$25----->25k Bankroll Challenge on Ignition
I am going to be starting with $25 in my Ignition Account and try to spin it up to $25,000.
I will start at 5nl since it is the lowest stake on the site and be playing Ignition Reg tables only.
I will be updating every 5k hands with my progress.
My expectation for each limit is as follows:
Expected Winrates for each limit:
5NL: 30bb/100
10NL: 25bb/100
25NL: 20bb/100
50NL: 15bb/100
100NL: 12bb/100
200NL: 10bb/100
Variance will be a decent factor in a lot of these winrates but these are just ball park numbers. Once I hit 25k I will take a 10buyin shot at 500nl! As far as moving up I'll move up whenever I feel like it, but probably after winning 30-40 buyins at the limit.
There will be no cherry picking here since you can't cherry pick a Bankroll Challenge. Wish me luck (or not) and follow along in this thread.
Theory spot that isn't intuitive.
The difference in strategy between an SB3BETvsCO and SB3BETvsBU on this board texture.
I'll post the HH and then we can look into it further.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($28.98) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.3% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | River Agg: 37.9% | 3Bet: 11.5% | Fold to 3Bet: 60% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 349078]
BB ($125.54) [VPIP: 31.6% | PFR: 31.6% | AGG: 100% | Hands: 19]
HJ ($4.03) [VPIP: 26.1% | PFR: 4.3% | AGG: 22.2% | Hands: 24]
CO ($32.86) [VPIP: 22% | PFR: 17.1% | AGG: 50% | Flop Agg: 55.6% | Turn Agg: 62.5% | River Agg: 25% | 3Bet: 5.6% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 41]
BTN ($25) [VPIP: 17.6% | PFR: 11.8% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 17]
Dealt to Hero: 7♥ 7♠
HJ Folds, CO Raises To $0.57, BTN Folds, HERO Raises To $2.89, BB Folds, CO Calls $2.32
Hero SPR on Flop: [4.33 effective]
Flop ($6.03): 2♠ T♣ 3♥
HERO Checks, CO Bets $1.18 (Rem. Stack: $28.79), HERO Calls $1.18 (Rem. Stack: $24.91)
Turn ($8.39): 2♠ T♣ 3♥ 6♦
HERO Checks, CO Bets $4.92 (Rem. Stack: $23.87), HERO Calls $4.92 (Rem. Stack: $19.99)
River ($18.23): 2♠ T♣ 3♥ 6♦ 4♠
HERO Checks, CO Checks
HERO wins: $17.32
If you take a look at this spot in a solver from the original HH, you can see it is not even close to a range bet.

Now if we slide IP one place over to BU and look at SB3BETvsBU, look how the strategy changes for OOP PFR. It is effectively a range bet now.

There are always lots of reasons for this change in strategy but one of them is that IP has a Tx advantage when calling from the CO but if you change it to the BU, now SB has the Tx advantage.
Since we know this, we can start exploiting the SB OOP PFR when we are in the CO when they overcbet and raise flops/turns more often as IP.
Another important point as SB OOP PFR is we get turn raises here in theory, you can raise hands (small raise) like A5s/A4s. You should never do this in practice though because the B-B line is not only under barreled relative to theory but it is also under folded.
Update incoming.
Why such a low volume?
Yeah volume has been terrible. I almost quit the challenge at 10nl and basically just stopped playing for a week or so but powered through and decided to do it.
I've been working on two non poker projects which take up a decent amount of my time but if I'm being honest I've been pretty lazy over the past 3 months or so.
I'm also done with the whole coaching gig, it's just not for me. I do like the people I talk too but I can't do the politics/image bull.**** (clearly). That is never going to work for me. I think coaching 100% works for some people but I just don't have the personality for it.
Okay 20k hand update.

Brief recap:
I got wrecked at 10nl. 10nl regs should be feared and respected....or I just ran bad and played bad. Either way GJ 10nl regs.
I'll post a 25k hand update next. Happy Summer.
ah yes, everyone i know who coaches always talks about the "politics" involved in coaching people to be better poker players
when you run into a difficult person once in the supermarket then you ran into a difficult person
if you run into a difficult person all the time then you are the difficult person
learn and grow, that's what these pg&cs are for
ah yes, everyone i know who coaches always talks about the "politics" involved in coaching people to be better poker players
when you run into a difficult person once in the supermarket then you ran into a difficult person
if you run into a difficult person all the time then you are the difficult person
learn and grow, that's what these pg&cs are for
That post wasn't even addressed to you but cool story, let's note the instant response from the ssnl disease guy aka I'm better than you guy who contributes literally nothing of substance to this thread.
