golddog goes for a ride
Inspired by chopstick's excellent thread, I'm going to try to keep one running as well.
Fair warning, though: I am neither as interesting nor as good a writer as chopstick.
Suggestions for a better title, are welcome. I was trying to think of a play on 'chasing the ball', which would be both golddog-ish and the ball representing the world, but I failed. Running around is something golddogs like to do too though.
I'll start a little bit with last week's trip to Costa Rica. I've traveled a fair amount over the past several years; if this becomes something people are interested in, I can try to recount some of these as well.
Apropos of nothing, it recently occurred to me that I'm now older than my father when he died.
I'm also the oldest surviving male, so I guess in some weird way, that makes me the patriarch of the family (despite me never having, or having interest in, children).
More to the subject at hand, I looked at the 10-day forecast for the areas I was targeting for the eclipse. Looks like rain and clouds for Monday the 8th.
I'll keep an eye on things, but at this point, I'd imagine I'm not going.
OTOH, I bought the winning ticket for tonight's ~$935M powerball drawing, so that should assuage my disappointment somewhat.
Or maybe I'll charter a plane to be above the storms after the win.
fffffff... can't tell if that is a good sign or puts you in a dark place
I went to the 1999 eclipse in Cornwall, but the day was overcast and it sucked. The people I went with sucked too. The Scilly Isles were nice, though.
Learned on yesterday's local weather that in 2043 (?), there will be a total solar eclipse right in Denver.
Of course, seeing that implies I'm still living here, or indeed, still living.
Watched the weather for my friend's place in AR last week--they were saying cloudy with rain Monday as of Saturday. So, I thought, "I don't want to drive ~900 miles each way to have a chance to see the eclipse."
Just talked to my friend's mom. She said they had nice weather and had a great view. Sigh.
As part of that conversation, I put out the possibility of me taking a trip this summer and stopping by to see them and the new place. She's going to check on their schedules and let me know. Initially, we were talking about late May/early June.
So, that's the next travel plan as of this moment. We'll see.
We were supposed to have bad weather too, but turned out great. We had a low level of thick but spotty clouds that were worrisome and a high thin layer that didn't make much of a difference either way. Mike got some really good photos.
OK, now looking at early July to head east-southeast.
Well, apparently I'm going to India.
Was looking around for a winter trip, came across this.
Sounds fun. I'm in it for the days in Ranthambore NP (there are tigers there), but I'm sure seeing the other places will be fun. Unless cholera or something strikes.
It's going to suck getting there (DEN to Newark, then 14h to Delhi. Total 24h from leaving DEN, more like 26-27 when I consider taking RTD to DEN). So, getting there a day early to pass out/get on their time.
If anyone in these parts has tips on India, I'd appreciate it.
In other news, taking off the 6th to go see friends in N Cen Arkansas, then ? from there. Found out this weekend my nephew is doing a summer internship at Pinehurst, so might drive over by NC. Never been in that part of the country.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Tour Dec 15-29. Arriving Dec 14, hope to get more or less on India time before the tour starts.
Booked flights through United. Surprisingly to me, it's shorter to go east than west. I figured since we're most of the way across our continent, and India's kinda sorta in eastern Asia, the Pacific route would be the one taken. So, it's something like: leave here ~9AM Dec 13, 11:45 to Newark at 17:29, then 20:30 to 21:50 Dec 14 in Delhi.
One hiccup. On the return, it's Lufthansa to Frankfurt. Picking seats, informed me I'd have to go through Lufthansa's website. Get over there, can't make online changes, contact the call center.
Get some agent who tells me they don't allow seat selection on code share tickets any more, and the website isn't up-to-date. (I guess changing wording is hard?) Said I should call United.
Got an agent who actually put some effort into it. He called Lufthansa on my behalf and got the info they didn't give me, which is a) there's a charge for seat selection and b) Lufthansa will still move you, at their will, regardless of selection. So, his advice was to grab a seat at check-in time.
It won't be the end of the world if I'm not on the aisle, just somewhat less pleasant for me and the aisle person when I have to stretch a couple times during the flight.
Also unpleasant that the flight leaves DEL at 03:35. 8:10 in Frankfurt, then 11:20 to 13:40. It's going to be a long Dec 29.
On the plus side, I should be able to grab an authentic German beer on my layover. Yay!
Still a list of things to do, but it cantake some time to arrange travel insurance, get a visa, etc.
Speaking of these flights, anybody have experience upgrading on United with miles?
I was looking at the phone app the other day. Saw the change seat option on the EWR->DEL flight. Showed the available seats; when I clicked on, it showed a price in dollars, but not miles.
I know the initial booking lets the user choose fare in dollars or miles, but couldn't find that on the upgrade side. I've got quite a few miles on UAL, thought I might try to upgrade on the transoceanic legs.
Dealt last night, so got to bed late ,around 11:30. Of course wok up at 5:30, couldn't fall back asleep.
Got up, breakfast, packed the last few things. When I went to get the car keys, noticed the truck (which I'd driven to poker last night) keys weren't in the drawer where I usually keep all that. Sometimes I'll absentmindedly set them down somewhere. Got home, so they're obviously around somewhere.
Looked where I take off my shoe, where I stow my poker gear. Went in the kitchen and downstairs. Got the other set and checked I didn't set them on the passenger seat or something when I got home. Hmmm, a puzzlement.
No worries, I've got the backup set, and they'll turn up. But, a rather inauspicious start to the day.
Got on the road, plowing across the Colorado and Kansas plains. In Colby, they have a Buffalo Bill museum with this statue out front.

