Trump lawyer who pleaded guilty to charges
in the Georgia election interference case, has been barred f
rom practicing law in Colorado for the next three years.

Ellis had recognized the harm she caused and expressed remorse for her actions,

She now joins the ranks of other former Trump lawyers...

Included on that list is John Eastman, whose law license
has been suspended as he fights disbarment in California,
and Rudy Giuliani, whose New York law license was suspended
and who now faces potential disbarment in Washington, D.C.

why Trump’s biggest donor is also funding his campaign

What a disgrace to the Kennedy family.

by steamraise k

Another Trump attorney has her law license suspended

Jenna Ellis, a former Trump lawyer who pleaded guilty to charges
in the Georgia election interference case, has been barred f
rom practicing law in Colorado for the next three years.

Ellis had recognized the harm she caused and expressed remorse for her actions,

She now joins the ranks of other former Trump lawyers...

Included on that list is John Eastman, whose law license
has been suspended as he fights disbarment in California,
and Rudy Giulian

Does she even practice in Colorado ?

Man With Suspended License Appears in Court Over Zoom While Driving

by steamraise k

Man With Suspended License Appears in Court Over Zoom While Driving

Lol, the facial expressions from the judge and the defendant are excellent.

Texas' Republican governor pardoned a man convicted of killing an antiracist protester
overruling the jury’s verdict and backing Perry’s claim that Texas’
“stand your ground” self-defense laws should have shielded him

by steamraise k

Texas' Republican governor pardoned a man convicted of killing an antiracist protester
overruling the jury’s verdict and backing Perry’s claim that Texas’
“stand your ground” self-defense laws should have shielded him

Of course MSNBC leaves out the facts of the case Reid isnt that the homophobic host

by lozen k

Of course MSNBC leaves out the facts of the case Reid isnt that the homophobic host

what were the facts of the case that warranted overriding and shitting on the judicial process in your opinion?

america will never be able to reconcile the belief that you can carry a gun wherever you want, any time you want, but also that you are allowed to be shot for having a gun whenever anyone else wants to shoot you and say they were scared. this instance is the absolute proof of that, where a guy intentionally drove into a crowd of people with the obvious intent to injure/maim/kill them, and then he feared because someone in that crowd had a gun even though he himself ALSO had a gun.