I haven't seen you make a positive post yet but please keep white knighting and derailing my PGC.
Awaiting your response because I know it's coming.
That post wasn't even addressed to you but cool story, let's note the instant response from the ssnl disease guy aka I'm better than you guy who contributes literally nothing of substance to this thread.
I haven't seen you make a positive post yet but please keep white knighting and derailing my PGC.
Awaiting your response because I know it's coming.
you may want to check my post history again and double check your thesis, i was one of your staunchest defenders against all those people just popping in to throw shade at you
everything i've said has been much later and grounded in good faith criticism that:
A) you should shoot higher than earning less than minimum wage from this given how much time and energy you put into it - like it genuinely makes me sad seeing you work so hard studying and then decide "i'm going to use this info to try to make $4.25 an hour"
B) there are not anymore "politics" to being a poker coach than there is to eating ice cream - you just choose to put the blinders on and refuse to acknowledge you are indeed a very difficult person and just blame it on imaginary things such as "poker coaching politics" - just pure copium
but thanks for proving my point
you may want to check my post history again and double check your thesis, i was one of your staunchest defenders against all those people just popping in to throw shade at you
everything i've said has been much later and grounded in good faith criticism that:
A) you should shoot higher than earning less than minimum wage from this given how much time and energy you put into it - like it genuinely makes me sad seeing you work so hard studying and then decide "i'm going to use this info to try to ma
Holy ******* sh.it. Hopefully I can talk to a real moderator to get you banned from this thread because this is just painful to read.
1) Why the **** do you care what I made in poker? I know what I made. And it has zero bearing on you, please don't tell me you're sad at what I made. This isn't Hollywood bro you aren't getting any stars on the Boulevard. You can quit the charade.
2) I don't care that you defended me, it doesn't give you clout because you said "I defended you but"
You seem like you love the attention, I'm assuming that's why you jump from PGC to PGC and don't say anything constructive.. so I'll go easy on you. Stop trying to hand down life lessons about learning and growing and take a look in the mirror buddy. You are one of the most obnoxious and immature people in this thread. Anyone that comes into someone else's PGC and tries to give them advice is the one that needs advice.
Okay I'll stop here, time to talk to MarkNFW. Hopefully he can send you to the shadow realm.
That post wasn't even addressed to you but cool story, let's note the instant response from the ssnl disease guy aka I'm better than you guy who contributes literally nothing of substance to this thread.
I haven't seen you make a positive post yet but please keep white knighting and derailing my PGC.
Awaiting your response because I know it's coming.
I'm the ssnl disease guy.
I feel I should expand further on what I mean by it.
First time I heard the phrase was from my mate Meglooo, back in the old uNL BBV days, and there were always players that when they finally reached the heights of 100nl/ 200nl thought they had basically solved poker, struggled to take constructive criticism and talk down to those at lower stakes (often even higher stakes) if they were to question their opinion on a certain line.
Hey sometimes this can work out well. I can remember we kicked out this guy from our skype strat group cause he would always just give blunt answers and tell everyone they were wrong. The kid's name was Linus and he was Swiss but there were many more that crashed and burned. Hey, I myself was one of them.
Holy ******* sh.it. Hopefully I can talk to a real moderator to get you banned from this thread because this is just painful to read.
1) Why the **** do you care what I made in poker? I know what I made. And it has zero bearing on you, please don't tell me you're sad at what I made. This isn't Hollywood bro you aren't getting any stars on the Boulevard. You can quit the charade.
2) I don't care that you defended me, it doesn't give you clout because you said "I defended you but"
You seem like yo
Yeh, this is a pretty unhinged response
This thread really keeps on giving :p
I couldn't coach. For me the poker dream is to not have to speak to anyone for the rest of my life.
I'm the ssnl disease guy.
I feel I should expand further on what I mean by it.
First time I heard the phrase was from my mate Meglooo, back in the old uNL BBV days, and there were always players that when they finally reached the heights of 100nl/ 200nl thought they had basically solved poker, struggled to take constructive criticism and talk down to those at lower stakes (often even higher stakes) if they were to question their opinion on a certain line.
Hey sometimes this can work out well.