The storm looked much worse IRL. Later on, I heard NWS warnings about it.
A ways south of town, there's the Monument Rocks National Landmark. A few sandstone features out in the Kansas plains:

One each across the road from each other.

Super windy, so just kind of walked around quickly. There were some cool mini amphitheaters carved out here and there.

I wouldn't say it's worth going to see, but it's a short (~7 mi) drive off the highway, if you're ever on US 83 in western Kansas on a nicer day.
Back on the road. Kansas looks a lot like this

The storm is to the left and behind me. I kept plowing to Great Bend, which is enough of a city to have hotels. Between tiredness and the possible storm, I decided not to camp. Not so windy over here, probably would've been a nice night for it.
Went for a little walk from the hotel. Just starting a few drops, but it looks black to the west.
Just heard some thunder, hotel probably a good idea.
Many of the towns out west are dying. Drive through, lots of empty storefronts. Of those towns, many are the county seat, which maybe means something, but I wonder if counties out here will have to merge with a loss of population.
Woke to a cool, gray, wet morning. Plowed across Kansas without taking pictures because a) it's Kansas and b) see first sentence.
Highlight of the day was seeing the couple who owns our bar-poker league in their future retirement house in SW MO. Just outside of a little town near her family's origins, it's a really nice place. Brick 3BR house on 8 acres with a nice shop too.
Went to a restaurant a couple towns over on their advice. Quite good midwestern type meal. Unfortunately, didn't see any signs for campgrounds as I drove on--turned into a really nice evening, would've been great for camping.
Looks like I'm about 2.5 hours from my other friend's place in Arkansas. Hopefully it will take longer because I'll have good light and scenery for photos.
Oh yeah. Was planning to hit a casino in NE OK tonight, see if their poker room had a game. Thought my friends were only bout 20 minutes away.
Turns out, their town is almost 90 miles NE of the casino. Meh, not in the mood for that long a drive after dinner.
Not sure what else I might come across in the trip. Maybe just no cards this time.
Also good news, that my neighbor found the truck keys. Apparently I'd set them on a chair just inside the front door.
When he came by to make sure everything was OK, he saw & secured them, then texted that he'd found them.
put a deck of cards on a table at a seedy bar
leave the bar
come back later, order a drink, notice the cards, say "hey, it looks like there's a pack of cards here, anyone want to play some poker?"
Woke to a cool, gray, wet morning. Plowed across Kansas without taking pictures because a) it's Kansas and b) see first sentence.
Highlight of the day was seeing the couple who owns our bar-poker league in their future retirement house in SW MO. Just outside of a little town near her family's origins, it's a really nice place. Brick 3BR house on 8 acres with a nice shop too.
Went to a restaurant a couple towns over on their advice. Quite good midwestern type meal. Unfortunately, didn't see an
spent a few months living in the ozarks this winter
elite trout fishing, stop and fish while you are there
and also, go drink at a bar and be charged $3 a beer
there are many redeeming qualities about the ozarks
but the rest include what resulted in arkansas
Ozarks were nice. Kind of funny, rick. The county that Mtn View is in, and the one my friends live in, are both dry--with the exception, apparently, of the bar & Brill and the end of their road, right on the river.
Paul thought that was closed Monday, so we went upstream a little. Driving back, he noticed the first was, indeed, open.
Not to worry, I've always got a few in the cooler for when I get to campsite/hotel.
Unfortunately, when we went for lunch, it started raining. By the time we got to town (~10 minutes), it was torrential. Let up a bit in the afternoon.
That evening, went to another local joint right on the river for dinner. Both good, nothing fancy. Probably what you'd expect from small-town places.
At their house that evening, it started raining again. Biblical, with short periods of only torrential. All manner of flood warnings. They're up high enough so no problem for them, and fortunately, no roads washed out along my path.
Anyway, it started letting up some in the morning, so after breakfast in town, headed out. Generally ENE. While the scenery was nice (some hills still, then got out into the very fertile farmland), the light wasn't good.
As I went across the bootheel of Missouri, I learned that Kennett down there is the hometown of Sheryl Crow.
I'd noticed on my map that there's an area in extreme western Kentucky where the Mississippi makes a near-total loop; this land is cut off from the rest of Kentucky, but it's far enough north to be part of their state.
Since I like "going to the end of the road" (see Deadhorse, AK; Usushaia, Argentina; Key West; Fort Kent, Maine, among others), I figured I'd go see what that was all about. Of course, there's no town there, so it's not marked. Just kept driving more-or-less North and West til I ran out of blacktop.
Kentucky doesn't acknowledge the border crossover. Coming back, Tennessee has a "state line" sign, but not a welcome.
Anyway, that area was what looked to be very rich farmland. Got to the end of the blacktop, and there was a sign for private property and noting there were cameras working (I assume for the farmhouse in the distance). Not wanting to bother them, turned around and came back.
On the way back noticed this:

There were enough of them in yards that I assume it's a real person and not a joke. Finally, a candidate all America can get behind!
Anyway, kinda tooled south in TN and started a little east across the bottom. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but at least the weather promises sun again!
safe travels no travails golddog
Thanks, Red!
Going through the E Tenn mountains. Radio guy is extolling the virtues of deck building company.
First says, " Your wife can have a place to sit with her glass of wine and glamor magazines. " Wow.
Then, he says, " it's like having a Waffle House in your back yard."
I did not detect a hint of irony or sarcasm in his voice.
That last one's for you, Tom.
At Harrah's, may jump in for a while if seat available. Didn't plan to come here, but going to the grocery store put me about a mile away.
Just opened the room as I walked up at 10. Trying to get another player to start.
Seems like I got a bonus of $20. Maybe early bird or something.