Trapped Poker Comic
Hi All.
I wanted to just share with you some news regarding a poker comic called TRAPPED we have been working on with Jo
Someone tries to get poker into a new channel and all you can do is try and shoot him down.
Get a grip.
It's not a new channel though. The idea of a poker comic has been done already over a decade ago, +EV was actually moderately funny. The OP shows nothing to think that this will be the case here.
The poker comic plusev was pretty funny and well done if anyone remembers that.
Good luck with this, I'm looking forward to reading it and not judging it based off of a couple of random panels with no context.
Humour? The best I can stretch to is dad jokes... What do you call a man with no Shins (Tony)
Do I want people to buy and enjoy the comic? For sure. Is that why I'm here? Absolutely not. I'm just letting you know we want to do something we think is fun for the poker community.
The first image was just a screen grab with no context.
The second image is a few more random panels from the comic... if you want it to be more fun, you can always suggest some caption edits.

Cheers... id be happy to send you the first chapter digitally if you want to see a sample
GL with this initiative.
When a movie company releases a movie trailer, the idea is that it convinces the public to go and see the movie.
You have failed in the OP to do that and now the haters pile up on you. The best you can do now is prove them wrong
Oh, I will massively fail at this, I'm sure. Although I'm just hearing Palpatines "Just do it" voice in my head which is helping a little
Indeed, we make reference to the fact people study poker in the comic.
We also know it's a niche topic, we just enjoy poker so wanted to make the comic 😀 It might succeed, it might fail. We had one of the writers of Broadwalk Empire review the script before we made it. Some might find it boring, some might find it funny, who knows. I'm no magician...I'm just a guy that knows PowerPoint.
I'm still mega chuffed we made it regardless. Joe and Neil (the writers) put huge effort into creating it, so I hope it works well for them both.
oh not sunday funnies comic but like poker weeb comic (no offense nerds)
The illustrations are good!
I don’t think it’s supposed to be funny. The only problem with it I have is I can’t relate. Talking about losing $50k/night at a home game might appeal to a niche few who find it relatable but not to most people.
Not that it has to be relatable but it certainly helps when reading something to feel connected to it in that way.
I feel disconnected from this.
there's not that much of poker content, this seems like good enough content for me to read! keep em coming 😀
I was hoping he left the game and fell in mud, ruining the very same pants he was returning
DM me if you want me to help write the comic
Maybe that three-time award-winning "Vegas Knights" idea finally found its format.
Okay, seriously... Kenny, I wish you well. In fairness, if someone had described The Micros in a one-paragraph pitch, I would have had no interest. ("WTF... a poker comedy presented in xtranormal animation??") Thirteen years after its launch, I still frequently go back and rewatch that series.
What role does Stapes have in this? Technical advisor? Writer?
gl with the launch. It's great to see people exercising initiative and creativity. The artwork quality looks good.
what are they playing? hole cards in hands and some players have 5 cards on the table and others 6? and one guy is folding before they have cards or chips on the table
Maybe that three-time award-winning "Vegas Knights" idea finally found its format.
Okay, seriously... Kenny, I wish you well. In fairness, if someone had described The Micros in a one-paragraph pitch, I would have had no interest. ("WTF... a poker comedy presented in xtranormal animation??") Thirteen years after its launch, I still frequently go back and rewatch that series.
What role does Stapes have in this? Technical advisor? Writer?
Stapes co-wrote it. He was very passionate about writing the comic and based multiple scenes from experience within various home games he attended. Stapes commented that you will have to guess which scenes are based on real life and which are fiction. It was highly fascinating, though, listening to him talk about the home games and what folk got up to.
Many thanks for wishing the comic well. If you wish, I can always send the first chapter to you digitally so you can get a better sense of what it's all about.
what are they playing? hole cards in hands and some players have 5 cards on the table and others 6? and one guy is folding before they have cards or chips on the table
it was a scene from a Hollywood home game he attended, I believe they called it Havana banana in the writing session.
Maybe that three-time award-winning "Vegas Knights" idea finally found its format.
Okay, seriously... Kenny, I wish you well. In fairness, if someone had described The Micros in a one-paragraph pitch, I would have had no interest. ("WTF... a poker comedy presented in xtranormal animation??") Thirteen years after its launch, I still frequently go back and rewatch that series.
What role does Stapes have in this? Technical advisor? Writer?
Wasn’t three time awarded, it was three timed spoken well of or something like that
I walk by that church often so I frequently think of that funny scene
Maybe he’s trying to work with new Utah hockey club
The art seems decent to me but the dialogue isn't really doing anything. It's just referencing poker stuff.
yea there doesnt seem to be much of a storyline, which is a shame because now i want to know if his mother got that full d cup