Tell us more please
you may want to check my post history again and double check your thesis, i was one of your staunchest defenders against all those people just popping in to throw shade at you
everything i've said has been much later and grounded in good faith criticism that:
A) you should shoot higher than earning less than minimum wage from this given how much time and energy you put into it - like it genuinely makes me sad seeing you work so hard studying and then decide "i'm going to use this info to try to ma
Valid criticism that is 100% accurate, but DDP will shoot it down of course. One of the more entertaining threads in PGC - carry on!
More 3BP theory because everyone sucks in 3bpots.
First things first, we need to look at our cbetting flop range. Would you be surprised if I told you a solver is checking over 70% of the time on this board texture?
HH here.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($26.05) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | 3Bet: 11.5% | Fold to 3Bet: 60% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 349700]
BB ($33.10) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 5]
UTG ($25) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 2]
HJ ($50.38) [VPIP: 25% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 5]
CO ($27.26) [VPIP: 40% | PFR: 40% | AGG: 33.3% | Hands: 5]
BTN ($40.78) [VPIP: 40% | PFR: 20% | AGG: 75% | Flop Agg: 50% | Turn Agg: 100% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 5]
Dealt to Hero: K♠ A♥
UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.50, HERO Raises To $2.50, BB Folds, BTN Calls $2
Hero SPR on Flop: [4.49 effective]
Flop ($5.25): Q♣ 6♦ 9♦
HERO Checks, BTN Checks
Turn ($5.25): Q♣ 6♦ 9♦ J♣
HERO Bets $3.75 (Rem. Stack: $19.80), BTN Raises To $38.28 (allin), HERO Folds
BTN wins: $12.12
Solver solution:

Okay so how do we exploit flop as IP? Raise more.
But that's the easy part, did you see where my opponent made a mistake?
Look at a solver after flop goes X/X. What do you notice?
BTN response to delayed cbet of B75:

We don't jam as IP, even with 2 FD's on board.
What is the purpose of our small raise vs the delayed cbet? What hands become 0EV?

AQo becomes 0EV to a small turn raise.
Now let's ask the question, do you think SB will fold AQo to a turn raise on this board texture? Yeah probably not.
But we need to take it a step further. Let's look at X-B70F frequencies compared to GTO. Do you think they are over/under folded or similar to a solver?
They are overfolded. So even though AQo is unlikely to fold------>most of the population will cbet flop so it becomes less relevant. We want to over bluff turn as IP by using very small raises (almost a min raise) vs B75 OTT.
Conclusion, delay lot of your flop bluffs to the turn by raising delayed cbets more often.
I am curious what this guy had so I will post the HH in 24 hours with results.
Seriously, it makes your eyes bleed but you cant look away!
Lol, I was also in this “study group”with Linus and Markus leikkonen back in like 2019, I was added by a English guy Joe I cant remember his 2p2 handle but he had like 10k posts and was basically a 2p2 mod even though he wasnt , but he contributed a lot to SSNL. The group was a totally random assortment of people including an American recreational player, and Gary Blackwood, and some others, and it was mostly the two OGs cracking jokes and talking incomprehensible strat. I remember I posted something and linus was like “who the fk r u”
I guess top percentile types often dont fit into prevalent social structures.
Yeah so this is how not to play value here. You have the nuts and a great re-draw and you jam turn vs a spot that is overfolded. Seems obvious but I guess people get scared.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($26.05) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | 3Bet: 11.5% | Fold to 3Bet: 60% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 349700]
BB ($33.10) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 5]
UTG ($25) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 2]
HJ ($50.38) [VPIP: 25% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 5]
CO ($27.26) [VPIP: 40% | PFR: 40% | AGG: 33.3% | Hands: 5]
BTN ($40.78) [VPIP: 40% | PFR: 20% | AGG: 75% | Flop Agg: 50% | Turn Agg: 100% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 5]
Dealt to Hero: K♠ A♥
UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.50, HERO Raises To $2.50, BB Folds, BTN Calls $2
Hero SPR on Flop: [4.49 effective]
Flop ($5.25): Q♣ 6♦ 9♦
HERO Checks, BTN Checks
Turn ($5.25): Q♣ 6♦ 9♦ J♣
HERO Bets $3.75 (Rem. Stack: $19.80), BTN Raises To $38.28 (allin), HERO Folds
BTN wins: $12.12

2 more spots.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
and Database SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($26.26) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Cold Call: 9.6% | Hands: 349768]
CO ($41.73) [VPIP: 25.8% | PFR: 16.1% | AGG: 47.4% | Hands: 31]
BTN ($25) [VPIP: 43.3% | PFR: 30% | AGG: 40% | Flop Agg: 37.5% | Turn Agg: 62.5% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 31]
SB ($55.81) [VPIP: 16.7% | PFR: 10% | AGG: 55.6% | Hands: 31]
Dealt to Hero: T♦ A♣
CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.75, SB Folds, HERO Calls $0.50
Hero SPR on Flop: [15.16 effective]
Flop ($1.60): 8♦ 4♣ 9♣
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $1.14 (Rem. Stack: $23.11), HERO Calls $1.14 (Rem. Stack: $24.37)
Turn ($3.88): 8♦ 4♣ 9♣ K♥
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $1.22 (Rem. Stack: $21.89), HERO Folds
BTN wins: $3.69
Turn we never go this sizing after B75 OTF, you still bet your TT-QQ for B75 even with the King OTT.
