British Politics
Been on holiday for a few weeks, surprised to find no general discussion of British politics so though I'd kick one off.
Tory leadership contest is quickly turning into farce. Trump has backed Boris, which should be reason enough for anyone with half a brain to exclude him.
Of the other candidates Rory Stewart looks the best of the outsiders. Surprised to see Cleverly and Javid not further up the betting, but not sure the Tory membership are ready for a brown PM.
Regarding the LD leadership contest, Jo Swinson is miles ahead of any other candidate (and indeed any of the Tory lot). Should be a shoe in.
Finally, it's Groundhog Day in Labour - the more serious the anti-Semitism claims get, the more Corbyn's cronies write their own obituary by blaming it on outlandish conspiracy theories - this week, it's apparently the Jewish Embassy's fault...
It has a tiny circulation of around 3000 iirc but it’s given way more prominence than it deserves as it is the only pro independence paper out there. It’s genuinely mental though and runs campaigns inviting readers to send in examples of stores selling food with a Union flag label on them to encourage pile ons and boycotts. As I say, it’s a horrible xenophobic rag.
lol what an incredible way of letting your big brother know that you live rent free in his head.
That doesn't work.
Conservatives always obsessed with nationalism and patriotism they sometimes forget to check
From the Guardian's economics editor
scrapping the two-child benefit cap would lift 300,000 children out of poverty at a cost of £1.7bn a year. No other single measure the government could take would be as cost-effective in reducing the number of children living below the breadline.
Labour’s line is that scrapping the two-child limit is something not currently budgeted for in its programme, so abolition will have to wait until there is money to spare.
oh ffs.
Take the cap off you twats
An old one but something reminded me of it..

That's cleared that one up.

Some folk, South of the border, still have the strange idea that this lot are involved in some sort of grown up, progressive nationalism…
Matt Goebbels Goodwin is at it again.
green logic 101
The "I'm voting Green as the environment should be our top priority" mob must feel ace right now.
This snuck in
A Digital Information and Smart Data Bill will allow people to use digital ID to buy age-restricted products and for things like pre-employment checks
I'm sure it's just coincidence that blair has been pushing it hard as part of his 'papers please' approach to harassing immigrants
Sorry immigrants you can’t watch porn and buy stuff online unless you have digital ID and if you do get it some of you will have to do it from another country.
Starmer appoints two influential leftwin...
Both had warned against ditching £28bn green spending pledge and urged scrapping of two-child benefit cap
Keir Starmer has drafted into government two leftwing critics of his stance on benefits and green investment, as the prime minister faces pressure to drop Labour’s cautious approach to reviving the economy.
Carys Roberts, the influential director of the Institute for Public Policy Research thinktank, has joined Downing Street’s policy unit as a special adviser, while Rachel Statham, who headed the IPPR’s work on public services, has been hired to lead his policy unit’s work on childcare, the early years and education.
Roberts had been among leading figures behind Labour’s now-scrapped pledge to spend £28bn a year on green investment.
When the plan was controversially ditched earlier this year, the economist warned that such a significant scaling back on investment would “undermine efforts to grow the economy and manage the transition to net zero fairly”. Roberts will advise the prime minister on climate, energy and the environment.
Statham has also criticised Starmer’s economic caution, and argued as recently as last month that his failure to prioritise scrapping the two-child limit on benefits would ensure Labour was making a “plan for substantial increases in child poverty” over the next five years.
I don't think it's conspiritard to note that for most of the past three decades Westminster has been a club where some people meet and have friendly disagreements over minor differences in policy while doing very little to help those with the greatest need of it.
That's who we vote for. It's our choice not to 'join the club'
the problem isn't them being decent towards each other and getting along at a personal level.
Keir Starmer says he is open to processing asylum seekers offshore
Labour has been investigating an offshore processing plan since before the election as one way to reduce small boat crossings. The party explored a similar solution when last in government, with the then home secretary. David Blunkett. investigating the possibility of sending asylum seekers to Tanzania.
Government officials say they are willing to pursue such a scheme as long as it fulfils three criteria: that it deters new asylum seekers from coming, that it is cost effective and that it complies with international law. One senior official on Thursday described the deal between Italy and Albania as “innovative”.
The idea is likely to prove controversial and refugee charities have already called the idea “immoral”. The charity Care4Calais previously said: “Outsourcing our international obligations to other countries is a shameful policy where everyone loses.”
oh well not rwanda then.,