I don't have these exact sizing's but B30-OB/B30-B75 is underfolded so go value heavy with the xc-xr turn.
MDA here.

2nd spot, very important 3bp concept that I might have gone over earlier ITT but can't hurt to re-visit it.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($27.77) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | River Agg: 38% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 349768]
BTN ($31.38) [VPIP: 21.6% | PFR: 18.9% | AGG: 12% | Hands: 37]
SB ($12.07) [VPIP: 65.5% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 31.1% | Hands: 31]
BB ($25) [VPIP: 100% | PFR: 100% | AGG: 66.7% | Flop Agg: 100% | Turn Agg: 0% | River Agg: 100% | 3Bet: 100% | Fold to 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 1]
UTG ($10.14) [VPIP: 23.8% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 43.8% | Hands: 21]
HJ ($27.73) [VPIP: 18.6% | PFR: 14% | AGG: 26.3% | Hands: 44]
Dealt to Hero: A♥ 5♥
UTG Calls $0.25, HJ Folds, HERO Raises To $1, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Raises To $4, UTG Folds, HERO Calls $3
Hero SPR on Flop: [2.51 effective]
Flop ($8.35): K♥ 5♦ 3♦
BB Bets $2.65 (Rem. Stack: $18.35), HERO Calls $2.65 (Rem. Stack: $21.12)
Turn ($13.65): K♥ 5♦ 3♦ J♠
BB Checks, HERO ?
1 BW flop--->2BW turn runouts from 3BP OOP PFR are underfolded in B-X line so be very careful stabbing OTT. Solver will stab 5x hands/AQ but we should X back as a default.
The way population is constructing ranges is they are:
1. Not using small turn sizing's and opting for geometric so most people's default 3bp sizing scheme is B30-B70-Jam, but in a lot of spots it should actually be B30-B30-split into 2 sizings. This is one of those spots, solver will bet QQ/AJ but population won't.
2. Air hands like AQ/AT will continue to barrel and showdown value hands will check---->B30-XF frequencies are below GTO on these boards even though in the aggregate they are above.
3. We should defer bluffs to the river and bluff runouts that are folded above the aggregate. i.e. FCR runouts vs B-X-B
This guy owned me, solver will mix QJo here but pure check JTo which is an interesting threshold. I think going thinner for value with polarized sizing but merged ranges is better in practice. Using this line with all Jx will probably over perform.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
and Database SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($78.52) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.6% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | River Agg: 37.9% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 350216]
BB ($25.35) [VPIP: 35.2% | PFR: 29.6% | AGG: 37% | Flop Agg: 60% | Turn Agg: 28.6% | River Agg: 28.6% | 3Bet: 13% | 4Bet: 50% | Cold Call: 11.1% | Hands: 55]
UTG ($25) [VPIP: 22.6% | PFR: 16.1% | AGG: 62.5% | Hands: 32]
HJ ($25.07) [VPIP: 20% | PFR: 12.7% | AGG: 30% | Hands: 55]
CO ($25) [VPIP: 22.2% | PFR: 20.4% | AGG: 66.7% | Hands: 55]
BTN ($38.20) [VPIP: 20.4% | PFR: 16.7% | AGG: 85.7% | Hands: 55]
Dealt to Hero: 9♦ T♠
UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, HERO Raises To $0.75, BB Calls $0.50
Hero SPR on Flop: [16.4 effective]
Flop ($1.50): J♥ 9♥ 7♠
HERO Checks, BB Bets $0.47 (Rem. Stack: $24.13), HERO Calls $0.47 (Rem. Stack: $77.30)
Turn ($2.44): J♥ 9♥ 7♠ 3♣
HERO Checks, BB Bets $2.91 (Rem. Stack: $21.22), HERO Calls $2.91 (Rem. Stack: $74.39)
River ($8.26): J♥ 9♥ 7♠ 3♣ 5♠
HERO Checks, BB Bets $7.85 (Rem. Stack: $13.37), HERO Calls $7.85 (Rem. Stack: $66.54)
BB shows: J♦ Q♣
BB wins: $22.77
Two spots that aren't very intuitive and if you are theoretically inclined you might play differently.
D100-X-D100 is a call here, most Ax will continue barreling turn.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($25) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | River Agg: 37.9% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 350331]
BB ($20) [VPIP: 58.3% | PFR: 41.7% | AGG: 36.4% | Flop Agg: 66.7% | Turn Agg: 33.3% | River Agg: 50% | 3Bet: 50% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 25% | Hands: 13]
Dealt to Hero: T♣ J♦
HERO Raises To $0.63, BB Calls $0.38
Hero SPR on Flop: [15.37 effective]
Flop ($1.26): A♣ 8♥ K♣
BB Bets $1.20 (Rem. Stack: $18.17), HERO Calls $1.20 (Rem. Stack: $23.17)
Turn ($3.66): A♣ 8♥ K♣ T♥
BB Checks, HERO Checks
River ($3.66): A♣ 8♥ K♣ T♥ 5♦
BB Bets $3.48 (Rem. Stack: $14.69), HERO Calls $3.48 (Rem. Stack: $19.69)
BB shows: 6♣ 7♥
HERO wins: $10.12
We need to be donking vs fish (and regs) much more than theory. Here is a spot where we can donk lead river to fold out all air.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
and Database SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($25.81) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | River Agg: 37.9% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 350331]
CO ($33.71) [VPIP: 26.9% | PFR: 19.2% | AGG: 60% | Hands: 26]
BTN ($25.04) [VPIP: 53.8% | PFR: 11.5% | AGG: 45% | Flop Agg: 37.5% | Turn Agg: 50% | River Agg: 50% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 28.6% | Hands: 26]
SB ($26.95) [VPIP: 23.1% | PFR: 15.4% | AGG: 36.4% | Hands: 26]
BB ($35.59) [VPIP: 11.5% | PFR: 7.7% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 26]
UTG ($26.62) [VPIP: 33.3% | PFR: 33.3% | AGG: 25% | Hands: 12]
Dealt to Hero: Q♣ T♠
UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $0.50, CO Folds, BTN Calls $0.50, SB Folds, BB Folds
Hero SPR on Flop: [18.18 effective]
Flop ($1.35): J♠ 6♣ K♣
HERO Bets $0.43 (Rem. Stack: $24.88), BTN Calls $0.43 (Rem. Stack: $24.11)
Turn ($2.21): J♠ 6♣ K♣ 6♦
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $0.50 (Rem. Stack: $23.61), HERO Calls $0.50 (Rem. Stack: $24.38)
River ($3.21): J♠ 6♣ K♣ 6♦ 2♦
HERO Bets $1.01 (Rem. Stack: $23.37), BTN Folds
HERO wins: $3.05
Standard 3bet OTT as it is overbluffed. I should of gone smaller on the delayed cbet.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($25.75) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 350398]
CO ($26.65) [VPIP: 15.4% | PFR: 15.4% | AGG: 55.6% | Hands: 13]
BTN ($24.90) [VPIP: 19% | PFR: 19% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 22]
SB ($17.96) [VPIP: 45.5% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 15.4% | Hands: 11]
BB ($53.05) [VPIP: 14.3% | PFR: 9.5% | AGG: 20% | Flop Agg: 0% | Turn Agg: 50% | 3Bet: 12.5% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 12.5% | Hands: 21]
Dealt to Hero: T♣ J♣
HERO Raises To $0.50, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Calls $0.25
Hero SPR on Flop: [22.95 effective]
Flop ($1.10): 7♠ 8♠ K♥
BB Checks, HERO Checks
Turn ($1.10): 7♠ 8♠ K♥ 7♥
BB Checks, HERO Bets $0.79 (Rem. Stack: $24.46), BB Raises To $3.16 (Rem. Stack: $49.39), HERO Raises To $7.90 (Rem. Stack: $17.35), BB Folds
HERO wins: $7.05
This blog is going to have some live poker observations as well, mainly the complete 180 in strategy you need to make to maximize your winrate when playing live. I will still be posting online strategy with HH's.
Online hand - fish overbluff here with the overbet so always call this down OTR.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($39.42) [VPIP: 29.5% | PFR: 24.4% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.2% | Turn Agg: 33.8% | River Agg: 37.9% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.6% | Hands: 350605]
HJ ($33.81) [VPIP: 45% | PFR: 40% | AGG: 42.9% | Flop Agg: 44.4% | Turn Agg: 57.1% | River Agg: 20% | 3Bet: 14.3% | Fold to 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 33.3% | Hands: 21]
CO ($25.94) [VPIP: 42.9% | PFR: 4.8% | AGG: 8% | Hands: 21]
BTN ($28.93) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 18.4% | AGG: 50% | Hands: 38]
SB ($9.25) [VPIP: 55.6% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 85.7% | Flop Agg: 40% | Turn Agg: 133.3% | River Agg: 120% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 60% | Hands: 19]
BB ($60.39) [VPIP: 63.2% | PFR: 13.2% | AGG: 32.3% | Hands: 38]
Dealt to Hero: A♣ 4♣
HERO Raises To $0.50, HJ Raises To $1.50, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Calls $1.40, BB Folds, HERO Calls $1
Hero SPR on Flop: [1.63 effective]
Flop ($4.75): 8♣ A♥ T♦
SB Checks, HERO Checks, HJ Bets $1.25 (Rem. Stack: $31.06), SB Folds, HERO Calls $1.25 (Rem. Stack: $36.67)
Turn ($7.25): 8♣ A♥ T♦ 3♥
HERO Checks, HJ Bets $6.89 (Rem. Stack: $24.17), HERO Calls $6.89 (Rem. Stack: $29.78)
River ($21.03): 8♣ A♥ T♦ 3♥ 7♣
HERO Checks, HJ Bets $24.17 (allin), HERO Calls $24.17 (Rem. Stack: $5.61)
HJ shows: K♠ Q♠
HERO wins: $67.37
Live observations. I've been playing a decent amount of 1/2 live and have noticed a few things:
Deviations from theory.
I have TT in SB, HJ opens $10/CO calls/BTN calls. I'm not entirely sure if squeezing is best since we aren't getting 3 streets and HJ and I are about $700 effective. Either way, I squeeze to $55, HJ calls everyone else folds.
982tt board, I check (again you aren't getting 3 streets ever - I don't think cbetting is bad but it leaves you handcuffed OTT/OTR a lot).
HJ bets $75 into about $120.....I fold.
HJ show's JJ.
Huge deviation here of course but what I've been noticing is these players have extreme sizing tells and this is going to be high frequency 88/99/JJ or some type of combo draw. This is a XR online at 4 SPR but live it is a punt imo.
I've also been noticing some really egregious physical tells. This one guy kept shaking his head every time he had a nutted hand. Physical tells seem pretty important against these highly exploitable players.
2nd thing I've noticed is just the complete over-valuing of AK. If you are in the SB and HJ opens and BTN 3bets you should be folding all AK barring very unique circumstances. And you definitely should be folding to any 4bet with AK at 1/2 live.
Check-raises are similar in that they are so overly nutted you need to make huge folds. It seems to me the live 1/2 regs are basically split into the nits and the aggro regs that 3bet a bit light but don't understand how postflop works.
A good strategy I've been implementing vs the RFI light guys is to limp first in with good but not great hands and then limp-RR iso. I'll limp AJo and then RFI guy will isolate, get called by a bunch of people and then we limp-RR. Not a great sample size so far but it seems to be a profitable play.
Okay talk soon.
This blog is going to have some live poker observations as well, mainly the complete 180 in strategy you need to make to maximize your winrate when playing live. I will still be posting online strategy with HH's.
Online hand - fish overbluff here with the overbet so always call this down OTR.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($39.42)
Can you be more specific about the sizing tell? You think semi bluffs would go 1/2 pot at most or something along those lines? Would you have x/r'd a smaller bet or x/called
TT fold seems very reasonable and probably a fold online because you can be ~95% sure they're a nitty ABC reg from the stab size
Squeeze seems way more profitable and I'd use a bigger size like 80